
unusual facts about Dominicans


Adeodato Malatesta

He painted the San Bartolomeo found in Fiumalbo; a portrait of contessa Spalletti, dressed as an Amazon; a St Paul for Concordia in the province of Modena; a Madonna con diversi santi found in the church of the Dominicans in Modena; He completed portraits of Dukes Francesco IV and Francesco V of Modena and the latter's daughter.

Antonio de Montesinos

He was part of the first band of Dominicans to come to Hispaniola island, in September 1510, under the leadership of Pedro de Córdoba.

Bonet de Lattes

It is evidence of the position held by Bonet at the papal court that on 13 October 1513, Reuchlin begged him to use his influence in order that the examination of the Augenspiegel should not be given into the hands of a commission made up of strangers, at all events not of Dominicans.

Canarian Spanish

When visiting Tenerife or Las Palmas, Venezuelans, Cubans, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are usually taken at first hearing for fellow-Canarians from a distant part of the Canary archipelago.

Ceglie Messapica

After several minor families, in 1584 its fief was given to the Sanseverino family, who enlarged the castle and founded two convents for the Capuchines (now disappeared) and for the Dominicans.

Christianity in Goa

He alloted Bardez to the Franciscans, Tiswadi to the Dominicans, and Salcette, together with fifteen southeastern villages of Tiswadi, including Chorao and Divar, to the Jesuits.

Doctor of Medicine

The Dominicans, under the Spanish Government, established the oldest Medical School in the Philippines in 1871, known as the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (at that time was one with the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Pharmacy, also considered the oldest school of Pharmacy in the Philippines) of the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas in Intramuros, Manila.

Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies

In France, IDEO is very involved in the session of introduction to Islam that takes place in Lille and is attended by young Dominicans.

Feltonville, Philadelphia

Although a large portion of Feltonville's population is made up of middle class Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and African Americans.

Jean Gerson

John of Montson (Monzón, de Montesono), an Aragonese Dominican who had recently graduated as doctor of theology at Paris, had in 1387 been condemned by the faculty of theology because he had taught that the Virgin Mary, like other ordinary descendants of Adam, was born in original sin; and the Dominicans, who were fierce opponents of the doctrine of the immaculate conception, were expelled from the university.

Johannes Romberch

He was one of the seven Dominicans who distinguished themselves in the struggle against Martin Luther in Cologne.


Jordanus, escaping, worked some time at Baruch, in Gujarat, near the Nerbudda estuary, and at Suali (?) near Surat; to his fellow-Dominicans in north Persia he wrote two letters — the first from Gogo in Gujarat (12 October 1321), the second from Thane (24 January 1323/4) describing the progress of this new mission.

Kingdom of Albania

In order to fight this religious ambiguity, in 1304, Dominicans were ordered by Pope Benedict XI to enter the country and to instruct the locals in the Latin rite.

Lay Carmelites

Thus the master-bakers, innkeepers and pastry-cooks at Nîmes, the barbers and surgeons of the same town, who were also connected with the Dominicans, the goldsmiths at Avignon.

Metropolis of Derkoi

The diocese included 41 villages in the vicinity of Constantinople and along the shores of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, among them San Stefano, Makriköy and Büyükdere, with Catholic parishes conducted by Capuchins, Dominicans and Minor Conventuals.

Nuestra Señora de la Luz

Mission Nuestra Señora de la Luz comprises a series of religious outposts established by Spanish Catholic Dominicans, Jesuits and Franciscans to spread the Christian doctrine among the local Native Americans, but with the added benefit of giving Spain a toehold in the frontier land.

Pierre Dulin

Dulin made an altarpiece for the Dominicans in Rome on the subject of Saint Thomas Aquinas, kneeling, presenting the Virgin with his book Summa Theologica.

Popular sermon

The popular sermon was delivered by friars of the mendicant orders, the Franciscans and Dominicans, on Sundays, Feast Days, all of Lent, sometimes during the Advent season, at funerals, at church dedications, and at universities.

Reginald of Bologna

Two other Dominicans, David McKelly, Archbishop of Cashel, and Alan O'Sullivan, Bishop of Cloyne, already held posts in Ireland and may have influenced Innocent's choice of Reginald to replace the abdicating Albert Suerbeer.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Chur

The diocese include nine orders of men and ten orders of women (Franciscans, Augustinians, Dominicans, Benedictines, and others), as well as eleven congregations.

San Juan, Metro Manila

Later, the Dominicans constructed a convent and a stone church dedicated to the Holy Cross.

Scottish society in the Middle Ages

The order of Observant Friars were organised as a Scottish province from 1467 and the older Franciscans and the Dominicans were recognised as separate provinces in the 1480s.

Themes in Italian Renaissance painting

By contrast, Andrea di Bonaiuto, painting for the Dominicans at the new church of Santa Maria Novella, completed a huge fresco of the Triumph of the Church, which shows the role of the church in the work of Salvation, and in particular, the role of the Dominicans, who also appear symbolically as the Hounds of Heaven, shepherding the people of God.

Theologian of the Pontifical Household

While all Masters of the Sacred Palace were Dominicans, several members of other orders were Lectors of the Sacred Palace (e.g. Peckham O.S.F., who became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1279).

Tomas de Lemos

The controversy aroused in 1588 by the publication of Luis Molina's work Concordia liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, between the Dominicans and Jesuits, had reached a heated and turbulent stage not only at Valladolid but also at Salamanca, Cordoba, Zaragoza, and other cities of Spain.

Tomás de Mercado

He was either born in Seville or possibly Mexico, where he joined the Dominicans as a young man, becoming lecturer in Arts in the Priory in Mexico City, before returning to study at Salamanca University, where he then became a lecturer in philosophy, moral theology and law.

Tomáš Týn

He was allowed to study in France, and later moved to Germany to begin his novitiate with the Dominicans on 28 September 1969 in Warburg in Westphalia, where his family came to escape the dictatorship in their country.

University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Engineering

On the same year, a famous Dominican engineering alumnus, Maurico Andres, CE, became the provincial superior and vice grand chancellor of Dominicans in the Philippines.


Veritas is the motto of Harvard University, Providence College, Knox College (Illinois), Bilkent University, the University of California - Hastings College of the Law, Drake University, as well as the Dominican Order of the Roman Catholic Church, and Providence College, which is run by the Dominicans.

see also