Following the months after Riina's arrest, there were a series of bombings by the Corleonesi against several tourist spots on the Italian mainland – the Via dei Georgofili in Florence, Via Palestro in Milan and the Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano and Via San Teodoro in Rome, which left 10 people dead and 71 injured as well as severe damage to centres of cultural heritage such as the Uffizi Gallery.
In the beginning of the 1990s, after a failed cocaine transport, Mafia boss Giovanni Brusca condemned Miceli to death.
Don Giovanni | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina | Giovanni Bellini | Giovanni Riggi | Giovanni Boccaccio | Giovanni Battista Pergolesi | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo | Giovanni Battista Guarini | Giovanni | Giovanni Trapattoni | Giovanni "John the Eagle" Riggi | Giovanni Gabrieli | Giovanni Falcone | Villa San Giovanni | San Giovanni in Persiceto | Giovanni Verga | Giovanni van Bronckhorst | Giovanni Tamagno | Giovanni Pacini | Giovanni Battista Pescetti | Giovanni Papini | Giovanni Hidalgo | Giovanni Domenico Cassini | Giovanni de' Medici | Giovanni Bottesini | Giovanni Battista Riccioli | Giovanni Zenatello | Giovanni Visconti | Giovanni Schiaparelli | Giovanni Pisano |
After the arrest of Mafia boss Totò Riina in January 1993, the remaining bosses, among them Giuseppe Graviano, Matteo Messina Denaro, Giovanni Brusca, Leoluca Bagarella, Antonino Gioè and Gioacchino La Barbera came together a few times (often in the Santa Flavia area in Bagheria, on an estate owned by the mafioso Leonardo Greco).