
unusual facts about Deposition


Fused deposition modeling, a process by which a part is constructed by depositing material layer by layer

Aaron ibn Sargado

Caleb ibn Sargado, the determined opponent of Saadia, who spent 60,000 zuzim in order to bring about the deposition of the gaon of Sura, was probably identical with Aaron, as Harkavy has shown (see Seder 'Olam Zuṭṭa in "Anecdota Oxoniensia," ii. 83).

Abdullahi Bayero

After the deposition of Muhammad son of Sarki Kano Shehu Usman from Turaki and District Head of Ungogo he appointed his brothers Abdulkadir and Muhammad Inuwa as Galadima and Turaki respectively in 1927.

Accademia Albertina

Notable works include Saint Ambrose and Saint Gregory, Doctors of the Church by Filippo Lippi, Ferrari's The Lamentation of Christ, Deposition in the Sepulchre by Maarten van Heemskerck, After the Battle by Cornelis de Wael, Portrait of a Gentleman, Three-Quarters View by Nicolas Lagneau, Hercules and the Nemean Lion by Ignazio Collino, and Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti's Mountainous Landscape with Coastal Inlets.

Ahmad Ali Khan of Rampur

The only son of Muhammad Ali Khan Bahadur, Ahmad Ali was made Nawab following the deposition of his cousin Ghulam Muhammad by the British East India Company and the Nawab of Awadh.

Ahmed Shihabuddine of the Maldives

He succeeded his father to the throne and ruled until his deposition by his sister, Queen Khadijah.


The noise and pagan rituals that accompanied the statue's inauguration were criticized by Patriarch John Chrysostom, provoking the Empress' ire and his subsequent deposition and exile.

Augustin Barruel

When the Concordat was made in 1801 between Pius VII and Napoleon, Barruel wrote: Du Pape et de ses Droits Religieux. His last important controversy was his defense of the Holy See in its deposition of the French bishops, which he said had been necessitated by the new order of things in France established by the Concordat of 1801.

Bao Si

Queen Shen’s father was upset by the deposition of his daughter and grandson Yijiu and mounted an attack on King You’s palace in conjunction with Quanrong nomads.

Basil of Seleucia

He was appointed Bishop of Seleucia in Isauria, between the years 432 and 447, and was one of those who took part in the Synod of Constantinople, which was summoned in 448 by the Patriarch Flavian for the condemnation of the Eutychian errors and the deposition of their great champion, Dioscurus of Alexandria.

Beta-secretase 2

Cerebral deposition of amyloid beta peptide is an early and critical feature of Alzheimer's disease and a frequent complication of Down syndrome.

Brian Barron

Amin had been given refuge because of his conversion to Islam; after weeks of negotiation Barron secured the first interview with him since his deposition.

Charles William Wallace

They also discovered Shakespeare's 1612 deposition in the Bellott v. Mountjoy lawsuit, and records of the suits Keysar v. Burbage (1610), Ostler v. Heminges (1615), and Witter v. Heminges and Condell (1619), among a range of other documents, yielding important new knowledge in the study of Jacobean drama.


To legitimate his deposition of the last of the Merovingian kings, Pepin the Short was twice crowned and anointed, at the beginning of his reign in 752, and for the first time by a pope in 754 in Saint-Denis.

Daniil Kholmsky

The result of this event was the deposition of Ivan III's adversary and his replacement by the Moscow-friendly Möxämmädämin.

Edmund Tylney

While he did omit politically volatile passages and scenes, some, like the deposition scene in Richard II and the murder of Julius Caesar, were allowed to remain.

Franz Six

Six was called as one of four witnesses by defense attorney Robert Servatius in the 1961 trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, and gave his testimony by deposition in West Germany.

Giles Corey

The records of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, September 9, 1692, contain a deposition by one of the girls who accused Giles of witchcraft.

Herschel Space Observatory

The mirror's blank was manufactured by Boostec in Tarbes, France; ground and polished by Opteon Ltd. in Tuorla Observatory, Finland; and coated by vacuum deposition at the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain.

Ingegerd Knudsdatter

At the deposition and murder of her father in 1086, her mother left Denmark and returned to Flanders with her son Charles, while Ingegerd and her sister Cæcilia Knudsdatter followed their paternal uncle Eric I of Denmark and Boedil Thurgotsdatter, who became their foster parents, to Sweden.

James Baine

Prior to his deposition and induction — the latter of which was conducted by Thomas Gillespie, of Carnock and Dunfermline — a tradition runs that he and his people worshipped in Old Greyfriars under the venerable Dr. John Erskine, and sat down together at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper there.

Joseph Barney

Two of his large-scale paintings — altar pieces The Deposition from the Cross (1781) and The Apparition of Our Lord to St Thomas (1784) have been preserved in Wolverhampton, and can be seen today at St John's church and at St Peter & St Paul's Roman Catholic church.

Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation

By use of renormalization group techniques it has been conjectured that the KPZ equation is the field theory of many surface growth models, such as the Eden model, ballistic deposition, and the SOS model.

Lagis koreni

It has been found in studies of Liverpool Bay that in areas where the sediment has been disturbed by dredging and more deposition has occurred, Lagis koreni and Phaxas pellucidus often come to dominate the community.

Lake Disappear

About its late Whaingaroan (about 27 million years ago) creation, it says, “The change from estuarine, shallow brackish water conditions (Mangakotuku Formation), to fully marine, open sea, aerobic conditions (Glen Massey Formation) is evidenced by near shore accumulation of the bioclastic Elgood Limestone, onlap of the succeeding Dunphail Siltstone, and subsequent deposition of Ahirau Sandstone in an inner to mid shelf environment.”

London stock brick

Air pollution in London during the 19th century and early 20th century commonly caused the bricks to receive a sooty deposition over time, turning the bricks greyish or even black, but the removal of contaminants from the air following the passing of the Clean Air Act in 1956, has enabled older buildings to be cleaned and new buildings to retain their natural colour.


The vapour pressure of a metalorganic precursor is a crucial parameter that governs the concentrations of metalorganic precursors entering the reactor, and subsequently the rate of deposition in MOVPE process.

Mineralized tissues

The composites made by this sequential deposition technique do not have a segmented layered microstructure.

Palatine Crown

One needed ally was the Wittelsbach King Rupert of Germany, who also took the German throne after the deposition of King Wenceslaus: a marriage between Rupert's eldest surviving son Louis and Henry IV's eldest daughter Blanche was soon arranged.

Palazzo of Monte di Pietà, Naples

The chapel vault was frescoed by the Greek painter Belisario Corenzio and on the right is a painting by Ippolito Borghese, on the left a painting begun by Girolamo Imparato and completed by Fabrizio Santafede, and in the center, behind the high altar, the Deposition by Santafede.

Parliamentary Ombudsman

The Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen was established in connection with the adoption of the Swedish Regeringsform (Instrument of Government) that came into effect after the deposition of the Swedish King in 1809 and which was based to some extent on Montesquieu's ideas about the division of powers.

Patriarch Philotheus I of Constantinople

In 1355, after John V Palaiologos obtained the abdication of John VI and forced him into a monastery under the name Joseph Christodoulus, he then forced the deposition of Patr.

Pulverised fuel ash

The floral succession approximates to that of a coastal dune system, without the wind-blown deposition, so salt-tolerant plants are replaced by an attractive sward of legumes and perennials before turning to birch/willow scrub woodland.


Edel Bhreathnach, "The cultural and political milieu of the deposition and manufacture of the hoard discovered at Reerasta Rath, Ardagh, Co. Limerick", in Mark Redknap (ed.), Pattern and Purpose in Insular Art.

Richard the Redeless

Richard the Redeless ("Richard without council") is an anonymous fifteenth-century English alliterative poem that critiques Richard II's kingship and his court, seeking to offer Richard retrospective (or even posthumous) advice, following his deposition by Henry IV in 1399.

Robert de Comines

He was sent to the north as earl from 1068 to 1069 after the deposition of Gospatric.

Robert Hallam

He played a leading part in the discussions leading to the deposition of Antipope John XXIII on 29 May 1415, but was less concerned with the trials of Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague.

S. Maria di Nazareth

More paintings and sculptures are visible in the left aisle where the wooden group representing the Deposition of the 18th century, a Pentecost by Domenico Fiasella, the Transit of St. Joseph by Orazio De Ferrari of 1654, a Madonna del Carmine and a Saints Lawrence and John the Baptist by painter Lazarus Tavarone.

San Martino, Venice

The third altar has a Madonna in Sorrow by Palma il Giovane, next to Three angels with symbols of the passion and a Deposition by the same painter.

Sekesai Makwavarara

During her tenure of service for the Mabvuku city council she served under deputy mayor Elias Mudzuri until she was appointed as acting mayor following the forced deposition of Mudzuri by the national government.After the MDC party launched a probe which identified her as being corrupt she rejoined the ZANU-PF.

Sicilian nobility

Their dynasty was the fount of honour which regulated the titulature of the Sicilian nobility until their deposition in 1860, whereupon the House of Savoy as the new kings of Italy recognized the titles, but not the traditional precedence, of the Sicilian nobility as part of the Italian nobility.

Synovial fluid

Calcium pyrophosphate crystals are seen in pseudogout (also known as calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease or, CPPD).

Themes in Italian Renaissance painting

In Giovanni Bellini's Deposition the artist, while not attempting to suggest the brutal realities of the crucifixion, has attempted to give the impression of death.

Timeline of 9th-century Muslim history

866: Abbasid Civil War: Al-Musta'in flees from Samarra, his deposition and accession of al-Mu'tazz; Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Ukhaidhir, a descendent of Ali, establishes an independent kingdom in Yamamah.

Underpotential deposition

The occurrence of underpotential deposition is often interpreted as a result of a strong interaction between the electrodepositing metal M with the substrate S (of which the electrode is built).

Underpotential deposition (UPD) is a phenomenon of electrodeposition of a species (typically reduction of a metal cation to a solid metal) at a potential less negative than the equilibrium (Nernst) potential for the reduction of this metal.

United Democratic Movement

It also welcomed over 300 former members of the ANC who had left their former party following the deposition of former president Thabo Mbeki in September 2008.


Movement of molten rock in the mantle, caused by thermal convection currents, coupled with gravitational effects of changes on the earth's surface (erosion, deposition, even asteroid impact and patterns of post-glacial rebound) drive plate tectonic motion and ultimately volcanism.

Walter of the Mill

He rose through the ranks until he was a canon of the Cappella Palatina and a candidate for the vacant archiepiscopal throne of 1168, after the deposition of Stephen du Perche.


General Israel Tal gave a deposition arguing that the Rafiah Plain area had been used by terrorists, who had attacked Israelis, as a shelter.

see also