From the time of the Iwakura mission, the Japanese ruling oligarchy had evaluated the various forms of government extant in Europe and America and were most impressed by the Austro-Germano-Prussian model, based on theories by Lorenz von Stein and Rudolf von Gneist and the organization of Prussian government designed by Albert Mosse.
Hermann Göring | Hermann Hesse | Hermann von Helmholtz | Hermann Nitsch | Hermann Hauser | Hermann Bondi | Hermann Zapf | Hermann Tilke | Hermann Emil Fischer | Walther Hermann Richard Horn | Robert Hermann Schomburgk | Otto Hermann Kahn | Hermann Volrath Hilprecht | Hermann Scherchen | Hermann-Paul | Hermann Kesten | Hermann | Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring | Hermann Trophy | Hermann Oberth | Hermann Muthesius | Hermann Joseph Muller | Hermann Goetz | Hermann Cohen | Hermann and Dorothea | Paul Hermann | Hermann Weyl | Hermann von Fehling | Hermann von Eichhorn | Hermann Sudermann |