
2 unusual facts about Distress


Distress signal, an internationally recognized means for obtaining help

Distressing, making clothing, furniture and household objects look old

1972 in Afghanistan

Thus they are little affected by the distress in the outlying areas, and the foreign exchange that they bring into the country proves invaluable to the government.

2007 Sudan floods

David Gressly, acting United Nations Resident Coordinator in the country, stated: "Although the floods came earlier than expected, the response has been swift and successful. We had contingency measures in place, and were able to prevent further distress to the population. But if current flooding patterns continue unabated, the situation will deteriorate considerably".

Abandonment of ship

Lord Jim, a novel by Joseph Conrad about a young seaman who abandons a ship in distress

Adi Ophir

Analyzing seminal works by modern and postmodern philosophers such as Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Sartre, Arendt, Foucault, and Derrida, Ophir submits that to be moral is to care for others, and to be committed to preventing their suffering and distress.

Aodh Méith

The Annals of the Four Masters relate that in 1179 "the churches of Tír Eoghain, from the mountains south, were left desolate, in consequence of war and intestine commotion, famine and distress".

Arthur Benni

Arthur Benni's activities and persona caused controversy in Russia where rumours of him being a spy and a 3rd Department agent were being spread, much to his outrage and distress.

Christopher Hely-Hutchinson

He voted in favour of Sir Francis Burdett's plan of parliamentary reform, and one of the last speeches he made was directed against emigration to Canada as a panacea for Irish distress.


In her 1985 book Elvis and Me, on which Sandra Harmon collaborated with her, Priscilla Presley writes that by the time filming was to begin on Clambake, Elvis's growing distress with the quality of his films led to a despondency accompanied by overeating that saw his weight balloon from his normal 170 lb (77 kg) to 200 lb (91 kg).

Coast Aero Center

The company was thrown into financial distress on 7 February 1988, when Den norske Creditbank (DnC) announced that they would not issue more credit.

Comando Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori Teseo Tesei

Proteo, Anteo, and Pietro Cavezzale are specialised in supporting Diver operations and in particular rescue of or from submarines in distress.


Cordaid was founded in 1999 in The Hague, with the aim of helping people in distress and fighting structural poverty.

Dart Lifeboat Station

During the summer the lifeboat was kept in a boat house at Sand Quay, but during the winter it was kept afloat in Warfleet Creek where it was quicker to respond to any ships in distress.

Earth–Minbari War

John Sheridan had his crew seeded several nearby asteroids with a trio of two-megaton tactical nuclear warheads, then sent out a distress call to lure the Black Star back to their position.

Halo Dogs

In addition to running its own self-funded rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing centre, Halo Dogs regularly supports other dog rescue charities including Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, The Mayhew Animal Home, Animals In Distress (A.I.D) and Pup Aid.

Hartford circus fire

Circus bandleader Merle Evans was said to have been the first to spot the flames, and immediately directed the band to play "The Stars and Stripes Forever", the tune that traditionally signaled distress to all circus personnel.

History of the University of North Georgia

Although the state of Georgia was allocated $250 million by President Roosevelt's New Deal it was not enough to entirely alleviate the financial distress of many of the state's colleges, including NGC.

Ingrid Jonker

The mental distress of her father's rejection and the abortion contributed to her decision to enter the Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital in 1961.

Kenny May

His best known nickname is "May Day", a play on words involving his last name and the international call of distress Mayday which was in turn prompted by his hard charging "go-for-it" racing determined to come in first no matter what the cost.

Michael Hafftka

Circular Stairs, Distress in the Mirrors, poems by Peter Klappert with art by Michael Hafftka, Six Gallery Press 2008, ISBN 978-0-9810091-1-7


Frederick Stanley Mockford (1897-1962), the originator of the uniform "distress call" MAYDAY

MV Brigitte Bardot

On 5 January 2013 in Timaru, New Zealand, a distress call was issued in relation to the Brigitte Bardot after an observer mistook the vessel for an overturned yacht.

MV Dubai Moon

The ship sent a distress call which was picked by Royal Navy frigate HMS Chatham.

Nemean lion

According to one version of the myth, the Nemean lion took women as hostages to its lair in a cave near Nemea, luring warriors from nearby towns to save the damsel in distress.

Old Man's War

By the end of this last engagement Perry begins to suffer psychological distress over killing the Liliputian Covandu and accepts that he has transformed both physically and mentally.

Oregon Episcopal School

The OES disaster spurred the development of the Mountain Locator Unit, an inexpensive transmitter which helps searchers find climbers in distress.

Period of financial distress

The first to develop a mathematical model of this period of financial distress was J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. (Chapter 5, 1991), drawing on catastrophe theory, while a more detailed such model using agent-based modeling and relying on the wealth constraint idea due to Minsky has been done by Gallegati, Palestrini, and Rosser (2011.)

Pitcairn sexual assault trial of 2004

Earlier, he had told New Zealand journalist Kathy Marks that he hated reporters and was sick of their "lies." After the verdict, however, his lawyer, Charles Cato, told the court that Brown "regretted any distress caused." He was sentenced to 400 hours' community service and was ordered to undergo counselling.

Police IT

It is the Public Distress Response system which uses GSM, Wireless Media, and Computer based Command and control from Police control room, multiple vehicle mount terminals and GIS based navigation and guidance.

Pope John Paul II's relations with the Eastern Orthodox Church

He held a mass at the Petrićevac monastery, a place of considerable controversy and distress, both during World War II and during the Yugoslav wars.

Poplar by-election, 1914

He also worked for ten years as Chairman of the Poplar Distress Committee, a body set up under the Unemployed Workmen Act of 1905 to provide grants to create jobs.

Prada gender discrimination case

Judgement: Judge Morioka stated that the demonstrated level of discrimination was acceptable for Prada and did not warrant compensation for emotional distress.

Precious Cargo

In this episode, the Enterprise answers an alien distress call and Commander Tucker (Connor Trinneer) is kidnapped and then escapes with a spoiled and beautiful alien princess (Padma Lakshmi).


# The Antichrist's rule begins the great tribulation, a worldwide distress unequaled to any across history (Matthew 24:21).

Public nuisance

Thus, for example, s1 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 would now be used in cases involving multiple telephone calls, and s63 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 confers powers on the police to remove persons attending or preparing for a rave "at which amplified music is played during the night (with or without intermissions) and is such as, by reason of its loudness and duration and the time at which it is played, is likely to cause serious distress to the inhabitants of the locality".

Rye Harbour

At 6:45 am on the morning of 15 November 1928, the Mary Stanford from the Rye Harbour RNLI station responded needlessly to a Latvian steamer in distress.

Samaritan Snare

Their modus operandi is to exaggerate their distress and helplessness to lure in "good Samaritans" whose advanced technology and knowledge can then be taken by force in a surprise attack or kidnapping.

Samuel Flagg Bemis

His Pinckney's Treaty: America's Advantage from Europe's Distress, 1783-1800 (1926) was the published version of the Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History, and was the winner of the 1927 Pulitzer Prize for History.

Sannyasi Rebellion

This was one of the reasons that caused distress leading to violence, especially in Natore in Rangpur, now in modern Bangladesh.

SS James Carruthers

During the height of the storm late on the afternoon of the 9th, several witnesses heard steamer whistles and sighted distress rockets far offshore of Inverhuron.

Sunday Observance Act 1625

The words of commencement, the words from "to the constables or churchwardens" to "shalbe committed" and the words from "and in default of such distress" to "space of three hours" were repealed by section 1 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 1948.

Susan L. Burke

The lawsuit, which stemmed from the firefight in Nisoor Square in Baghdad, alleged Blackwater had violated the federal Alien Tort Statute by committing extrajudicial killing and war crimes, and that the company was liable for assault and battery, wrongful death, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and negligent hiring, training and supervision.

Tom Swift and His Wireless Message

In contrast, in 1912 when the RMS Titanic sank, the wireless operator transmitted their distress in both CQD and SOS formats.

Toshio Tamogami

On 14 July 2004, when questioned further about this supposed 'unconstitutionality' of the Air Self-Defense Force, he said his opinion should not distress its members since (quoting the catch phrase of Yoshio Kojima, a popular comedian) "what does that matter?"

United States Coast Guard Air Stations

In case of emergency, the Los Angeles County Fire Department Ocean Lifeguard will put in a call to request distress or rescue response anywhere in the waters of southern California.

William Babcock Hazen

One of the duties of the U.S. Army Signal Corps at the time was the management of the Weather Service and Hazen criticized the government's lack of response to the distress of the International Polar Year expedition to Fort Conger, Lady Franklin Bay (on Ellesmere Island, Canada).

William Elfving

In 2009, he found that Yvonne Wong, a dentist, could continue to sue a couple who posted a negative review on Yelp alleging that "those statements libeled her and caused her emotional distress".

William Paullin

On one occasion he rose from Santiago and crossed the volcano, being compelled to ascend to such a height as to distress him severely.

see also