
unusual facts about Friedrich Wöhler

James Curtis Booth

He visited Germany between 1833 and 1835, spending the year of 1833 in Professor Friedrich Wöhler's private laboratory in Hesse-Cassel, and then spending nine months in the laboratory of Professor Gustav Magnus in Berlin.

Alexander Crum Brown

In the application for this position he was supported by such famous chemists as Baeyer, Beilstein, Bunsen, Butlerov, Erlenmeyer, Hofmann, Kolbe, Volhard and Wöhler.

Bernhard Tollens

He finished in 1862 and began studying chemistry in Göttingen in Wöhler's laboratory, then supervised by Friedrich Konrad Beilstein and Rudolph Fittig.

Total synthesis

The first demonstration of organic total synthesis was Friedrich Wöhler's synthesis of urea in 1828, which demonstrated that organic molecules can be produced from inorganic precursors, and the first commercialized total synthesis was Gustaf Komppa's synthesis and industrial production of camphor in 1903.

see also