
unusual facts about Proto-globalization


First introduced by historians A. G. Hopkins and Christopher Bayly, the term describes the phase of increasing trade links and cultural exchange that characterized the period immediately preceding the advent of so-called 'modern globalization' in the 19th century.

A. G. Hopkins

Toyin Falola and Emily Brownell (eds.): Africa, Empire and Globalization.

Adilabad district

Explorations and excavations at the surrounding areas of Luxettipet, Manchiryal, Asifabad, Boath, Bhainsa and Khanapur yielded pre- and proto-historic remnants.


Aleph, the reconstructed name of the first letter of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet

Alexander Brattell

Other important influences on Brattell’s work include the English proto-surrealist Austin Osman Spare (1886–1956), writers J. G. Ballard (1930–2009) and William S. Burroughs (1914–1997).

Architecture of Mongolia

Especially the style of the Batu-Tsagaan Tsogchin temple of Urga designed by G. Zanabazar became a proto-type for the further development of the Mongolian style in architecture.

Boer Republics

The Boer Republics (sometimes also referred to as Boer states) were independent self-governed republics created by the northeastern frontier branch of the Dutch-speaking (proto Afrikaans) inhabitants of the north eastern Cape Province and their descendants (variously named Trekboers, Boers, Afrikaners and Voortrekkers) in mainly the northern and eastern parts of what is now the country of South Africa.

Chen Duxiu

In 1927, he and other high-ranking Communists, including Mao Zedong and Borodin, collaborated closely with Wang Jingwei's Nationalist government in Wuhan, convincing Wang's regime to adopt various proto-Communist policies.

Deep Economy

By contrast to such economists and commentators as Deirdre McCloskey, Thomas Friedman and Jeffrey Sachs, McKibben does not promote globalization in the developing world, which he views as ineffective means of raising the global standard of living and unsustainable given limited global resources.

Edgar H. Sturtevant

Besides research on Native American languages and field work on the Modern American English dialects, he is the father of the Indo-Hittite hypothesis, first formulated in 1926, based on his seminal work establishing the Indo-European character of Hittite (and the related Anatolian languages), with Hittite exhibiting more archaic traits than the normally reconstructed forms for Proto-Indo-European.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

In 2002, Federico Mayor Zaragoza co-founded with Boutros Boutros Ghali, John Brademas, Edward J. Nell, Karim Errouaki and Alain Chanlat the Centre Humanism, Management & Globalization (HMG) at HEC-Montreal.


The rune derives from the unattested but reconstructed Proto-Germanic *fehu in the Elder Futhark alphabet, with the original meaning of "money, cattle, wealth".

Frank Proto

Between 1982 and 1989 Proto was a Synclavier artist, composing works in different genres both with and for the system, the most notable being the Dialogue for Synclavier and Orchestra, commissioned by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and conducted by then music director Michael Gielen.

Frederik Kortlandt

In 2007, he composed a version of Schleicher's fable, a story written in a hypothetical reconstruction Proto-Indo-European, which differs radically from all previous versions.

Gāndhārī language

Scholars believe that the language featured elements from the languages native to the area (pre-Indo-European population) which are related to the Indo-Aryan family to which all prakrits belong, as well as Dardic and Iranian ethnic languages (i.e. Pashto) native to Peshawar.


The name derives from northern Lechitic (Proto-Polish) dialects (namely from West Pomeranian) from the word "gard" < *gord, meaning "fortified settlement".


American political scientist Joseph Nye, co-founder of the international relations theory of neoliberalism, generalized the term to argue that globalism refers to any description and explanation of a world which is characterized by networks of connections that span multi-continental distances; while globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of globalism.

Grigori Marchenko

Marchenko gave a speech on "The development of Kazakhstan in the period of Globalization and the growth of financial markets" on 15 March 2006 at the Hong Kong Theater,Clement House, Aldwych, for the London School of Economics.

Herta Däubler-Gmelin

On September 18, 2002, four days before Schröder's re-election, she attended a meeting at a restaurant in Derendingen (near Tübingen) with about 30 trade unionists from two local factories (the topic was "Globalization and Labor").

Human branding

The English verb to burn, attested since the 12th century, is a combination of Old Norse brenna "to burn, light," and two originally distinct Old English verbs: bærnan "to kindle" (transitive) and beornan "to be on fire" (intransitive), both from the Proto-Germanic root bren(wanan), perhaps from a Proto-Indo-European root bhre-n-u, from base root bhereu- "to boil forth, well up."

Jeffrey A. Hart

In 2001, he completed a project on globalization in collaboration with Aseem Prakash that resulted in the publication of three edited volumes.

Jemdet Nasr

The site was first excavated in 1926 by Stephen Langdon, who found proto-cuneiform clay tablets in a large mudbrick building thought to be the ancient administrative centre of the site.


Kammanu was a Luwian - Proto-Armenian speaking Neo-Hittite state in Armenian Highlands in the late 2nd millennium BC, formed from part of Kizzuwatna after the collapse of the Hittite Empire.

Khitan scripts

Although there are several clues to its origins, which might point in different directions, the Khitan language is most likely a descendant of Pre-Proto-Mongolic (and thus related to the Mongolic languages).

Kuiper belt

The scattered disc was created when Neptune migrated outward into the proto-Kuiper belt, which at the time was much closer to the Sun, and left in its wake a population of dynamically stable objects that could never be affected by its orbit (the Kuiper belt proper), and a population whose perihelia are close enough that Neptune can still disturb them as it travels around the Sun (the scattered disc).

Lemuel Dole Nelme

He is said to have deferred later to the theory of Rowland Jones on Celtic as proto-language.

Lowell Livezey

Dr. Gehr Livezey, who retired in 2006 as Professor of Christian Ethics at McCormick Theological Seminary, served as Director of the Globalization Project of the Center for World Christianity at New York Theological Seminary.

Lynn Meredith

He has since reunited with his other Kansas II cohorts in Proto-Kaw.

Motives for the September 11 attacks

Bernard Lewis is the best-known exponent of the idea of the "humiliation" of the Islamic world through globalization.


Writers include Chiori Miyagawa, Julia Lee Barclay, Proto-type Theater's Peter S. Petralia, Trav S.D., Ken Urban and Marc Spitz.

Paul E. Watson

By 1937 Watson's team had developed a proto-type "Search Light Control Radar" (SCR-270) apparatus and successfully demonstrated it to the Secretary of War at Fort Monmouth.

Proto-Algonquian language

It has merged with the reflex of *r in all Algonquian languages except for Cree and the Arapaho group.

Proto-Anatolian language

However, the usage of Hittite cuneiform writing system limits the enterprise of understanding and reconstructing Anatolian phonology, partly due to the deficiency of the adopted Akkadian cuneiform syllabary to represent Hittite sounds, and partly due to the Hittite scribal practices.

Proto-Dené–Caucasian language

To facilitate comparisons with the literature, Starostin's transcription (largely identical to Bengtson's) is used in this section, followed by the IPA equivalents between slashes (for phonemes) or brackets (for actual phones).


The Mesopotamian civilization emerged during the period 3700–2900 BC amid the development of technological innovations such as the plough, sailing boats and copper metal working.


Proto-Human language, a designation of the hypothetical most recent common ancestor of all the world's languages


Another counter-argument is the fact that ancient Anatolia is known to have been inhabited by non-Indo-European people, namely the Hattians, Khalib/Karub, and Khaldi/Kardi; though this does not preclude the possibility that the earliest Indo-European speakers may have been there too.

Proto-Sinaitic script

There have been two major discoveries of inscriptions that may be in the Proto-Sinaitic script, the first in the winter of 1904–1905 in Sinai by Hilda and Flinders Petrie, dated to circa 1700-1400 BCE, and more recently in 1999 in Middle Egypt by John and Deborah Darnell, dated to the 18th century BCE.

Proto-Tai language

Pittayaporn's reconstruction of these sounds is based on irregular correspondences in differing modern Tai dialects among the sounds /kʰ/, /x/ and /h/, in particular in the Phuan language and the Kapong dialect of the Phu Thai language.

The distinction between /kʰ/ and /x/ can be reconstructed from White Tai language.


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Robert Claiborne

His Our Marvelous Native Tongue (also called The Life and Times of the English Language) is a well-known book about the origins and evolution of English, spanning subjects as diverse as the Indo-Europeans, the Saxons, the King James Bible, Pidgin English, and African American Vernacular English (also called 'Ebonics').


Sopormetal globalization strategy begins with the acquisition of a Spanish company, resulting in the establishment of Sopormetal España in Madrid, now considered a significant “player” of the industrial sector in Spanish market, covering it as a whole and supplying large companies such as Airbus, Basque Mondragon Corporation and Siemens.

Terrence G. Wiley

His work has focused on literacy and language diversity, Ebonics, bilingual education, and the impacts of globalization and language-restrictionist policies.

Theodore C. Bestor

Since the early 1990s his primary research has concerned Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market where he has studied the economic anthropology of institutions, and has focused also on food culture, globalization, and Japan's fishing industry.

Tibetan incense

Tibetan medical theory states that everything in the universe is made up of the 5 proto-elements: sa (Earth), chu (Water), me (Fire), rLung (Wind or Air), and Nam-mkha (Space).


Verner's law, historical sound change in the Proto-Germanic language

Walden Bello

He is also a guest professor at Binghamton University, where his lectures focus predominantly on issues of globalization.

William Garbutt

This was not the only part of managing in Italy that Garbutt set the proto-type for; he conducted Italy's first ever paid player transfers, where he signed two players from Andrea Doria and one from A.C. Milan.

World Values Survey

Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and the tenth President of European Commission said about the WVS work: “The growing globalization of the world makes it increasingly important to understand ... diversity. People with varying beliefs and values can live together and work together productively, but for this to happen it is crucial to understand and appreciate their distinctive worldviews”.

see also