
unusual facts about Foreign policy

Corrine Brown

In 2003-2005, Brown cosponsored legislation regarding civil rights and foreign relations.

Al-Quds Al-Arabi

Marc Lynch of Foreign Policy called Al Quds Al Arabi "the most populist/'rejection camp' of the major Arab papers".

Alexander Benard

He has written columns on U.S. foreign and domestic policy for Foreign Affairs, the Wall Street Journal, the National Review, World Affairs, the New York Post, Forbes, Policy Review, the Journal of Strategic Studies, Foreign Policy Digest, Foreign Policy, and World Politics Review.

America's Secret War

America's Secret War: Inside the Hidden Worldwide Struggle Between America and Its Enemies, a book by Stratfor founder George Friedman, is an attempt to analyze United States foreign policy in 2004; specifically, the war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war on terror.

Angela Stent

Angela Stent is a foreign policy expert specializing in U.S. and European relations with Russia and Russian foreign policy.

Aryeh Neier

He has contributed articles and opinion pieces to newspapers, magazines and journals including The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Book Review and Foreign Policy.

Beijing Consensus

Stefan Halper, Director of American Studies at the Department of Politics, Cambridge and former foreign policy official in the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan administrations, offered his own interpretation of the term in his 2012 book, The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century.

Carolyn Lamm

In a 2009 article in Foreign Policy, Lamm was criticized for having "close ties" to controversial countries and corporations, such as Zeromax.

Denise Dresser

She has published articles in the Journal of Democracy, Current History, Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics and Foreign Policy.

Erica Chenoweth

In December 2013, Foreign Policy named Chenoweth one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers of the year "for proving Gandhi right," noting her work on providing evidence for the efficacy of nonviolent political movements.

Global Poverty Act

The Global Poverty Act would require the U.S. President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.

Graham T. Allison

Allison is best known as a political scientist for his book Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (1971), in which he developed two new theoretical paradigms - an organizational process model and a bureaucratic politics model - to compete with the then-prevalent approach of understanding foreign policy decision making using a rational actor model.

Hans Morgenthau

Morgenthau also wrote widely about international politics and U.S. foreign policy for general-circulation publications such as The New Leader, Commentary, Worldview, The New York Review of Books, and The New Republic.

Jadranka Kosor

In foreign policy, Kosor and her Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor were successful in solving the long-standing border dispute and she is credited with successfully finishing the negotiating process of the Croatian accession to the European Union.

James O. Goldsborough

He is author of numerous articles on foreign affairs for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, Fortune, and the Reader's Digest.

Nicholas Guyatt

He also wrote a popular book, Have a Nice Doomsday, on Christian fundamentalist belief in the Rapture and how it is changing American foreign policy towards Israel.

Office of Foreign Relations and Information

It is mandated to provide accurate and timely intelligence to the Government of the Czech Republic that is vital to support and protect foreign and economic policy interests.

Roger D. Pierce

As of 2008, he is serving as the foreign policy advisor with the U.S. Special Operations Command.

Shane Harris

Prior to joining Foreign Policy magazine in 2013, Harris worked as a senior contributor for The Washingtonian and a staff correspondent at National Journal.

Sitalchay Military Airbase

In March 2012, the magazine Foreign Policy reported that the Israeli Air Force might be preparing to use the airbase, located 500 km from the Iranian border, for air strikes against the nuclear program of Iran.

Steven A. Cook

Cook contributes regularly to foreign policy journals such as Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, and The New Republic.

Tomas van Houtryve

He also published a lot of photographs in the following magazines and newspapers; Time, The New York Times, Newsweek, Le Figaro, Le Monde, The Independent Magazine, GEO, Smithsonian, Stern, Foreign Policy and National Geographic.

Yochi Dreazen

Yochi J. Dreazen (born c. 1976) is an American reporter for Foreign Policy.

see also

Action Française

In foreign policy, Maurras and Bainville supported Pierre Laval's double alliance with Benito Mussolini's Fascist Italy and with the United Kingdom in the Stresa Front (1935) on one side, and with the Soviet Union on the other side, against the common enemy Nazi Germany.

American University in Bulgaria

Evgeny Morozov, AUBG graduate, Class of 2005, author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom (January 2011); a contributing editor to Foreign Policy, contributor to The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, Le Monde, and many others

Anglo-German Naval Agreement

Hildebrand, Klaus The Foreign Policy of the Third Reich, London: Batsford, 1973.

Anti-American sentiment in Korea

Strongly anti-US foreign policy and anti-Bush, the song was written in 2002 at a time when, following the Apolo Ohno Olympic controversy and the Yangju highway incident, anti-American sentiment in South Korea reached record high levels.

Benjamin Barber

Barber was an outside adviser to President Bill Clinton and a foreign policy adviser to Howard Dean's 2004 Presidential campaign.

Canada–Latin America relations

This incredible divergence was essentially manifested in Mitchell Sharp’s “Options for the Future” (otherwise known as the ‘Third Option Paper’), which reaffirmed the tenets of “Foreign Policy for Canadians”, but considered U.S.-Canada relations in greater detail.

Canadian federal election, minor party positions

Foreign policy The Marxist-Leninist Paty calls for the complete and immediate withdrawal from all economic and military blocks such as the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, North American Free Trade Agreement, APEC, NORAD, and NATO.

Chatham Ministry

Its major foreign policy objective - to secure Britain a major alliance partner in Europe that would end its diplomatic isolation - failed when Frederick the Great of Prussia rejected an offer to reform the Anglo-Prussian Alliance.

Dana Wolfe

She worked as a researcher for Ambassador Benjamin Netenyahu during his time as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations before becoming Assistant Managing Editor at the Washington D.C. based foreign policy journal The National Interest.

Daniel Schueftan

For over 30 years, Schueftan has served as "a consultant to Israeli decision-makers and to the top echelon of Israel's foreign policy and defense establishments," also briefing European and American political leaders and senior officers.

David Callahan

Callahan has published two books on U.S. foreign policy:Dangerous Capabilities, a biography of Paul Nitze, and Unwinnable Wars, a study of U.S. involvement in such ethnic conflicts as the wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, Lebanon, and Biafra.

David Fromkin

In the 1972 Democratic primary campaign, he served as a foreign-policy adviser to candidate Hubert Humphrey.

Douglas C. Bennett

Earlham College, during Bennett's tenure, gained national media attention when political analyst and Fox News commentator William Kristol, was hit with an ice cream pie by a student while giving a speech on foreign policy in March 2005.

Dov S. Zakheim

During the 2000 U.S. Presidential election campaign, Zakheim served as a foreign policy advisor to George W. Bush as part of a group led by Condoleezza Rice that called itself The Vulcans.

Egypt–United States relations

After the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Egyptian foreign policy began to shift as a result of the change in Egypt's leadership from the fiery Nasser to the much more moderate Anwar Sadat and the emerging peace process between Egypt and Israel.

Esther Brimmer

Esther Brimmer is an American foreign policy expert and former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs.

Eugene Jarecki

Jarecki is also the founder and executive director of The Eisenhower Project, an academic public policy group, dedicated in the spirit of Dwight D. Eisenhower, to studying the forces that shape American foreign policy.

First Taiwan Strait Crisis

President Truman later ordered John Foster Dulles, the Foreign Policy Advisor to U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, to carry out his decision on neutralizing Taiwan in drafting the Treaty of San Francisco of 1951 (the peace treaty with Japan), which excluded the participation of both the ROC and the PRC.

Foreign Policy Council

American Foreign Policy Council, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing information to those who make or influence the foreign policy of the United States

Foreign relations of Tonga

Tonga's foreign policy as of January 2009 has been described by Matangi Tonga as "Look East" – namely, as establishing closer diplomatic and economic relations with Asia (which actually lies to the north-west of the Pacific kingdom).

Foreign Service Journal

It covers foreign affairs from the perspective of American Foreign Service personnel, members of Washington's foreign policy establishment, as well as features on living overseas as a foreign affairs professional.

Frank Chodorov

Chodorov continued to advocate non-intervention, but as the Cold War continued, he lost influence: the American conservative movement came to be a bastion of interventionist foreign policy in combating Soviet expansionism.

Friedbert Pflüger

His doctoral thesis was directed by Karl Dietrich Bracher and examined US-foreign policy "between idealism and realism".

Friedrich Schrader

Schrader spent the last two years of his life in Berlin as freelance journalist, mainly writing for Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (DAZ), which was in the early years of the Weimar Republic still a liberal centre-right publication supporting the consolidation of Germany in the Weimar Republic (the foreign policy editor and later editor in chief at that time was Paul Lensch, a former SPD politician and associate of Parvus and Rosa Luxemburg).

Gary Reams

He debated Democrat Tim Kaine on public television, persistently linking every question to the marijuana issue, which he regarded as relevant to all other political issues, including taxes, law enforcement, the environment, foreign policy, and public safety.

Germany is Our Problem

During 1944 Henry Morgenthau involved himself in U.S. foreign policy, together with his associate Harry White he formulated the Morgenthau plan.

Hilde Frafjord Johnson

She was member of the High Level Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor led by Madeleine Albright, and has served as a member of the Oxford University Taskforce on UK Energy, Development Assistance and Foreign Policy, led by Sir Chris Patten.

John Aravosis

Aravosis is a lawyer and worked on Capitol Hill as a foreign policy adviser for Ted Stevens, a Republican senator in the late 1980s and early 1990s before becoming a Democrat.

Joseph J. Sisco

Joseph John Sisco (October 31, 1919 – November 23, 2004) was a diplomat who played a major role in then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East and whose career in the State Department spanned five presidential administrations and numerous foreign-policy crises.

Matthew Woll

Workers of the World Undermined: American Labor's Role in U.S. Foreign Policy. Boston: South End Press, 1991.

Mauricio Claver-Carone

In an independent capacity, he also serves on the Board of Directors of the US-Cuba Democracy PAC, which purports to be the largest, single foreign-policy political action committee in the United States, and the largest Hispanic political action committee in history.

Milorad Dodik

On 25 October 2011, Dodik spoke on "An American Foreign Policy Success Story: The Dayton Accords, Republika Srpska and Bosnia's European Integration" at Columbia University.

Mohammed Daoud Khan

His ten-year tenure was noted for his foreign policy turn to the Soviet Union, the completion of the Helmand Valley project, which radically improved living conditions in southwestern Afghanistan, and tentative steps towards the emancipation of women.

Montenegrin independence referendum, 2006

The EU's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, congratulated Montenegro on a "successful referendum" and said the turnout of over 86 percent "confirms the legitimacy of the process."

Munir Butt

Munir Udit Zadu Nehru Butt, CMG (born 1940) is a former senior British diplomat and academic who was an economic and foreign policy advisor to various British Prime-Ministers.

National Missile Defense in Canada

This viewpoint was shared by many who feared the increasingly aggressive U.S. foreign policy under George W. Bush, and who resented the suggestion that Canada may not have an independent foreign policy.

Nazi foreign policy debate

Martin Broszat, a functionalist historian, has been noted many times to point towards an ideological foreign policy; fuelled by anti-Semitism, anti-Communism and Lebensraum.

Prime Minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

In foreign policy, his government supported the United Kingdom during the Suez Crisis and got involved in the Congo Crisis, by accepting white refugees and supporting State of Katanga and its leader Moise Tshombe.

Princess Marie Adelheid of Lippe-Biesterfeld

Along with Paul Rassinier's Holocaust-denying work The Drama of the European Jews, Marie Adelheid also translated Lenora Mattingly Weber's work My True Love Waits from French into German and Harry Elmer Barnes' Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace: A Critical Examination of the Foreign Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt from English into German, among others.

Robert D. Crane

From the time of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 until the beginning of Richard Nixon’s victorious campaign for the presidency in 1967, Dr. Crane was a foreign policy adviser, responsible for preparing a “reader's digest” of professional articles for him on the key foreign policy issues.

School of International Service

The School of International Service was created when AU's Hurst Anderson was urged by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to create a school of practitioners prepared for foreign policy beyond the U.S.–Soviet rivalry.

Scott C. Johnson

His writing has also appeared in Foreign Policy, New York Times, BuzzFeed, Guernica Magazine, Granta and various other outlets.

The Color of Truth

Subtitled McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy: Brothers in Arms, it is a biography focusing on the Bundys' role in American foreign policy, especially in the progression of the Vietnam War.

Trita Parsi

Reviewing the book in Commentary (magazine), however, Nathan Thrall found it "troubling" that a "litany of praise" had "been heaped on this book by authorities in American foreign policy and Middle East studies."

United Kingdom general election, 1880

At the culmination of the Midlothian campaign, the Liberals, led by the fierce oratory of retired former Liberal leader William Ewart Gladstone in attacking the supposedly immoral foreign policy of the Disraeli government, secured one of their largest ever majorities in the election, leaving the Conservatives a distant second.

United Nations Security Council election, 2010

Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon acknowledged that foreign policy under the Conservative government had played a role in the loss – even as he said that policy is based on sound democratic and human rights principles.

United Russia

A survey, whose results were presented by Henry E. Hale in 2008 at the Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, indicates that the Russian population associates the party with a market economic orientation, opposition to communism, a moderately pro-Western foreign policy and a tough stance on rebellious minority regions like Chechnya.

Washington Literary Society and Debating Union

The Smith Simpson Debate on Foreign Policy is held between the two groups on a question of foreign policy in the spring and was endowed by R. Smith Simpson.

Werner Otto von Hentig

Hentig interceded with Under-Secretary of State Ernst von Weizsäcker, pointing out the detrimental effects of the riots on German foreign policy....

Xokonoschtletl Gómora

He was supported by Austrian legislators too, the members of the Social Democratic Party of Austria, led by Peter Schieder (chairman of the parliamentary committee of Foreign Policy), presented a proposal to return the headdress in 2005.