
unusual facts about In Command

Bahamian Bounty

On this occesion, however, he could not reach the leaders and finished fourth to In Command, beaten less than two lengths.

see also

1st Battalion 25th Marines

During this same timeframe, US forces made significant progress in eliminating some of al-Qaeda in Iraq's top leadership: a 7 June 2006 airstrike killed al-Zarqawi and his spiritual advisor Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman while the organization's reputed second-in-command, Hamid Juma Faris Jouri al-Saeedi, was captured in a joint US/Iraqi raid on 19 June 2006.

21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The regiment left its quarters at Ionia, Michigan on the 12th of September in command of Colonel Stevens, 1,008 strong, under orders to report at Cincinnati.

5th United States Colored Cavalry

Lieutenant Colonel James S. Brisbin and his second in command, Carpenter, led their dismounted soldiers forward toward the Confederate defensive works.

Alan Moorehead

A journal of his experiences, while General Claude Auchinleck was in command, during the second year of WW II, mostly in the Western Desert of North Africa.

Alfred Friendly

While in the military he was involved in cryptography and intelligence operations, finally becoming the second in command at Bletchley Park, and the highest ranking American officer there.

Amédée-François Lamy

In the following battle, in which Lamy was in command with 700 riflemen, while the French reported a crushing victory, Lamy was killed, as was Rabih.

Augustin-Marie d'Aboville

During the return trip of the expedition, d'Aboville was placed in command of the 36-pounder battery of the ship of the line Bucentaure, which was involved in the battle engaged by the French squadron with that of British Admiral Robert Calder.

Augustus Leopold Kuper

In 1864 Kuper was in command of the International fleet at the Shimonoseki Expedition, Japan, the action fought to reopen the Inland Sea and the Straits of Shimonoseki.

Battle of Jersey

With Corbet a prisoner, the next senior-most British commander was the 24-year-old Major Francis Peirson (in command of the troops at Saint Peter's Barracks).

British Cemetery Elvas

The Duke of Wellington was anxious to secure both cities before advancing into Spain and chose to conduct the operations in the north himself and leave Marshal Beresford, the Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army, in command of the southern operation.

Charles E. Hazlett

He was part of the battery during its near annihilation at the First Battle of Bull Run, fought through the battles of the Peninsula Campaign and was in command of the battery by the Second Battle of Bull Run.

Charles Satterlee

Captain Satterlee was in command of USCGC Tampa, when that vessel was torpedoed and sunk with all hands on 26 September 1918 in the Bristol Channel while escorting a convoy.

David William Hutchison

During his time in command of the 21st Division, which at the time was based at Forbes Air Force Base in Shawnee County, Kansas, he received a letter of commendation from Governor Edward F. Arn for relief efforts during flooding from the Kansas River in 1951.

Destruction of Neuss

Adolf Count of Moers and Neuenahr reinforced and supplied the city and took most of his troops north, to Moers and Venlo, leaving the young Friedrich Cloedt in command of the city.

Dragan Obrenović

Captain Vinko Pandurević was in command of the whole brigade involvement.

Edward Kinder Bradbury

Bradbury was an officer in the British Army during the First World War where as second-in-command of L Battery, Royal Horse Artillery he led the battery during an engagement at Néry during the Retreat from Mons on 1 September 1914, where he was killed in action.

Edward Wadsworth Jones

His unit was with the Army of the Potomac and in the Shenandoah Valley; at Cedar Creek he was in command of his regiment and was mentioned by General Philip Sheridan in his memoirs.

Étienne Eustache Bruix

Eustache Bruix was put in command of a division attached to admiral Justin Bonaventure Morard de Galles during the 1796 French invasion of Ireland.

French Third Republic

The first historian to denounce la décadence concept explicitly was the Canadian historian Robert J. Young, who, in his 1978 book In Command of France argued that French society was not decadent, that the defeat of 1940 was due to only military factors, not moral failures, and that the Third Republic's leaders had done their best under the difficult conditions of the 1930s.

Guy Tousignant

He departed from Rwanda on December 8, 1995, leaving the mission in the charge of his second-in-command, Brigadier-General Shiva Kumar of India.

Helmuth Weidling

Hoffmeister was in command when most of General Hans Jordan's German 9th Army, along with the XLI Panzer Corps, was encircled by the enemy during the Soviet Bobruysk Offensive.

Henry Frederick Stephenson

On 30 March 1866 Stephenson was the lieutenant-in-command of HMS Heron, serving in North America and the West Indies, and becoming the commanding officer of a gun-boat on the Canadian lakes during the Fenian raids of 1866.

Joel Adams

Joel's great grandson Warren Adams (1838-1884) was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Confederate States Army and was in command of the First South Carolina Infantry Regiment at Battery Wagner.

Johann Philipp d'Arco

His second in command Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli was stripped of all honours and his sword was broken over him.

John F. Dickson

He remained in command of the precinct until Captain Joseph Dowling, who had formerly sided with Mayor Fernando Wood and the Municipal police force during the Police Riot of 1857, replaced Dickson upon joining the Metropolitan police in 1859.

John Laforey

on 25 July 1758, Laforey earned distinction in command of the small force of sailors and marines who entered the harbour and burnt the French ship of the line Prudent and captured the Bienfaisant.

John Sherwood-Kelly

As a trial of the new weapon Kelly, who was now in command of a very mixed outfit on the railway front as part of the Vologda Force, was ordered to carry out a raid on the Bolsheviks under cover of a large ground discharge of gas.

Joseph E. Johnston

The 1988 alternate history novel Gray Victory by Robert Skimin imagines a scenario in which Johnston is left in command during the Atlanta Campaign.

Juan Bautista Topete

He was sent out to the Pacific in command of the frigate "Blanca," and was present at the bombardment of Valparaíso and Callao, where he was badly wounded, and in other engagements of the war between Chile and Peru.

Luigi Pistilli

He appeared in many spaghetti Westerns such as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) (as the priest brother of Eli Wallach's character Tuco) and in For a Few Dollars More (1965) as the cunning second-in-command Groggy (his first credited film role).

Marrowbone Lane

His second-in-command was Cathal Brugha, and other participants who achieved later prominence in one way or another were W. T. Cosgrave, Joseph McGrath and Dennis O'Brien.

Michael Geare

In May 1601, while in the West Indies with David Middleton with the pinnace James, he captured three ships while in command of the Archangel.

Military campaigns of Julius Caesar

Nevertheless, Pompey's sons Gnaeus Pompeius and Sextus Pompeius, together with Titus Labienus, Caesar's former propraetorian legate (legatus propraetore) and second in command in the Gallic War, escaped to Hispania.

Military Professional Resources Inc.

L-3 specializes in Command, Control and Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C3ISR), government services, training and simulation, and aircraft modernization and maintenance, and has a broad base of electronic systems.

Nathaniel Ramsey

In December he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and placed in command of the 3rd Maryland Regiment.

New Mexico Campaign

The best men from the New Mexico volunteers were formed into the 1st New Mexico Cavalry with Kit Carson in command; the regiment spent the rest of the war fighting Indian tribes in the territory.

Norman Augustus Finch

On 22/23 April 1918 at Zeebrugge, Belgium, Sergeant Finch was second in command of the pom-poms and Lewis gun in the foretop of HMS Vindictive.

Onslow baronets

The title was awarded in recognition of his services at the Battle of Camperdown where he was second in command.

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

During the course of the Red Hammer campaign he is put in command of a squad, promoted to Sergeant, drives tanks, flies helicopters and eventually gets promoted to Lieutenant and assigned back to Spetsnaz.


In 1277, Baybars entered the Seljuk sultanate and on 18 March, overcame the Mongol army in Elbistan, while Pervâne, who was in command of the Seljuk contingent expected by both Baybars and the Mongols, took flight to Tokat along with the young sultan.

Phillippe de Rullecourt

He was placed in command of French troops during the 1779 failed invasion of Jersey, as second-in-command to the Prince of Nassau.

Premindra Singh Bhagat

During the pursuit of the enemy following the capture of Metemma on the night 31 January – 1 February 1941, Second-Lieutenant Bhagat was in command of a section of a Field Company, Sappers and Miners, detailed to accompany the leading mobile troops (Bren Carriers) to clear the road and adjacent areas of mines.

Richard Lestock

Whilst in command of her, he was active ashore at the relief of Barcelona and the capture of Alicante.

Sex in the American Civil War

Popular legend has it that they were so common around the Army of the Potomac when Union general Joseph Hooker was in command that the term "hooker" was coined to describe them; however, the term had been in use since 1845.

Sir Fenton Aylmer, 13th Baronet

He was in command of the first failed efforts to break the siege of Kut in 1916.

Thomas William Sweeny

As second in command, he participated in the capture of Camp Jackson in May 1861 and later assisted in organizing the Home Guards.

Troop commander

A troop commander is the senior officer in command of a Red Army cavalry troop.

USS PCS-1376

PCS-1376 was laid down on 13 October 1942 at the Wheeler Shipbuilding Corporation in Whitestone, New York; launched on 3 April 1943, sponsored by Mrs. J. E. Flipse; and commissioned on 9 July 1943, with Lieutenant (j.g.) Jack Pierpont Morgan, III, USNR, son of the American financier J. P. Morgan, Jr., in command.

William Ledyard

Ledyard was in command of Fort Trumbull and Fort Griswold on September 6, 1781, when the latter fort fell to the British under Benedict Arnold in the Battle of Groton Heights.