
unusual facts about Fauna

Nocera Umbra

According to Pliny the Elder, Nuceria was inhabited by two tribes, one the Nucerini Favonienses (faithful of Favonia, also named Fauna, a Goddess) and the other Camellani (originating from Camerinum, or possibly makers of camellae, small wooden containers).

1830 in birding and ornithology

Jacob Ernst von Reider and Carl Wilhelm Hahn begin Fauna Boica, oder gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte der Thiere Bayerns

Aldo Leopold Wilderness

The Wilderness area has fauna typical of the American Southwest: Mule deer, Elk, Wild Turkey, Peccary, Black bear and Cougar.

Alejandro de Humboldt National Park

16 of Cuba's 28 endemic plant species are protected in the park including such fauna as Dracaena cubensis and Podocarpus ekman.

Aleksandr Prokofyevich Markevich

Markevich made outstanding contributions to the research of parasite fauna of fish in Egypt, where he worked as expert and professor at Cairo University (1964–1965 and 1966 to 1967).

He also made outstanding contributions to the research of parasite fauna of fish in Egypt, where he worked as expert and professor at Cairo University (1964–1965 and 1966 to 1967).

Arthur Stark

The completed series was meant to form part of a wider project under the editorship of William Sclater, director of the South African Museum, describing the fauna of southern Africa.

Auburn Botanical Gardens

The native fauna reserve, set up in consultation with Taronga Zoo, is a later addition by the council's parks and gardens department.

Black Range State Park

In addition to natural flora and fauna, the park protects Aboriginal art and occupation sites of the Jardwadjali people.

Boinka, Victoria

Boinka is listed within the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 as being one of only two places where Pale Myoporum (Myoporum brevipes Benth.), a recumbent or erect shrub of up to 2 metres in height (widespread in South Australia), is known to grow indigenously outside of that location.

Chilkoot River

The aqua fauna found in abundance in the Chilkoot River, as one approaches along the Lynn Canal and the outlet stream from the Chilkoot Lake, are Bald eagles, harbor seals, bears feeding on salmon and mountain goats on the hill slopes.


Locally present fauna include the silvery gibbon, Javan surili and Sunda Thrush, and flora include Elaeocarpus macrocerus, Alstonia spathulata, Mangifera gedebe (a member of the mango family), Stemonurus secundiflorus, and Thoracostachyrum sumatrana (a large sedge).

Complications of pregnancy

Because of this, blood-borne microorganisms (Hepatitis B, HIV), organisms associated with sexually transmitted disease (e.g., Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia), and normal fauna of the genito-urinary tract (e.g., Candida) are among those commonly seen in infection of newborns.

Convention Relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State

The Convention was the result of the 1933 International Conference for the Protection of the Fauna and Flora of Africa, presided over by Richard Onslow, 5th Earl of Onslow, then president of the Society for the Preservation of the Wild Fauna of the Empire.

Donald Sankey Farner

Among other things he wrote several volumes on Avian biology and works on the fauna of Crater Lake.

Ebenezer Emmons

Nevertheless, the Taconic fauna of Emmons proved to include only the lower part of Sedgwick's Cambrian.

Emory Peak

High-desert flora and fauna including alligator juniper (Juniperus deppeana), pinyon pine (Pinus cembroides), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), prickly pear cacti (Opuntia spp.), Mexican Jay (Aphelocoma wollweberi), sotol (Dasylirion leiophyllum), and Texas madrone (Arbutus xalapensis) may be seen along the trail.

Emu Heights, New South Wales

Clissold Park is host to great diversity of Australia's fauna and flora and features basketball, netball and children's playground facilities.

Fauna Japonica

Based on the collections made by Philipp Franz von Siebold (who edited the text) and his successor Heinrich Bürger in Japan, Fauna Japonica’s vertebrate volumes were authored by the Leyden Museum naturalists Coenraad Jacob Temminck and Hermann Schlegel.


Samples of bottom fauna taken in 1998 documented the presence of nationally rare species of gastropods such as Hippeutis complanatus and bivalve Swan mussel; and during the preceding decades two species of limnetic gastropods were documented.

Gilberto Righi

Gilberto Righi (1937–1999) was an important earthworm taxonomist from São Paulo, Brazil, who helped define the magnitude of his country's diverse soil fauna.

Giuseppe De Cristoforis

1832 with G Jan and Georges Cuvier, baron Il regno animale distribuito secondo la sua organizzazione opera del Baron Cuvier ; compendiata e recata in lingua italiana per servir di base alla Storia naturale degli animali e d'introduzione al prodromo della Fauna dell'Italia superiore, compreso nei cataloghi sistematici e descrittivi della raccolte zoologiche. Parte IIa., I molluschi Parma : Stamperia Carmignani, 1832.

Guelfo Cavanna

In 1880 he worked on the insect fauna of the then unexplored regions of Vulture and Pollino in southern Italy.Many specialists worked on the insects collected (now in La Specola) and the results were published as Narrazione della escursione fatta alVulture ed al Pollino nel luglio del 1880 da A. Biondi, C. Caroti e G. Cavanna, pp. 3-30.

Heitor Villa-Lobos

The works use Brazilian folk tales and characters, imitations of the sounds of the jungle and its fauna, imitations of the sound of the nose-flute by the violinophone, and not least imitations of the uirapuru itself.


Hoodia is currently listed in Appendix II to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which includes species not currently considered endangered but are at risk if trade is not controlled.

John Morton Boyd

He visited St Kilda and recognised the potential for research into its endemic fauna, including the Soay Sheep, the St Kilda Wren and the St Kilda Fieldmouse.

Jürgen Haffer

From his studies on the Amazonian avifauna, he authored several papers on Neotropical ornithology and devised his Amazonian refugia theory to explain the rapid diversification of the Neotropical fauna in Pleistocene times.

Kon Ka Kinh National Park

Besides the biological diversity of the flora and fauna here, Kon Ka Kinh plays an important role in the protection of the upstream of the Ba River and the Dak Pne River, which supply water for tens of square kilometres of crops areas of Gia Lai Province and Kon Tum Province.

Laverstock and Ford

Cockey Down, a grassy hill to the east of Laverstock, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a protected area that has interesting flora and fauna.

Linny Pacillo Parking Garage

The art in the garage, under the 1 Percent for Art Program, includes art inspired by Alaska flora and fauna on each garage level, a piece in the main elevator lobby that tells the Parking Fairies story, and a mural over the Seventh Avenue exit titled "Focus on Statehood" that features four men instrumental in Alaska's becoming a state: Bob Atwood, Bill Egan, Bob Bartlett and Ernest Gruening.

Louis T. Stone

Louis Timothy Stone (1875-13 March 1933), also known as Lou Stone, was an American journalist who fabricated stories about the flora and fauna surrounding his town of Winsted, Connecticut, thus earning himself the name of the Winsted Liar.

Malshej Ghat

The site is home to hundreds of different kinds of flora and fauna especially the avian population such as quails, rails, crakes, flamingos and cuckoos.

Michael Brooker

There he worked on Wedge-tailed Eagles, fauna surveys, the environmental impact of wildfire and the conservation value of remnant patches of native vegetation .

Middleton Quarry

The quarry supports a moth fauna which includes at least two species, the northern rustic, Standfussiana lucernea, and the anomalous wainscot, Stilbia anomala, that are rare in north-east England.

Mule Peninsula

Other fossil cetaceans have also been found in the area, as well as a fish, a diverse invertebrate fauna that includes molluscs, gastropods, marine diatoms, and Antarctica’s first Pliocene decapod crustacean.

Netarhat Residential School

Netarhat (23°28'48"N 84°16'11"E) is located at an elevation of 1250 meters and is renowned for spectacular sunrises, sunsets, waterfalls, and beautiful flora and fauna.

Northeast Cape Fear River

The river and its valley are home to a variety of interesting and uncommon flora and fauna, including the palmetto, cypress, alligator, pileated woodpecker and bowfin.


Relict forests retain endemic fauna and flora in communities of great value in inferring the palaeontological succession and climate change that followed the breakups of the supercontinents.

Popina Island

The invertebrate fauna comprises rarities like the European black widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) and the giant myriapod (Scolopendra cingulata).


With its enigmatic position at the base of this radiation, Radinskya is a member of the Chinese Paleocene fauna which includes primitive tethytheres such as Minchenella and the oldest arsinoitheres; it shares many characters with perissodactyls and some with phenacolophids, but is to primitive to be called either a horse, a rhino, or a tapir.


The Ransol valley is particularly noted for the diversity of its flora and fauna.

Reid Jackson

The 2011 documentary film Tipping Barrels by director Ben Gulliver follows Reid Jackson and his brother Arran as they surf through the waves and fauna of the Great Bear Rainforest on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.

Romer's gap

These new localities may represent a larger fauna, as all lie within a short distance of each other and share many fishes with the nearby and contemporary Foulden fish bed locality (which has not produced tetrapods thus far).

Rowghat Mines

The Supreme Court ruling was followed by final clearance from MoEF to SAIL with certain conditions requiring that SAIL would not set up beneficiation plant and tailing dam at Rowghat and would confine its activities only to mining, primary and secondary crushing in order to reduce the damage to flora and fauna.

Skiing in Victoria, Australia

The Australian High Country is populated by unique flora and fauna including wombats, wallabies, echidnas, and the Snow Gum.

Tealham and Tadham Moors

The water beetle fauna is exceptionally rich, with the nationally rare species Hydrophilus piceus and Hydrochara caraboides together with the rare soldier flies Stratiomys furcata and Odontomyia ornata.

Toxicodendron diversilobum

Black-tailed deer, mule deer, California ground squirrels, western gray squirrels, and other indigenous fauna feed on the leaves of the plant.


As this area approaches the tropics, fauna differs from the rest of the coast, so that animals like the boas, larger reptiles and the famous White-winged Guan (a bird species unique to this Peruvian ecoregion) occur here.


The name is based on the Slovene common noun žerjav 'crane', referring to the local fauna, and is additionally confirmed by the Middle High German attestations, which contain the root kranech 'crane'.

see also