
46 unusual facts about European commission

1999 in the European Union

14 January: The European Parliament votes to establish a 'Committee of Independent Experts' to review the issue of fraud in the European Commission (see Santer Commission).

2001 in the European Union

3 July - The European Commission blocks the proposed merger between American companies General Electric and Honeywell, the first time European regulators have prevented such a move.


AbsInt has participated in many research projects funded by the European Commission and the German Ministry of Education and Research, such as DAEDALUS, ARTIST, SuReal, ASTEC, ALL-TIMES, Interested, Verisoft, PREDATOR, TIMMO2USE, MBAT, and others.


The programme was industry-focussed and funded in-part by the European Commission.

Agenda 2000

The reforms were first outlined in the documents with the title "Agenda 2000" published by the Commission in July 1997.

Anthony Abela

He was principal investigator of the European Values Study in Malta, Member of the European Values Steering Committee at Tilburg in the Netherlands, and served as Evaluator and Reviewer of social research projects for the European Commission.

He was also Non-Governmental Maltese Expert on Poverty and Social Inclusion for the European Commission.

Anti-lock braking system for motorcycles

The European Commission passed legislation in 2012 that made the fitment with ABS for all motorcycles above 125ccm eventually to be mandatory from 1 January 2016.

Anton Muscatelli

Professor Muscatelli has been a consultant to the World Bank and the European Commission, and was a member of the Panel of Economic Advisers of the Secretary of State for Scotland from 1998 to 2000.

Antonio Ruberti

He was appointed to the European Commission by the Italian government 1993, when he joined the Delors Commission with the portfolio covering science, research, technological development and education.

Arancha Gonzalez

Before that she served in various capacities in the European Commission in the area of international trade, including negotiations of trade agreements between the EU and Mercosur, Iran, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Balkans and Mediterranean countries.

Convention on the Future of Europe

Its members were drawn from the national parliaments of member states and candidate countries, the European Parliament, the European Commission, and representatives of heads of state and government.

Crime statistics

Research using a series of victim surveys in 18 countries of the European Union, funded by the European Commission, has reported (2005) that the level of crime in Europe has fallen back to the levels of 1990, and notes that levels of common crime have shown declining trends in the U.S., Canada, Australia and other industrialized countries as well.

Election monitoring

Standard international election observation missions, as deployed by, for the example, the European Commission or the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), monitor the entire electoral process.

Europe 2020

Europe 2020 is a 10-year strategy proposed by the European Commission on 3 March 2010 for advancement of the economy of the European Union.

European Commission

Some EU states at that time did not even have a crime against shipping toxic waste leading to the Commissioners Franco Frattini and Stavros Dimas to put forward the idea of "ecological crimes".

Although there has been a world wide cut in journalists, the considerable press releases and operations such as Europe by Satellite and EuroparlTV leads many news organisations to believe they can cover the EU from these source and news agencies.

European Year of People with Disabilities

The year 2003 was designated the European Year of People with Disabilities (EYPD) by the European Commission.


The journal was established in 1995 and jointly funded by the European Commission, Institut de veille sanitaire (Paris), and the Health Protection Agency (London).

Gold coin

The European Commission publishes annually a list of gold coins which must be treated as investment gold coins in all EU Member States.

Hacha Grande

The mountain makes up part of the highest mountain range on the island, Los Ajaches, which is designated a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the European Commission Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds.

Intelligent Car Initiative

The Intelligent Car Initiative is a policy framework set up by the European Commission to tie up all activities relating to 'intelligent' automobiles.


Launched after two years of development, with input from the heads of the translation departments of UNESCO, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament (freelance section), and professional interpreters and translators from 26 countries, the portal is currently (2006) available in 33 languages, but has been designed to be translated and interoperable in any other.

Jan Mohr

As Professor emeritus he pursued his genetic interests under the European Commission as a concerted action project leader within cancer genetics, with participation of research groups from most European countries.

Keith Stenning

He was chairman of an Expert Group gathered by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research which proposed some lines of evolutionary cognitive research under the title "What it Means to be Human".

La vita non perde valore

The film was shot during 2010 and conceived after Massucco was approached by EUGAD — a European Commission funded project to "create, collect and distribute knowledge resources for improving communication and dialogue" — to produce a series of interviews in Sierra Leone.

Law, Dundee

In the years 1992 to 1994 the facilities on the summit of the Law were upgraded by Dundee District Council and Scottish Enterprise Tayside with additional funding from the European Commission's regional development fund.

Ludger Fischer

He has been a member of the “advisory group on food store chains” of the European Commission, member of the Stakeholder Consultative Platform of the European Food Safety Authority EFSA and several other EU-panels on food safety.

Maastricht Treaty

The first pillar was where the EU's supra-national institutions—the Commission, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice—had the most power and influence.

Madou Plaza Tower

It was built in 1965 and renovated between 2002 and 2006 and taken over by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture.

The European Commission bought the building on 13 March 2006 inaugurating it on 19 April when its 1500 employees moved in.

Peter Beazley

In his last few weeks in office, Beazley worked to stop a European Commission proposal to ban the sale of motorbikes with over 100 brake horsepower.

Phoenix Trail

These sculptures won the 2002 "Arts, Business & Community" Award from Arts & Business, and the trail also holds a Certificate of Distinction as a European Greenway from the European Commission.


PhoSFOS is a research and technology development project co-funded by the European Commission.

Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters

It was based more around intergovernmental cooperation than the other pillars meaning there was little input from the European Commission, European Parliament and the Court of Justice.

Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service

The Health Promotion Program started in 2000, and very soon gained the support of famous organizations, such as the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, the British Medical Association and the National Institute of Urban Affairs.

Sanjaya Lall

He also acted as adviser or consultant to a wide spectrum of governments and international development organisations, from the World Bank, UNICEF and the OECD to the European Commission and the Commonwealth Secretariat; he served as the Principal Consultant to UNCTAD (the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) on its World Investment Report, and to UNIDO (the United Nations Industrial Development Organization) on its Industrial Development Report.

Short Range Devices

The European Commission mandates through CEPT and ETSI the allocation of several device bands for these purposes, restricts the parameters of their use, and provides guidelines for avoiding radio interference.


Since 1997 all universities are bound by a contract with the European Commission which regulates the distribution of funds.

Sue Hartley

For the European Food Safety Authority and the European Commission, Prof. Hartley has advised on the ecological effect of organisms that have been genetically modified.

Taiwan Golden Bee

TGB has ISO 9001 and QS 9000 certified operation since 1995 and all products carry EC or EPA/DOT approval.

Telematics for Libraries Program

A program of the European Commission, the Telematics for Libraries Program has the ambitious aim of unifying access to information throughout the nations of Europe.

Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency

The Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) is an executive agency established by the European Commission in October 2006 in order to realise the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme.

Trasa Kwiatkowskiego

In 2005 the European Commission agreed to help finance the remaining part of Trasa Kwiatkowskiego, namely, the connection of the current route to Obwodnica Trójmiejska.

Treaty of Rome

President Jean Monnet, a leading figure behind the communities, resigned from the High Authority in protest and began work on alternative communities, based on economic integration rather than political integration.


On 25 October 2005, members of the pan-European organisation Cultural Village of Europe offered a declaration on village life to the European Commissioner of Agriculture and Rural Development Mariann Fischer Boel in Wellenstein.

Albrecht Kossel Institute for Neuroregeneration

The Institute participates in and promotes the EuroStemCell project, an initiative of the Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development by the European Commission.

Barry B. Hughes

This model has been used by a wide range of international organizations and governments, including the European Commission, the National Intelligence Council, the United States Institute of Peace and the United Nations Environment Programme.


EABIS was launched in 2002 by five founding companies – IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Shell and Unilever – and a number of Europe’s leading business schools at INSEAD with the support of the European Commission.

Economy of Cyprus

In June 2012 the Cypriot finance minister Vassos Shiarly stated that the European Central Bank, European commission and IMF officials are to carry out an in-depth investigation into Cyprus' economy and banking sector to assess the level of funding it requires.


This software package was developed by scientists of the Institute of Radiation Protection of the Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health (former GSF - National Research Center for Environmet and Health) with support from the European Commission and University of Siegen, Germany.

Europe by Satellite

It is managed by the European Commission however it broadcasts images coming from all EU Institutions like the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Central Bank, the Committee of the Regions, the European Court of Justice.

European School, Varese

The presence of the school in Varese is mainly because nearby Ispra hosts three institutes of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.

European tort law

In community institutions, such as the Council, the Commission and the Court, where lawyers from all Member States work closely together, different legal backgrounds inevitably play a role.

Eurostat scandal

In 2001, Paul Van Buitenen, whose earlier report had indirectly led to the resignation of the previous Santer Commission, produced a second report, but this at first led to no action, until Hans-Martin Tillack and the press started to take interest in the matter.

Friedrich Heckmann

Since the founding of the efms, Heckmann has been a consultant to the German Federal Government, the European Commission, to local and municipal governments, foundation (non-profit) and civil society organizations.

Grigoris Varfis

Finally, he was until 1989 EU Commissioner for relations with the EU Parliament for Regional Policies (1985) and for Consumer Protection (1986 to 1989) in the first Commission of Jacques Delors.

Health-EU portal

Health-EU Portal is an official web portal of the Health and Consumers Directorate-General that facilities the access of public-related health information to European Union citizens.


Jörgen Holmquist, Swedish economist, Director-General of Internal Market and Services at the European Commission

Institute for Environment and Sustainability

The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is a specialised institute of the Joint Research Centre directorate of the European Commission, based in Ispra, Italy.

Institute for Health and Consumer Protection

The Institute for Health and Consumer Protection or IHCP, located in Ispra, Italy, is one of the seven institutes of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), a Directorate-General of the European Commission (EC).


The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, the European Commission’s main scientific advisor on fisheries and environmental issues in the northeast Atlantic, recommend mapping and then closing all of Europe’s deep corals to fishing trawlers.

Marilyn Douala Bell

Since 1994 she has been collaborating as an international expert in urban and rural development with the Swiss cooperation DDC, the World Bank, the European Commission and with the German sustainable development and resource management cooperation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

Pelješac Bridge

In the process of accession of Croatia to the European Union, the Croatian Government had claimed that a bridge would be a "prerequisite" for Croatia to enter the Schengen Area, but the European Commission stated in 2010 that this is only one of several options to handle the issue.

Report of the committee of inquiry on industrial democracy

A Committee of Enquiry into Industrial Democracy was set up by the Labour government of Harold Wilson in December 1975, in response to the European Commission's Draft Fifth Company Law Directive which sought to harmonise worker participation in management of companies across Europe.

San Glorio

The issue has been raised before the European Parliament, with Euro-MP David Hammerstein requesting the European Commission to look into the funding of the project, claiming that the regional government receives EU funding because of the park's required protection as a most seriously threatened habitat, while at the same time applying for subsidies for the jobs at the projected ski resort and hotel complex.

Search for Common Ground

CGNews is funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Commission, the British, Canadian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and U.S. governments, the Arca Foundation of Washington, D.C., the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy, Rational Games and private donors.

South African National Bioinformatics Institute

SANBI is funded by several organisations including the South African Medical Research Council, the National Research Foundation of South Africa, the Claude Leon Foundation, the John E. Fogarty Foundation for International Health at the National Institutes of Health, and the European Commission.

Ulrich von Hassell

Ulrich von Hassell is also the grandfather of Agostino von Hassell, a noted author on military and war history; and of Corrado Pirzio-Biroli former civil servant of the European Commission and ambassador of the EU to Austria during the Austrian European Union membership referendum, 1994.

Union of Agricultural Work Committees

UAWC receives funding from numerous western governments and aid organisations including the European Commission, World Vision Australia, AusAID, and FAO.

World Values Survey

Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and the tenth President of European Commission said about the WVS work: “The growing globalization of the world makes it increasingly important to understand ... diversity. People with varying beliefs and values can live together and work together productively, but for this to happen it is crucial to understand and appreciate their distinctive worldviews”.