
unusual facts about Fluent, Inc.


Adler Volmar

Not yet fluent in English, he misunderstood and thought that he was obligated to serve in the military.

Aleksey Mikhaylovich Mikhalyov

Fluent in Persian, he then arrived to Iran, where he established a friendly relations with Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Alex Glen

He joined Southampton in time for their summer tour of Germany, where his fluent German led to him becoming the club's official interpreter.

Alfred P. Thorne

He was fluent in English, Spanish, French, Latin and also proficient at reading and writing classical Greek and Latin to Oxford/Cambridge standards.

Anton Vassil

As a director fluent in French, English and German, he is often associated with international projects requiring multiligual skills and international co-productions.

Arthur Meeker, Jr.

Meeker spent part of each year in Europe, became fluent in French, and purchased a chalet in Switzerland on the Bürgenstock above Lucerne.

Bernard Illowy

He was reportedly an accomplished linguist, and besides a thorough knowledge of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, spoke fluent German, English, French, and Italian.

Brigitte Fossey

Fluent in English, Fossey has appeared in several Hollywood motion pictures, including a 1979 role as the wife of Paul Newman in the Robert Altman-directed film, Quintet.

British counter-intelligence against the Indian revolutionary movement during World War I

The activities of Ghadar on the Pacific coast were noted by W. C. Hopkinson, who had grown up in India and spoke fluent Hindi.

Canadian leaders debates

In the 1993 French-language debate, Reform Party leader Preston Manning opted to make only an opening statement, as he was only fluent in English at the time.

Colin Evans

Colin Evans qualified in Portuguese Language and Culture at Portugal's oldest University, University of Coimbra and he holds a Licentiateship (LCGI) and Graduateship (GCGI) in Leadership and Management from the City and Guilds of London Institute, is fluent in English and Portuguese and has a working knowledge of French.


He sings in Portuguese and speaks fluent English.His first album, Achados E Perdidos, was released on September 20, 2005 on the Quannum Projects label.

David C. Turnley

A fluent speaker of French and Spanish, he is a graduate of the University of Michigan, and has studied at the Sorbonne and Harvard University.

David Zeisberger

He became fluent in the Onondaga language and assisted Conrad Weiser in negotiating an alliance between the English and the Iroquois in Onondaga (near present-day Syracuse, New York).

George Francis Lyon

Wearing Arab/Muslim dress and learning fluent Arabic he managed to blend in with the inhabitants of North Africa; he was tattooed by the Inuit in the Arctic, using needle and sooty thread, and ate raw caribou and seal meat with them.

Gordon Clough

With his fluent Russian he moved back to front-line journalism at the time of the Gorbachev revolution,

Gordon Macdonald, 1st Baron Macdonald of Gwaenysgor

A fluent Welsh speaker, from 1952 – 1960 he was National Governor for Wales of the British Broadcasting Corporation, and from 1953 until his death was chairman of the Broadcasting Council for Wales.

How I Became a Hindu

During the Great Calcutta Killing on 16 August 1946 Goel "would have been killed by a Muslim mob" but his fluent Urdu and his Western dress saved him.

Iraj Bashiri

Fluent in English, Persian/Tajik and several Turkic languages, Bashiri has been able to study and translate works otherwise inaccessible to the mostly Russian-speaking Central Asian studies community.

J. B. Jackson

At age 14 (1923) he enrolled at the elite Institut Le Rosey in Rolle, Switzerland, where he became fluent in both French and German.

Jackson Bailey

He was fluent in Japanese and studied at several eminent Japanese universities, including the University of Kyoto and the University of Tokyo.

Jeremy Wade

He is also fluent in Portuguese, which he studied during the many years he spent fishing in Brazil.

John van Dreelen

The son of Dutch actor and director Louis Gimberg, van Dreelen was fluent in several languages, he escaped the Emslandlager labor camp near Papenburg

Johnny Moses

In addition to speaking English, Moses is fluent in eight native languages and can also tell stories in traditional sign language.

Julius Caesar Ibbetson

According to James Mitchell in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, the "unusual thoroughness" of his education "is reflected in the fluent prose, both of his published painting manuals and of his regular, often entertaining, and rewarding correspondence with patrons".

Kaifeng Jews

Pulitzer-prize-winning American novelist Pearl S. Buck, raised in China and fluent in Chinese, set one of her historical novels (Peony) in a Chinese Jewish community.

Katey Walter

Walter, who is fluent in Russian, works as project coordinator at Chersky for joint Russian-U.S. projects over the International Polar Year, aiming to network arctic observatories in Alaska and Russia for long term monitoring of climate change in cold regions.

Lila Azam Zanganeh

She is fluent in seven languages (English, French, Persian, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese) and is the recipient of the 2011 Roger Shattuck Prize for Criticism, awarded each year by the Center for Fiction.

Marc Morris

His 2005 book on the earls of the Bigod family was praised for its "impeccable research and fluent sense of narration".

Mary Ann Peters

A senior diplomat, fluent in six foreign languages, Ambassador Peters has also served in Sofia, Bulgaria, as deputy chief of mission; in Moscow as economic counselor; and in Mandalay as principal officer.

Mathieu Guidère

He is fluent in several languages including a dozen of Arabic dialects.

No Sleep til Shanghai

The film gained wide acclaim and some shock from screening audiences at the Atlanta Film Festival as they reacted to the startling visage of Jamaican-American promoter Andrew Ballen speaking fluent Chinese on the Shanghai leg of the tour.

Nora Chegodayeva

She served in the intelligence on the Volkhov Front and later organized a women's sniper training course that would become famous after its later reorganization as the Central Women's Sniper School, but was recalled from this position soon after in order to assist the Soviet diplomatic service in Havana with her fluent Spanish when the Soviet Union first established diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1943.

Nouréini Tidjani-Serpos

As well as being fluent in several African languages (Yoruba, Fon, Éwé and Goun), he speaks English and French and reads Spanish fluently.

Octavio Novaro

According to his résumé, he is also an accomplished polyglot who is fluent in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese; translates, reads and writes German, Russian and Greek and speaks both Chinese and Japanese.

Peter Šťastný

He joined the party SDKÚ-DS of the former Prime-minister Mikuláš Dzurinda to pursue a career in the European Parliament since he is fluent in both English and French.

Sebastian Castellio

Having been educated at the age of twenty at the University of Lyon, Castellio was fluent in both French and Italian, and became an expert in Latin, Hebrew and Greek as well.

Stephen G. McFarland

Mr. McFarland speaks fluent Spanish and some Guarani, and he is currently studying K'iche', the second most widely spoken language in Guatemala after Spanish.

Takaji Wachi

He specialized in Chinese studies and was fluent in the Chinese language.

Tan Seng Giaw

His multi-cultural academic and social background has resulted in Seng Giaw being fluent in Mandarin, English, Bahasa Malaysia, and competent in the writing of Malay in the Jawi script.

Tanya Beckett

Sometime after her work as a chemist, she spent the next four years working as an investment banker for Citibank in London and Commerzbank in Frankfurt, Germany; she resultantly speaks fluent German and French.

Tara Lynne O'Neill

She speaks fluent Irish and appeared in dramas in Irish-speaking drama "Teenage Cics"

Terry Phillips

He spent his junior year at l’Institut d’Etudes Françaises in Aix-en-Provence, France, and is fluent in French.

The Corps Series

Eric Feldt says he doesn't speak a word of Japanese, yet later is described as fluent in Japanese, which partly explains why he and Banning get along so well.

The French, They Are a Funny Race

He did some work on Broadway, wrote the screenplay for an adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's The Millionairess which Katharine Hepburn, who had performed in the play in New York, wanted to get produced, and then came to France where, because he was fluent in French, he was able to write and direct the screenplay for this adaptation of Pierre Daninos popular novel.

The Last of the Red Hat Mamas

She tries to convince Principal Skinner that she speaks fluent Italian, but the principal is skeptical.

Theodore Wells Pietsch I

Fluent in the French language, he served in 1917–1918 as an instructor in French to officers of the 316th regiment at Camp Meade, Maryland.

Vyacheslav Menzhinsky

Fluent in over ten languages (including Korean, Chinese, Turkish, and Persian, the last one learned especially in order to read works by Omar Khayyám), Menzhinsky was the second and last member of the Polish nobility among the Lubyanka's chiefs.

Walter Burton Harris

Harris was a fluent speaker of French, Spanish and Moroccan Arabic, and his physical features were such that he could pass for a native Moroccan.

Will Minson

Off the field, Minson is known for his intelligence and multi-faceted abilities - he plays saxophonist, speaks fluent German and is currently studying civil engineering at the University of Melbourne.

see also