
2 unusual facts about Georges Didi-Huberman

Aby Warburg

Georges Didi-Huberman, L'image survivante: histoire de l'art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg.

Mizocz Ghetto

Didi-Huberman, Georges, and Lillis, Shane B., Images in Spite of All: Four photographs from Auschwitz, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2008 ISBN 978-0-226-14816-8

Carl Frühling

He became a piano accompanist and teacher, working with Huberman, Pablo de Sarasate, Egon Wellesz, and the Rosé Quartet.

Dulce Amargo

Los Treinta telenovela made in 2005 by TVN, written by Marcelo Leonart, Nona Fernández, Hugo Morales an Ximena Carrera; and starring Francisco Melo, Alejandra Fosalba, Katyna Huberman, Malucha Pinto, Álvaro Espinoza, Luz Valdivieso, Andrés Velasco y Juan José Gurruchaga.

Gibson Stradivarius

The first time the violin was returned shortly after the theft; the second theft, by musician Julian Altman, occurred on the evening of 28 February 1936, backstage at Carnegie Hall, while Huberman performed with his Guarnerius of 1731.

International Research Institute for Cultural Technologies and Media Philosophy

Wolfgang Beilenhoff, Georges Didi-Huberman, Richard Dyer, Josef Früchtl, Frank Kessler, Joachim Krausse, Almira Ousmanova, Manfred Schneider

Ron Huberman

In 1995, Huberman was promoted to Assistant Deputy Superintendent, becoming one of the youngest officers to reach exempt rank in the history of the Chicago Police Department.

see also