
unusual facts about Francesco Sforza

Agnese del Maino

On 25 October 1441, Bianca Maria was married, in a magnificent ceremony at the Abbey of San Sigismondo in Cremona, to Francesco Sforza, a renowned Condottiero and member of the Condottieri Sforza family.

Ludovico III Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua

However, Francesco Sforza, the new duke of Milan, enticed him with the promise of Lonato, Peschiera and Asola, formerly Mantuan territories but then part of Venice.

Luigi dal Verme

When in 1447 the Ambrosian Republic was proclaimed, he joined Francesco Sforza in its defence, contributing to the latter's conquest of Milan.

Tiburzio di Maso

In the tumultuous atmosphere of the revolt against Ferrante, the Aragonese King of Naples by the local lords who supported the claims of the House of Anjou, which broke out anew in 1460, Francesco Sforza had induced the Pope, Pius II to support Ferrante in the Neapolitan War of 1460-61.

see also