
unusual facts about Cornus, Aveyron


Cornus, Aveyron, a commune in the Aveyron département in France

Arboretum de la Sédelle

Today the arboretum has grown to contain more than 370 taxa of woody plants, including major collections of Acer (130 taxa including 90 species and subspecies, with the remainder cultivars), Viburnum (27 taxa), Quercus (27), Cornus (23), Euonymus (15), Rhus (10), Tilia (9), and Liquidambar (4).

Château de Béduer

Every morning he would ride to Faycelles to gaze across the river to his beloved Aveyron with its respectful, God-fearing Catholic population.

Clément Cabanettes

He is remembered for bringing forty families (164 men, women and children) from Aveyron to Argentina and founding the town of Pigüé, Saavedra in 1884.


Molecular data suggest that there are four clades within the Cornales: Cornus-Alangium, nyssoids-mastixioids, Hydrangeaceae-Loasaceae, and Grubbia-Curtisia, with Hydrostachyaceae in an uncertain position, possibly basal.

Cornus florida

Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) is a species of flowering plant in the family Cornaceae native to eastern North America, from southern Maine west to southern Ontario, Illinois, and eastern Kansas, and south to northern Florida and eastern Texas, with a disjunct population in Nuevo León and Veracruz in eastern Mexico.

Drupella cornus

Drupella cornus commonly occurs on or under tabular corals of the genera Acropora and Montipora or on hard substrates in the lower intertidal zone and shallow sublittoral zone.


It was collected by D. Sigogneau-Russell and D. Russell in the 1970s from the base of the M1 Member, Grès Rouge Group, near the town of Valady (département of Aveyron), Rodez Basin.

Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden

Plants such as Gunnera manicata, hydrangeas, philadelphus, cornus and daffodils were planted to give the garden year round interest.

Gaëtan Roussel

Gaëtan Roussel (born 13 October 1972 Rodez, Aveyron) is a French singer, songwriter and composer.

Jean-Armand de Bessuéjouls Roquelaure

Jean-Armand de Bessuéjouls Roquelaure (Lassouts, Aveyron 24 February 1721 - 23 April 1818), was Archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium.

Louis Noguères

Forewarned by the resistance, he escaped and joined the Maquis in Aveyron where he contributed to resistance journals such as Le Populaire, Libération and Vaincre.


La Primaube counts also two memorials a war memorial represent a soldier of the war of 14 dead and another more recent monument with the memory of the soldiers aveyronnais dead for France in Algeria, Maroc and Tunisia or is laid out a flag of France is a tablet representing the chart of Aveyron as well as the names of aveyronnais which fell in Algeria.


Lunac, Aveyron, a commune in the department of Aveyron in France

Lycia ursaria

The larvae feed on the leaves of various broadleaved trees and shrubs, including Alnus, Malus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Betula, Vaccinium, Cornus, Ulmus, Crataegus, Populus and Salix.

Nichols Arboretum

Heathdale - ericaceous and Appalachian Plants, including Catawba and Rosebay rhododendrons (Rhododendron catawbiense and R. maximum), azaleas (Rhododendron spp.), dog-hobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana), mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), as well as hemlock (Tsuga canadensis, T. caroliniana, and T. sieboldii), dogwoods (Cornus spp.

Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre

He was the first scientist to study Victor, the wild child of Aveyron, whose life inspired François Truffaut for his film The Wild Child.

Abbé Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre (1752, Aveyron – 20 September 1804, Saint-Geniez) was a French naturalist who contributed sections on cetaceans, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects to the Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique.

Pierre Soulages

Born in Rodez, Aveyron, in 1919, Soulages also is known as "the painter of black" because of his interest in the colour, "...both a colour and a non-colour. When light is reflected on black, it transforms and transmutes it. It opens up a mental field all of its own".

Romance of Flamenca

The author was probably not a minstrel, but rather a cleric, most likely in the service of the Roquefeuil family at the court of Alga, and may have written the romance at the Benedictine monastery at Nant, Aveyron, and was erudite and may have even studied at the University of Paris.


It was collected by D. Sigogneau-Russell and D. Russell in the 1970s from the base of the Grès Rouge Group, near the town of Valady (département of Aveyron), Rodez Basin.


Legend recounts that angels then descended from Heaven to collect the pieces and place them in a boat which, miraculously, floated downstream into the Garonne and on to where the Tarn flows into it; then up the Tarn to its confluence with the Aveyron and up through the Vallis Nobilis of the Aveyron Gorges to the confluence of the little Bonnette river at a point where the ancient lands and bishroprics of Rouergue, the Albigeois, and Quercy meet.

Villefranche XIII Aveyron

Villefranche XIII Aveyron are a semi-professional rugby league football club based in southern France that represents the sous-préfecture area of Aveyron and also the Villefranche-de-Rouergue commune.

see also