
2 unusual facts about Field marshal


An earlier monument was erected in 1915 at the location by the German soldiers, on the orders of Field marshal August von Mackensen.

Mohamed Meziane

In 1970, He was made a Field marshal (mushir) and is the only person to have ever held that title in the Moroccan army.

Adam Veyde

During the Great Northern War, Adam Veyde was assigned to command one of the 10-regiment divisions as part of Field Marshal Charles Eugène de Croÿ's army in 1700.

Aftab Ahmad Khan

Field Marshall M. Ayub Khan at that time the (President of Pakistan) and Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army took the salute at the march past.

Alan Brooke, 3rd Viscount Alanbrooke

Lord Alanbrooke lives in Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, Great Britain, where his father Field Marshal The 1st Viscount Alanbrooke is buried.

Alan Brooke, 3rd Viscount Brookeborough

Field Marshal The 1st Viscount Alanbrooke (1883-1963) was also a member of the same family.

Amir Mohammad Khan

He was appointed Chairman Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation with the rank of a Central Minister in 1959, and subsequently Governor of West Pakistan on 12 April 1960 by Pakistan President General Ayub Khan.

Anwar Saifullah Khan

He is also the father-in-law of Omar Ayub Khan, the grandson of former Pakistani military dictator and President Ayub Khan.

Army Group North Ukraine

It was created on the 1 April 1944 by renaming Army Group South on trial basis, in the course of the separation of troops under command of General Field Marshal Erich von Manstein and General Field Marshal Walter Model.

Battle of Sakarya

On the other hand, Mustafa Kemal returned in triumph to Ankara where the Grand National Assembly awarded him the rank of Field Marshal of the Army, as well as the title of Gazi rendering honours as the saviour of the Turkish nation.

Becklingen War Cemetery

It was at Timeloberg on 4 May 1945 that a German delegation headed by General Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg signed the unconditional surrender of German forces in the north German region, in the presence of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.

Boris Donskoy

In Kiev, together with Irina Kakhovskaya and G.Smolyansky, Donskoy was preparing for a terrorist act against the commander of the German military governor of Ukraine, Field Marshal Hermann von Eichhorn.

Caledon Egerton

Four of their sons were knighted, including Field Marshal Sir Charles Egerton, Sir Reginald Egerton (Private Secretary to the Postmaster-General), Admiral Sir George Egerton, and Sir Brian Egerton (tutor to Ganga Singh, the Maharaja of Bikaner).

Count Palatine William of Gelnhausen

Count Palatine William of Birkenfeld-Gelnhausen (4 January 1701 in Gelnhausen – 25 December 1760 in The Hague) was a titular Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld and an Imperial Field Marshal.

Desert Victory

This documentary traces the struggle between General Erwin Rommel and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, from the German's defeat at El Alamein to Tripoli.

Dido Harding

Harding is the daughter of Lord Harding, and the grand daughter of Field Marshal John Harding, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton, who commanded the Desert Rats in World War II.

Elisabet Juliana Banér

Elisabet Juliana Banér née Elisabet Juliana of Erbach (January 22, 1600 - May 29, 1640, Saalfeld), was a German noble, married to the Swedish Field Marshal Johan Banér in 1636.

Erhard Milch

Erhard Milch (30 March 1892 – 25 January 1972) was a German field marshal who oversaw the development of the Luftwaffe as part of the re-armament of Germany following World War I, and served as founding Director of Deutsche Luft Hansa.

Ernst Fresser

Ernst Fresser (9 July 1879 - 21 July 1945) was a German field marshal.

Evelyn Wrench

She was the daughter of Sir Victor Brooke, Bt., sister of Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, and widow of Frederick Henry Arthur des Vouex.

Frederick William, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen

Frederick William of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (20 September 1663 in Hechingen – 14 November 1735 in Hechingen) was the fourth Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen and was also an imperial Field Marshal.

Gheluvelt Park

It was opened by Field Marshal John French, 1st Earl of Ypres, who stated, "on that day the 2nd Worcesters saved the British Empire." A plaque inside the park commemorates Captain Gerald Ernest Lea, who died on 15 September 1914 while commanding D. Company of the 2nd Battalion.

Gohar Ayub Khan

Gohar Ayub Khan is the son of former President Field Marshal Ayub Khan and played an influential role in sustaining his father's presidential rule after the 1965 presidential elections.

Hans-Georg von Seidel

On the morning of 4 June 1942 at Immola airfield near Imatra, Seidel was the first German general to arrive, followed within a few hours by Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen Stumpff, Generaloberst Eduard Dietl, and then Feldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel who accompanied Hitler.

Heinz Lorenz

During the night of 28–29 April, Hitler ordered that three copies of his political testament be hand-delivered to Field Marshal Ferdinand Schörner in Czechoslovakia, Karl Dönitz in Schleswig-Holstein, and Paul Giesler in Tegernsee by Lorenz, Willy Johannmeyer, and Martin Bormann's adjutant SS-Standartenführer Wilhelm Zander, respectively.

Henk van den Breemen

The “Gang of five”, as they were called when the pamphlet was presented in Washington DC (January 2008), consisted of General (ret.) John Shalikashvili (USA), General (ret.) Dr. Klaus Naumann (Germany), Admiral (ret.) Jacques Lanxade and Field Marshal the Lord Inge (UK).


The base area or soviet was under the leadership of communist general (later Field Marshal) He Long through most of its existence, and defended by his Second Army Group.

Izmaylovsky Regiment

With Field Marshal Burkhard Christoph von Münnich this battalion first entered the Turkish fortress of Ochakov.

Jan Kazimierz Sapieha the Elder

In the last years of his life he became a supporter of the Russian Empire, in particular, of Catherine I of Russia, for which in 1726 he was rewarded with a rank of field marshal, and in 1727, Governor-General of Saint Petersburg (Saint Petersburg Governorate) and Ingria.

John Brooke, 2nd Viscount Brookeborough

He was on the personal staff of Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander (later created Lord Alexander).

Max Matern

When in June 1922, several thousand members of monarchist warrior associations came together in Eggesin in honour of General Field Marshal August von Mackensen, Max Matern and his brothers also went there to attack those gathered there with fists and clubs, and to chase them off.

Miangul Aurangzeb

After the resignation of President Ayub Khan in 1969, the Government of Pakistan under President Yahya Khan took over the administration of all the remaining princely states including Swat.

Operation Stösser

Field Marshal Walter Model, who had tried to persuade Hitler to attempt a less ambitious counterattack, replied that he gave the entire Ardennes Offensive less than a 10% chance of succeeding.

Otto Wilhelm von Fersen

Otto Wilhelm von Fersen (1623, Reval - 1703, Kurna) was a Swedish general and nobleman of the Fersen family, governor general of Ingmermanland and Kexholm from 1691 to 1698, field marshal 1693.

Patriot's Certificate

It is also known as Patent Alexander after British field marshal Harold Alexander, commander of Allied forces in Italy.

Princess Ida of Saxe-Meiningen

William Augustus Edward (b. 1823 - d. 1902), who entered the British army, served with much distinction in the Crimean War, became colonel of the 1st Life Guards, and later a British Field Marshal.

Punjab Boundary Force

Maj Gen Rees was provided Brig D.S. Brar and Brig M. Ayub Khan (who later became Field Marshall & President of Pakistan)from India and Pakistan respectively as "Military Advisors".

RAF Swanton Morley

The site is now occupied by the British Army, and is now known as Robertson Barracks in honour of Field Marshal Sir William Robertson, the first Field Marshal to rise from the rank of private and who was the Chief of the Imperial General Staff in 1916 to 1918.


The later Maratha Empire under Peshwa administration (1749-1818) used the title Sardar to denote a Field Marshal or General of the Army.

As a military rank, a Sardar typically marked the Commander-in-Chief or the highest-ranking military officer in an Army, akin to the modern Field Marshal, General of the Army or Chief of Army.

Schloss Wilhelminenberg

In 1780 Prince Dmitri Mikhailovich Galitzin, the Russian ambassador in Vienna, acquired forested real estate from Field Marshal Count Franz Moritz von Lacy, situated uphill of what was then the village of Ottakring.


The street is named after Lennart Torstenson, Count of Ortala, Baron of Virestad (17 August 1603 – 7 April 1651), was a Swedish Field Marshal and military engineer.

Victor Brooke

He was the father of Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke, and grandfather of Sir Basil Brooke, 1st Viscount Brookeborough, third Prime Minister of Northern Ireland

Vyner baronets

A younger daughter of Robert's, Delicia, married the future Field Marshal Leonhard Graf von Blumenthal, and was thus one of a clique of English wives (including Princess Victoria) who influenced the Prussian military to adopt liberal political views.

War crimes trials

Among the accused were the Nationalist Socialist leaders Hermann Göring and Rudolf Hess, the diplomat Joachim von Ribbentrop, the munitions maker Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, Grand Admiral Erich Raeder and 18 other military leaders and civilian officials.

see also

1946 African Mine Workers' Union strike

At first the union was not recognised by the Chamber of Mines, but after sustained pressure for better wages and conditions, the prime minister, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, announced some piecemeal increases improvements in conditions while at the same time issuing War Measure No. 1425—banning gatherings of more than twenty people on mining property without permission.

21st Army Group

Commanded by General (later Field Marshal) Sir Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group initially controlled all ground forces in Operation Overlord (the United States First Army and British Second Army).

Albert Wolfgang of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

He and field marshal Claude Florimond de Mercy were killed during an attack on Crocetta castle in Parma.

Anders Rudolf du Rietz

He won distinction in this war, capturing the Anclamen Feler fort, protecting the Swedish siege of Peenemünde and obtaining the advantageous capitulation of the Prussian forces at Demmin by Field Marshal Johann von Lehwaldt.

Armoured Forces Training Centre

Field Marshal Alexander, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces responsible for all military operations in the Mediterranean Theatre, inspected the marching troops of the Division on the fields of Loreto airfield and said "if I were to select the best unit commanded by me, I would choose you".

Army Group Don

The one commander of Army Group Don was Field Marshal (Generalfeldmarschall) Erich von Manstein.

Arthur MacArthur IV

Arthur MacArthur IV (born February 21, 1938, Manila, Philippines) is a concert pianist, writer and artist, the only child of United States Army General and Field Marshal Douglas MacArthur and grandchild of United States Army General Arthur MacArthur.

Artillery Company of Newport

The museum features the uniforms of prominent individuals such as General Colin Powell, General William Westmoreland, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Colonel Katherine Amelia Towle, President Anwar Sadat, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, King Hussein of Jordan and HRH Prince Phillip.

Badminton, Gloucestershire

Field Marshal FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan, aide-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington in the Peninsular War and later commander of all the British forces in the Crimean War was born, raised and buried in Badminton.

Battle of Dujaila

Downriver, the Field Marshal von der Goltz and his senior Ottoman commander, Khalil Pasha, erected a series of well sited defensive positions at the Hanna and the Sanniyat on the left bank of the river and the Dujaila along the right bank.


Svetozar Borojević von Bojna, Austro-Hungarian field marshal described as one of the finest defensive strategists of the First World War

Carlos de Aragón de Gurrea, 9th Duke of Villahermosa

It was at that time, around 1677, he got reinforcements from the Spanish Governor of the Duchy of Milan, Gaspar Téllez-Girón, 5th Duke of Osuna, receiving thus the military Tercio of Valladares commanded by Field Marshal Isidro de la Cueva - Benavides.

Charlotte Square

The memorial in the centre of the garden commemorates Prince Albert, the consort of Queen Victoria, and features an equestrian statue of the prince, in field marshal's uniform, by Sir John Steell.

Clan Haig

The current chief of Clan Haig is Alexander Haig, 3rd Earl Haig (b. 1961), grandson of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig of First World War fame.

Dardanelles Commission

Matters were complicated by the death of Field Marshal Kitchener, who had been Secretary of State for War, on 6 June 1916.


Hans Karl von Diebitsch (1785-1831), German serving as Russian Field Marshal

Friedrich Wilhelm, Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg

As part of the Belgian Corps under Field Marshal Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld he played a decisive role in the action at Avesnes-le-Sec and later at the Battle of Fleurus (1794).

George Silk

Trapped with the famed Desert Rats at Tobruk in Libya, he was captured by German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's forces but escaped 10 days later.

Israel Tal

Israel Tal's picture appears in the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor's "Wall of Greatest Armor Commanders" along with compatriot Moshe Peled, Americans George S. Patton and Creighton Abrams and German field-marshal Erwin Rommel.

Jacques Philippe de Choiseul-Stainville

As a young man he served in the army of empress Maria Theresa and after becoming captain in a dragoon regiment he was made a commander of the Order of Saint Stephen, chamberlain to Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, colonel of a regiment of light cavalry, major general and lieutenant field marshal in 1759.

James Keith

James Francis Edward Keith (1696–1758), Scottish soldier and Prussian field marshal

John Bodvel

In 1657 his wife arranged a marriage between their second daughter Sarah and Robert Robartes son of John Robartes, 1st Earl of Radnor, a wealthy Cornish Presbyterian and former Parliamentarian field-marshal.

John Mark Frederick Smith

He was son of Major-general Sir John Frederick Sigismund Smith, K.C.H., of the Royal Artillery (died 1834), and grand-nephew of Field-marshal Friedrich Adolf, Count von Kalckreuth, commander-in-chief of the Prussian army.

John W. O'Daniel

Representatives of German Field Marshal Albert Kesselring surrendered to him and he turned them over to General Jacob L. Devers near Munich on May 5, 1945.

Karol D. Witkowski

In 1879 he enlisted in the Austrian Army (in 19th century southern Poland was occupied by Austria and named Galicia), where he gained popularity by making portraits of his fellow soldiers and commanding officers, including a portrait of General Duke William of Württemberg and portrait of Lieutenant Field Marshal Emanuel Salomon of Friedberg - Mírohorsky (this army officer also was a genre painter, it is possible, why later in USA Karl Witkowski became genre painter).

Leonti Nikolai Pavlovich

This break occurred in 1849 as a result of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, when Nicholas was appointed to consist in the main headquarters of Field Marshal Prince of Warsaw, Count Ivan Paskevich, and then to the rank of adjutant was from 1849 to 1850 in Vologda Governorate, where he was charged with monitoring the recruitments.


Within two kilometers from Marfino is the manor of Nikolskoye-Prozorovskoye, which contains a Neo-Baroque country house of Field Marshal Prozorovsky and a Neoclassical church of St. Nicholas, built in the 1790s.

Loughborough Carillon

The dedication was held on Sunday 22 July 1923, led by Bishop of Peterborough, Frank Theodore Woods and Field Marshal Sir William Robertson.

Mariano Abasolo

In Acámbaro Abasolo was named field marshal and took place in the combats of Monte de las Cruces, Aculco and Puente de Calderón.

Matthias Habich

In the 2001 film Enemy at the Gates about Stalingrad, he played the part of General (later Field Marshal) Friedrich Paulus.

Mexia, Texas

Nearby attractions include Fort Parker Historical recreation, the Confederate Reunion grounds, and Mexia State Supported Living Center (formerly Mexia State School), which began as a prisoner of war camp for members of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps during World War II.

Mikhail Vorontsov

Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov (1782—1856), Russian prince, field-marshal, statesman

Moyland Castle

Until the second half of the 17th Century there followed frequent changes of ownership inheritance, which ended in 1662, when the Brandenburg Field Marshal Alexander von Spaen purchased the fief.

Mungo Melvin

He is best known for his biography of German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein.

Patton Versus Rommel

Rather than create a derivative game on the Western Front, Crawford elected to focus the game's design on fog of war and the personalities of American general George Patton and the German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.


It contained a chalice that had been donated by Austrian Field Marshal Ernst Gideon von Laudon.

Prince Joseph of Saxe-Hildburghausen

Joseph Maria Frederick Wilhelm of Saxe-Hildburghausen, Duke in Saxony (5 October 1702 – Hildburghausen, 4 January 1787), was an Austrian General and Field Marshal.

Roland von Hößlin

He later had tank training at the Panzertruppenschule in Krampnitz, now part of Potsdam, and from March to July 1941 was a staff officer with the Afrika Korps staff in Tripolitania under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

Sassoon family

Sir Philip served in the First World War as military secretary to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and, during the 1920s and 1930s, as Britain's undersecretary of state for air.

Star of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross

It was awarded only twice, over a century apart, to Field Marshal Gebhard von Blücher in 1813 and to Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg in 1918.

State papers

Following the assassination of the British Field Marshal, Henry Hughes Wilson by anti-Treaty forces on 22 June, the pro-Treaty IRA came under pressure from Britain to attack the Four Courts or else British forces, still occupying Ireland, would take action.

Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre

The Chief Governor of the Caucasus, appointed in Georgia in 1844, the general, field marshal and diplomat Mikhail Vorontsov, put in train many cultural enterprises.

Walter Warlimont

On 22 July, Warlimont travelled to France to meet with Field Marshal Rommel (who had been wounded a week earlier by an Allied aeroplane attack), and Rommel's naval aide Vice Admiral Friedrich Ruge, to discuss the deteriorating battlefield situation in Normandy.

Wellington Cantonment

The list of alumni of the DSSC at Wellington reads like a Who's Who of the armed forces and includes Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, former Fijian strongman Sitiveni Rabuka, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, head of German special forces Hans-Christoph Ammon, Naval Commander Dhananjay Joshi and former governor of the Reserve Bank of India R.N.Malhotra.

Wilhelm Burgdorf

Burgdorf had been instructed by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel to offer Rommel a choice – take poison, receive a state funeral, and obtain immunity for his family and staff, or face a trial for treason.

Wound Badge

While Field Marshal Keitel and Colonel-General Jodl for example did wear their 20 July wound badges on their tunics, other recipients preferred to wear their regular wound badges.