
unusual facts about Distress signal


Distress signal, an internationally recognized means for obtaining help

Kenny May

His best known nickname is "May Day", a play on words involving his last name and the international call of distress Mayday which was in turn prompted by his hard charging "go-for-it" racing determined to come in first no matter what the cost.

see also

MV Farah III

The crew sent out a distress signal and dropped anchor near the town of Mullaitivu, an area held by the militant rebel faction Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Organizations in Deus Ex

He sends an NSF distress signal from NSF's New York headquarters in Hell's Kitchen, allowing other NSF bases and resistance groups in Europe to take necessary counter measures.

Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity

While on routine patrol of the Romulan neutral zone, the Enterprise intercepts a distress signal from the crew of a Garidian scout ship, seeking asylum in Federation space.