
5 unusual facts about GABA receptor

GABA receptor

The increased chloride conductance drives the membrane potential towards the reversal potential of the Cl¯ ion which is about –65 mV in neurons, inhibiting the firing of new action potentials.

Idiopathic generalized epilepsy

Mutations in the calcium channel α subunit encoding gene CACNA1H and the GABA receptor γ subunit encoding gene GABRG2 yield susceptibility for CAE.

Linkage of this disorder has been shown to mutations in the genes GABRA1, CACNB4, CLCN2, GABRD2, EFHC1, and EFHC2.


Lanthanum acts at the same modulatory site on the GABA receptor as zinc- a known negative allosteric modulator.

Rhombic lip

The granule cells express a different set of mature receptors at this stage including, GC5 and GABA receptors.

see also