
2 unusual facts about Hot Lips

Hot Lips

The initial issue was by Paul Whiteman's orchestra of which Busse was a member at the time.

Red Nichols, Al Hirt, Pete Candoli, Horace Heidt, the California Ramblers, Miss Patricola on Victor, the Hoosier Hot Shots on Melotone, and Henry Busse with his orchestra, have all recorded the song.

see also

Joe Keyes

He then worked in the band led by "Hot Lips" Page, and recorded with guitarist Eddie Durham and saxophonist Buster Smith.

Just Plain Bill

In the M*A*S*H episode "Major Fred C. Dobbs", Hawkeye tape-records an encounter between Frank Burns and Hot Lips in the latter's tent, then plays it back for Frank in the guise of "my favorite armed forces soap opera, Just Plain MacArthur".