
3 unusual facts about Doctor of Theology

Ferdinand Janner

For a time, Janner worked as a parish priest, but he eventually returned to the University of Würzburg, where he received his Doctor of Theology.

Louis-Honoré Pâquet

His studies were quick and he came back to Canada a Doctor of Theology just in time to succeed Thomas-Étienne Chandonnet (himself leaving to study in Rome) as professor of philosophy at Université Laval.

Vazgen I

A native of Romania, he began his career as a philosopher, before becoming a Doctor of Theology and a member of the local Armenian clergy.

Franz Hengsbach

Hengsbach obtained his doctorate in theology in 1944 from the University of Münich, with a dissertation entitled Das Wesen der Verkündigung - Eine homiletische Untersuchung auf paulinischer Grundlag.

Peter Nigri

In 1465 he taught philosophy and was regent of studies in Cologne; in 1467 taught theology at Ulm; in 1469 or 1470 was elected prior in Eichstätt, on 31 May, 1473, the newly founded University of Ingolstadt conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Theology; in 1474 he taught theology in the convent at Ratisbon and in 1478 became professor of Old Testament exegesis in the University of Ingolstadt.

see also

Bruno Platter

In 1973 he received the degree Doctor of Theology from the University of Innsbruck; his dissertation was entitled Die Begründung des Mischehenverbotes: eine theologie- und rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung (The Justification for the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages: A Theological and Legal-Historical Study).

Jean Gerson

John of Montson (Monzón, de Montesono), an Aragonese Dominican who had recently graduated as doctor of theology at Paris, had in 1387 been condemned by the faculty of theology because he had taught that the Virgin Mary, like other ordinary descendants of Adam, was born in original sin; and the Dominicans, who were fierce opponents of the doctrine of the immaculate conception, were expelled from the university.

Johann Heinrich Heidegger

In 1659, he was called to Steinfurt to fill the chair of dogmatics and ecclesiastical history, and in the same year he became doctor of theology of Heidelberg.

Rolland D. McCune

He earned the Bachelor of Arts degree at Taylor University, Fort Wayne Campus (Indiana), and the Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Theology degrees at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana.

Sasagu Arai

Arai is a Doctor of Theology Professor emeritus of University of Tokyo and Keisen University, and a member of the Japan Academy.

Sebastian Brunner

The University of Freiburg honored him with the degree of Doctor of Theology.