
2 unusual facts about Extant


Extant taxon, a taxon which is not extinct, such as an extant species

Extant literature, surviving literature, such as Beowulf, the oldest extant manuscript written in English

A Guide to the Old Buildings of the Cape

A Guide to the Old Buildings of the Cape is a book by Hans Fransen, subtitled A survey of extant architecture from before c. 1910 in the area of Cape TownCalviniaColesbergUitenhage.

Adam Nathanson

The group was extant from 1987–1989, and upon its demise, Nathanson and bassist Neil Burke formed Born Against with singer Sam McPheeters.

Adoption of Chinese literary culture

The earliest extant writings by Vietnamese authors are poems from the late 10th century, in Chinese, by the Buddhist monks Lac Thuan and Khuông Việt.

Baron Lucas

The second creation is extant and is currently held with the title Lord Dingwall in the Peerage of Scotland.

Basmanny District

In 1750s, they commissioned Dmitry Ukhtomsky to build the extant church of Martyr Nikita, the largest example of Baroque architecture in Moscow.

Beverley Ground

The social scene was an important part of the festival; some cricketers formed the Canterbury Old Stagers to provide entertainment in the evenings of the Cricket Week and they claim to be the oldest extant amateur dramatic company in the world.

Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street

New city administration preferred to keep the open area and installed the monument to Kliment Timiryazev (1923), one of the oldest extant monuments of Soviet age.

Brochwel Ysgithrog

Some details are available from Old Welsh poetry, but this is difficult to interpret, and none of the extant poems about this period seem to pre-date the 9th century.

Bundesbahn Central Offices

British Rail Engineering Ltd. (BREL) and British Rail Research Division : Contemporary British (UK) organisations, no longer extant since privatisation.

Court Manor

Today these trees are still extant and can be seen lining both sides of U.S. Route 11 as it passes through the estate.


In the 1980s Lindley and Boxall showed that the above relies solely on C.P.E. Bach's testimony: all the extant fingerings from J.S.Bach and his circle use the ancient methods, with very limited use of the thumb.

Gadfield Elm Chapel

The Gadfield Elm Chapel near the village of Pendock in Worcestershire, England, is the oldest extant chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

Golden Gate, Kiev

Golden Gates in Vladimir, the only extant example of a gateway of medieval Rus’

Grévy's zebra

Named after Jules Grévy, it is the sole extant member of the subgenus Dolichohippus.

Hermann Roesler

From the time of the Iwakura mission, the Japanese ruling oligarchy had evaluated the various forms of government extant in Europe and America and were most impressed by the Austro-Germano-Prussian model, based on theories by Lorenz von Stein and Rudolf von Gneist and the organization of Prussian government designed by Albert Mosse.

Historia Norwegiæ

The only extant manuscript, in the private possession of the Earl of Dalhousie and kept at Brechin Castle, Scotland, is fragmentary; what we have of the Historia is found on folios 1r-12r.

Jasaw Chan K'awiil

Jasaw Chan K'awiil II (fl. 869 CE), last-known ruler of the Maya city-state of Tikal, identifiable from extant inscriptions

Juan Azor

There are extant in manuscript other works by Azor; in Rome, in the Jesuit archives, a commentary on the Canticle of Canticles; at Würzburg, an exposition of the Psalms and at Alcalá, several theological treatises on parts of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas.

Juniata River

The National Book Award and Pulitzer prize-winning poet Galway Kinnell wrote of the river in a section of The Book of Nightmares (1971), entitled "Dear Stranger, Extant in Memory by the Blue Juniata" ("The Blue Juniata" was a well-known 19th-century parlor song).

Kafka project

Kafka requested that all his extant writings be destroyed, however, Dora, following Kafka's express wish that his writings be burned, secretly kept them in her Berlin home.

Kazakhstan blind mole rat

Kazakhstan Blind Mole Rat (Spalax uralensis, alternatively Ural Blind Mole Rat) is an extant species of blind mole rat indigenous to Kazakhstan, along the Ural River basin and the flood plains of the Uil, Temir, and Emba rivers.


There are three manuscripts of Lamprecht's poem extant, one from Vorau which is not quite complete, one from Strasburg dating from 1187, which is about five times as extensive as the preceding, and lastly a version interpolated in the manuscript of a Basle chronicle.

Louis Curtiss

There are approximately 30 examples of his work still extant in Kansas City, Missouri where Curtiss spent his career, including his best known design, the Boley Clothing Company Building.

Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra

There are three extant versions of the Mahāyāna-mahāparinirvāna-sūtra, each translated from various Sanskrit editions: the shortest and earliest is the translation into Chinese by Faxian and Buddhabhadra in six juan (418CE), the next in terms of development is the Tibetan version (c790CE) by Jinamitra, Jnanagarbha, and Devacandra, and the extended version in 40 juan by Dharmakshema (421-430) which was also translated into Tibetan from the Chinese.


Mesokristensenia differs from all extant Lepidoptera, but one genus, Agathiphaga (Agathiphagidae), in retaining four median veins in the forewing.


Adherents to the ideals of miyabi strove to rid the world of crude forms or aesthetics and emotions that were common in artworks of the period, such as those contained in the Man'yōshū, the oldest extant collection of Japanese poetry.


According to A.L. Sadler, the earliest extant example of a space attached to a chashitsu (room intended for the tea ceremony) that is describable as a mizuya exists at the Taian, a chashitsu designed by Sen Rikyū.

Moggridgea tingle

The closest extant relatives of the spider are found at Kangaroo Island, Socotra and in southern Africa.

Monardella arizonica

The species has been confirmed to have been native to northern Arizona since at least the Late Wisconsin late glacial period based upon pollen core analysis at the Waterman Mountains (Coconino County) - (not the Waterman Mountains of Pima County); dominant trees of Juniperus osteosperma and Pinus monophylla remain extant species to the present time in this predominantly Pinyon-juniper woodland.

Naish Priory

The extant 14th century buildings evidence primary links to the important de Courtenay family of the medieval period, Earls of Devon, close blood relatives of the Plantagenet, Lancastrian and Tudor kings, and one of the most important English Renaissance families.

New Amsterdam, Guyana

Gradually, however, it acquired a character of its own, and to its credit it still boasts (among many other advantages) what is arguably the best example of Cesar Castellani's architecture extant, namely, the New Amsterdam Public Hospital.

Norwood Park, Chicago

The community area also boasts the oldest extant building in Chicago, the Noble-Seymour-Crippen House, and Taft High School.

Ō no Yasumaro

He is most famous for compiling and editing, with the assistance of Hieda no Are, the Kojiki, the oldest extant Japanese history.


The earliest historical record now extant tells us that Lethlobar was a King of Ulidia who died in 871 AD.

Palmer Road

The original alignment and name of the Glenn Highway between Anchorage and Palmer, Alaska; extant segments parallel today's highway

Pineapple Poll

Mackerras knew the Savoy Operas well, as he had played oboe in a pit orchestra in Sydney, where all of the extant Gilbert and Sullivan operas were played except for Utopia Limited and The Grand Duke, and those operas are not represented in Pineapple Poll.


Reinhardsbrunn in Friedrichroda near Gotha, in Thuringia in Germany, is the site of a formerly prominent Benedictine abbey extant between 1085 and 1525, and, from 1827, of a royal castle and park of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family.

Réunion Swamphen

Six reports attest to its existence, and the genus Porphyrio is known as a colonizer of oceanic islands, having evolved into many local endemic species, of which only the Takahē is still found to be extant nowadays.

Roman de la Rose Digital Library

With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this joint project makes available about half of the roughly 300 Rose manuscripts known to be extant.

Roman Laughter: The Comedy of Plautus

It is a scholarly study of the work of the ancient Roman playwright Titus Maccius Plautus whose "twenty complete comedies constitute the largest extant corpus of classical dramatic literature" (p. 1)


The fossil genus Insitiocarpus has been found in deposits from the Cenomanian period, while the other extant genera Sabia and Meliosma have been found in European deposits from the Turonian and the Maastrichtian, respectively.

Sefer Zadok

No copies of this text are extant today, except for quotes in the polemics of Rabbinic and Karaite Jewish scholars of that time period.


On the Ukrainian side of the border is a still extant part of the village (Sianky).

T. N. Ramachandran

Ramachandran identified images at Brhadiswara temple at Tanjore, as the earliest extant visual representation of Bharata’s karanas.


For example, there is a 14th-century undercroft or crypt extant at Muchalls Castle in Scotland, even though the original chapel above it was destroyed in an act of war in 1746.

Virginia Governor's Council

The extant written records of the council begin in 1680 and are housed at the Library of Virginia.


W.E.L.T. was a briefly extant side-project between members of industrial bands Skinny Puppy (Nivek Ogre) and Ministry (Al Jourgensen and Michael Balch).


Devarim Zutta, midrash to Deuteronomy which is no longer extant except in references by later authorities

see also