It was also the first Olympic gold won by an athlete from Istria after Mate Parlov's boxing gold in the 1972 Summer Olympics.
It was Croatia's first Olympic gold and only the second shooting sports medal ever won in its entire Olympic history.
Don Giovanni | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina | Giovanni Bellini | Giovanni Riggi | Giovanni Boccaccio | Giovanni Battista Pergolesi | Giovanni Battista Tiepolo | Giovanni Battista Guarini | Giovanni | Giovanni Trapattoni | Giovanni "John the Eagle" Riggi | Giovanni Gabrieli | Giovanni Falcone | Villa San Giovanni | San Giovanni in Persiceto | Giovanni Verga | Giovanni van Bronckhorst | Giovanni Tamagno | Giovanni Pacini | Giovanni Battista Pescetti | Giovanni Papini | Giovanni Hidalgo | Giovanni Domenico Cassini | Giovanni de' Medici | Giovanni Bottesini | Giovanni Battista Riccioli | Giovanni Zenatello | Giovanni Visconti | Giovanni Schiaparelli | Giovanni Pisano |