
3 unusual facts about IDEAS

Asociación del Sello de Productos de Comercio Justo

The ASPCJ was established in 2005 by the Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo, Fundación ETEA para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación, Fundación Intermon-Oxfam, Federación SETEM, IDEAS (Iniciativas de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria), Alternativa 3, Cáritas Española, CECU (Confederación de Consumidores y Usuarios) and the CECJ (Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo).

Ernst Fehr

According to IDEAS/REPEC, he is the second-most influential German-speaking economist, and is ranked at 99th globally and has been candidate to be laureated with the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.


I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)


Acratas, influenced by new protest movement amongst students abroad, was anarchist rather than Marxist in character, against all authority, & protested by asserting their right to have fun by ridiculing the ideas, individuals and groups they despised.

Adana Center for Arts and Culture

The proximity of the building to the Taşköprü and being also made of hewn stone strengthens the ideas on the architectural history of Adana.

Administrative division of Duchy of Warsaw

It was a solution adopted after the French model, as the entire Duchy was in fact created by Napoleon, and based on French ideas, although the departaments were divided into traditional Polish powiats (counties).

Alexander Neckam

In particular he draws many ideas from the philosophical writings of the Salernitan medical master Urso of Calabria, particularly De commixtionibus elementorum on humoral theory.

Alfred Comyn Lyall

Lyall's ideas regarding the development and organisation of society in India were developed principally during the time he spent working in the Central Provinces, Berar and Rajputana between 1865 and 1878.

Andrew Samuels

He then gained a Diploma in Social Administration at the London School of Economics, subsequently qualified as a Psychiatric Social Worker and went on to train at the Society of Analytical Psychology (founded in 1946 in London to develop the ideas of Carl Jung, and a member institution of the BPC), where he is a Training Analyst.

Armin Mohler

According to Michael Minkenberg, Mohler's ideas owed more to the Nouvelle Droite strain associated with GRECE than the Ostpolitik-derived ideas of a strong German state associated with contemporaries such as Robert Spaemann and Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner.

Bob Graham Center for Public Service

The Bob Graham Center’s Civil Debate Wall—popularly known as ‘The Wall’—is a series of interconnected touch-screen devices that allow students, teachers and citizens to share ideas and solutions to some of the most pressing political questions facing the nation.

Briankle Chang

He is considered the first scholar to bring to bear the ideas of Jacques Derrida on the field of communication studies.


Gerd, in seeking to expand the business, came into contact with the designer Otl Aicher, whose design ideas were largely based on the principles of the Ulm School of Design which favours simplified forms and functionality.

Claude Buckle

He found time to travel in France, Spain and North Africa using Tramp Steamers recording scenes that later formed many of the ideas for his water colours paintings.

Dambisa Moyo

Moyo's ideas are similar to those held by the Rwandan Government and President Paul Kagame.

De Es Schwertberger

After this exhibition he went on to further study, and modify, the 'Techniques of the Old Masters' to his own purposes in a selection of work he called Ideas of Truth, and his portfolio The Missing Weapon, which was shown at the Gallery Bernard in Solothurn, Switzerland, in 1968.

Dead Air

Some of these political ideas are developed further in Raw Spirit.

Ducati 851

Massimo Bordi had designed a 4V Desmo in 1973 for his thesis at the University of Bologna, and with Cagiva in 1985, saw his updated ideas come into production as the Desmoquattro.

Egocentric predicament

Since 1710, when George Berkeley broached in his fashion the problem of the egocentric predicament, denying the existence of material substance except as ideas in the minds of perceivers, and thus asserting a problematical relation with reality, hence has this thesis proved a stumbling block.

Geoffrey T. Hellman

He also wrote about prominent people such as author Louis Auchincloss; New York Parks Commissioner Robert Moses, who sent him story ideas; and architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

Georg Hermes

Hermes himself was very largely under the influence of the Kantian and Fichtean ideas, and though in the philosophical portion of his Einleitung he criticizes both these thinkers severely, rejects their doctrine of the moral law as the sole guarantee for the existence of God, and condemns their restricted view of the possibility and nature of revelation, enough remained of purely speculative material to render his system obnoxious to his church.

Gul Ahmed Group

The Ideas flagship store is located in the Clifton area of Karachi, with plans to establish a retail chain throughout Pakistan.


While some material originally intended for the aborted noise album evolved into the songs "Brownstone" and "Noisex", Mark Walk and Ogre took their noise ideas and further developed them for the ohGr album unDeveloped.

Isaac Mendez

On December 11, 2007, the New York Law Journal reported on Mallery v. NBC Universal, quoting from Southern District Judge Denise Cote's opinion that "the line between mere 'ideas' and protected 'expression' is 'famously difficult to fix precisely'", and stating that Heroes was not close to infringing.

Jean-Claude Izzo

Adaptation highly controversial especially for the fact that for the role of Montale was chosen Alain Delon whose ideas and whose personality are opposite with respect to those of Izzo.

John Barnard

Despite his friendship and good past working relationship with Prost at McLaren, Barnard opted to leave the Maranello based team and join Benetton, seeking a new challenge, and relishing working again for a team based in England where he wouldn't be subject to the Italian press, where failures with his ideas (such as the numerous failures during testing of the semi-automatic gearbox throughout 1988), often made headlines despite being minor in nature.

Kang Youwei

His ideas inspired a reformation movement that was supported by the Guangxu Emperor but loathed by Empress Dowager Cixi, about whom, according to Sterling Seagrave he invented many of the stories which stained her reputation.


Leszek Kołakowski (1927–2009), Polish philosopher and historian of ideas

LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium

An annual lecture at the Symposium is broadcast on CBC Radio One's Ideas.


Maayan, an Israeli magazine for poetry, literature, art, and ideas

Martin Seligman

On July 6, 2011, he appeared on Newsnight and was interviewed by Jeremy Paxman about his ideas and his interest in the concept of well-being.

Mitch Silpa

Another one of his reoccurring projects that is outside of television and film is with The Groundlings as he performs with other cast troupe members in a show entitled, "Cookin' with Gas." In this show the members take suggestions from the audience which changes every week and create songs and sketches based on these ideas.

Nandalal Bose

Like Raphael Nandalal was a great synthesizer, his originality lay in his ability to marshal discrete ideas drawn from Abanindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, E. B. Havell, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Okakura Kakuzo and Mahatma Gandhi into a unique and unified programme for the creation of a new art movement in India.

Paparazzi Project

Paparazzi collaborators share ideas and information using the same MediaWiki software that is used by Wikipedia.

Peak Forest Canal

Outram was somewhat delayed by a request from the committee to report on ideas by Robert Fulton who had been awarded the contract for the cuttings at Werneth.

Piers Wardle

Wardle was perhaps the first British painter to experiment artistically with the ideas of Benoit Mandelbrot and other 'chaos' mathematicians, exploring in his work how 'the complexity associated with natural and organic forms can be generated, in appearance at least, by simple rules' (from Piers Wardle's catalogue for an exhibition held at the Pomeroy Purdy Gallery in April 1989).

Politically Correct

Political correctness, language, ideas, policies, or behaviour seeking to minimize offence to groups of people

Propaganda during the Reformation

Propaganda during the Reformation, helped by the spread of the printing press throughout Europe, and in particular within Germany, caused new ideas, thoughts, and doctrine to be made available to the public in ways that had never been seen before the sixteenth century.

Reginald Aldworth Daly

Daly summarized his ideas in his 1926 book, Our Mobile Earth, which included on the title page small print adopted from Galileo: E pur si muove.

Roger Connah

In the competition, the best ideas, designs, descriptions, images, and videos for a new White House were selected by some of the world's most distinguished designers and critics and during October 2008 were on display at the Storefront for Art and Architecture, which, in association with Control Group, sponsored the contest.

Rosetrees Trust

Many researchers and surgeons see practical potential benefits for example Rosetrees supports the Royal College of Surgeons fellowships where researchers test their ideas.

Saint Lucy, Barbados

One of the most recent ideas during the 1990s was to capitalise on a venture said to be in the works by Donald Trump in neighbouring Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Schnepfenthal Salzmann School

The curriculum borrowed ideas from John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and especially Johann Bernhard Basedow, the founder of the first Philanthropinum, a progressive experimental school in Dessau.

Seward Collins

In addition to featuring essays by many critics of modernity, The American Review also became the a vehicle for spreading the ideas associated with English Distributism, the supporters of which included G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc.

Shirley Poppy

The biometrician Karl Pearson used the Shirley poppy to study his ideas of homotyposis, which he defined as “the quantitative degree of resemblance to be found on the average between the like parts of organisms”.

Solve for X

European director Bruno Giussani stated regarding Google's endeavor: "The world needs more ideas, not fewer and more commitment to sharing them freely and openly so that collectively we can test-run them and turn them into reality ... Google being at the origin of this, obviously technology and engineering will play a big role in Solve For X".

Taza, Son of Cochise

His elder son Taza (Rock Hudson) shares his ideas, but brother Naiche (Rex Reason) yearns for war...and for Taza's betrothed, Oona (Barbara Rush).

Thornlie, Western Australia

Crestwood was based on the ideas of Paul Ritter, Perth's first and somewhat controversial city planner.

Walter Travis

The Schenectady Putter was invented by Arthur F. Knight, a General Electric engineer, who created a model reflecting his ideas in the summer of 1902 at his home course, Mohawk Golf Club in Schenectady, NY.

White Paper on Full Employment in Australia

The basic ideas behind the White Paper were those set out by John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.


Gonigal argues that computer games can be a source of ideas for doing this; she says the primary reason for World of Warcraft being so popular is the sense of "blissful productivity" that its players enjoy.

Youth for Exchange and Understanding

Seminars, it's a one-week open to maximum 40 participants to exchange ideas and opinions on a particular theme (e.g. environment, active participation in society, Human Rights Education, Racism and Xenophobia, Equality, Culture of Peace, Inclusion, etc.


In ancient Latvian culture, Zvaigznes ("stars") referred to several different ideas.

see also