It is now richly documented in the RadikalKritik site managed by Dr. Hermann Detering, who is reviving the complete scholarship of Radical Criticism of the Dutch Radical School, with reviews of all its members and analyses of their works, including many articles in English.
Hermann Göring | Hermann Hesse | Hermann von Helmholtz | Hermann Nitsch | Hermann Hauser | Hermann Bondi | Hermann Zapf | Hermann Tilke | Hermann Emil Fischer | Walther Hermann Richard Horn | Robert Hermann Schomburgk | Otto Hermann Kahn | Hermann Volrath Hilprecht | Hermann Scherchen | Hermann-Paul | Hermann Kesten | Hermann | Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring | Hermann Trophy | Hermann Oberth | Hermann Muthesius | Hermann Joseph Muller | Hermann Goetz | Hermann Cohen | Hermann and Dorothea | Paul Hermann | Hermann Weyl | Hermann von Fehling | Hermann von Eichhorn | Hermann Sudermann |
Hermann Detering's site also follows current controversies from the US, such as the criticisms raised about Bart Ehrman's recent publication of Did Jesus Exist? (2012), including Robert Price's evaluation, and about the series of articles published by R. Joseph Hoffmann on his blog The New Oxonian, called The Jesus Process: A Consultation on the Historical Jesus.