Kappa production ended with General Motors' bankruptcy in July 2009.
Another concept car, built by Holden and called the Torana TT36, was rumored to have started as a Kappa-based car with a twin-turbocharged V6, but the modifications necessary to accommodate the engine, transmission, and general vehicle size made it necessary to refer to the platform as "based on architecture similar to the Kappa and the Corvette."
platform | Kappa Alpha Psi | Phi Kappa Phi | Oil platform | Phi Kappa Psi | Pi Kappa Alpha | Phi Kappa Theta | Kappa Kappa Psi | Delta Kappa Epsilon | platform game | oil platform | Kappa Alpha Theta | Extensible Metadata Platform | cross-platform | Alpha Kappa Alpha | Kappa Sigma | Kappa Delta Rho | Kappa Alpha Society | Java (software platform) | Java Platform, Standard Edition | Platform | Phi Theta Kappa | Phi Sigma Kappa | Phi Beta Kappa Society | Kappa Alpha Order | Ford Panther platform | Smurfit Kappa Group | Platform game | Platform (computing) | Platform as a service |