Insertion reaction, a chemical reaction in which one chemical entity interposes itself into an existing bond of a second chemical entity (e.g.: A + B–C → B–A–C)
zero insertion force | Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction | local insertion | Insertion reaction |
The comedic utility of the word became apparent, again, in February 2011 in Canada, when a minister of the Crown, Bev Oda, was implicated in a scandal that saw her deny knowledge of the insertion of the word "not" on a legal document denying funding to a respected non-profit organization and offer no explanation as to how her signature appeared on the document.
A 12 base pair insertion in the 5' flanking region of the Cystatin B gene has been linked to some individuals with Unverricht-Lundborg disease.
On November 5, 1956 the Royal Marines' 45 Commando performed the world's first combat helicopter insertion with air assault during an amphibious landing as part of Operation Musketeer, in Suez, Egypt.
HERTI stands for "High Endurance Rapid Technology Insertion" and was developed in Warton, United Kingdom.
After insertion of various types of BRDs in the shrimp trawl nets, significant reductions were noted for Spanish mackerel, weakfish, croakers and spot in the South Atlantic region and for Atlantic croakers, king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and red snapper in the Gulf region.
This commercial insertion also was found in another song from DJMax Portable 3, NieN - Leave Me Alone.
Scutum has two strong lateral spines, placed between the transverse suture and the insertion of the wings.
Then the coat of arms of Transylvania was placed in the fourth quarter, with the Turul replaced by a black aquila, the third quarter depicted the joined coats of arms of Banat and Oltenia (the bridge of Apollodorus of Damascus and a golden lion respectively), and the coat of arms of Dobruja was placed in an insertion.
The first few ones have not been preserved, and thus it begins with Matthew 3:11 and ends with John, with Mt 16:20-24:20 being later insertion in old Macedonian Church Slavonic.
Most Commonwealth citizens have a memory crystal (which has been invented in the events of Misspent Youth) inserted at the base of the brain which is able to record memories including those before insertion.
BenQ developed SPD (Simulated Pulse Drive), also more commonly known as "black frame insertion", and claim that their images are as stable and clear as CRTs.
Another change that was made was the insertion of in-game billboards containing Japanese text with images of scantily clad women (and focusing on crotch images).
Harvey is also notable for having used numerous methods to kill, such as arsenic; cyanide; insulin; suffocation; miscellaneous poisons; morphine; turning off ventilators; administration of fluid tainted with hepatitis B and/or HIV (which resulted in a hepatitis infection, but no HIV infection, and illness rather than death); insertion of a coat hanger into a catheter, causing an abdominal puncture and subsequent peritonitis.
In the comic series Girl Genius, the forcible insertion of the mind of Agatha's mother, the main villain Lucrezia Mongfish/"The Other", into her own was compared to a Dybbuk by one of her followers when reporting the situation to someone else.
Scholars L. Michael White and Helmut Koester see the account of the guards in Matthew as an apologetic insertion, an attempt by the writer to explain the Jewish claims that the disciples stole the body which were circulating at the time.
Gibbon, on 19 October 1767, asked him to supply a paper ‘on the present state of the physical and mathematical sciences’ in England, for insertion in the Mémoires Littéraires de la Grande-Bretagne of Jacques Georges Deyverdun and himself.
It also inhibits cdc42 by binding to its tail and preventing its insertion into membranes; hence it cannot trigger WASPs and cannot lead to nucleation of F-actin.
Ion implantation, insertion of ions, in semiconductor device fabrication
Local insertion on cable television is used especially on The Weather Channel in the U.S. and The Weather Network/MétéoMédia in Canada, where systems like the WeatherSTAR, IntelliSTAR and PMX have been used to show local weather forecasts (known as "Local on the 8s" on The Weather Channel in the U.S.) every ten minutes, and well as the lower display line (LDL) or lower-third graphic that is shown at other times.
Pellets of mepacrine are inserted through the cervix into a woman's uterine cavity using a preloaded inserter device, similar in manner to IUCD insertion.
This was additional to such air support, both troop insertion and gunfire ships, as the Army tasked to each operation, and air support from Air Force TAC air units on call.
On the ulna, the trochlear notch is facing more anteriorly, the brachialis insertion is lower, the mid-shaft is larger, and the shaft is more sinusoidal.
He has served as a consultant to medical manufacturing companies, including Coloplast and American Medical Systems, helping to improve the device and the insertion technique.
IC or MICA paramedics are able to practice intensive care procedures such as endotracheal intubation, surgical airways, rapid sequence intubation (RSI), nasotracheal intubation, chest tube insertion, and drug infusions (e.g. Adrenaline, Salbutamol, sedation, thrombolytics etc.).
Author and former resident Darryl Pinckney called it "an insertion of incredible whimsy" into the Upper West Side.
Poposaurus is thought to have had adductor muscles that were even larger than dinosaurs, as their insertion site runs along the entire length of the femur.
For launches from the Eastern Range, which includes Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, the Mission Flight Control Officer (MFCO) is responsible for ensuring public safety from the vehicle during its flight up to orbital insertion, or, in the event that the launch is of a ballistic type, until all pieces have fallen safely to Earth.
Although results are unlikely to be published for some time, the medical team hope that the insertion of a correct copy of the RPE65 gene will allow patients to recover, or in the very least, retain a degree of sight.
For some filter classes, such as the Butterworth filter, the insertion loss is still monotonically increasing with frequency and quickly asymptotically converges to a roll-off of 6n dB/8ve, but in others, such as the Chebyshev or elliptic filter the roll-off near the cut-off frequency is much faster and elsewhere the response is anything but monotonic.
The enzyme PBGD contains a 4 amino acid insertion which is present in all Streptomyces species and Kitasatospora setae, but not any other Actinobacteria.
On his way back to Kyoto, Sugiyama fasted and prayed for 100 days at the shrine of the goddess Benzaiten at Enoshima Cave, where he reputedly discovered the secret of the shinkan ("insertion tube") after pricking himself on a needle wrapped in a leaf.
The story follows the insertion of British Commandos into Norway to rescue a Norwegian general from captivity and take him to the United Kingdom to lead the Free Norwegian Forces.
The injury required forty staples, extensive surgery including facial reconstruction, four days in hospital and the insertion of six metal plates in his skull which will remain for the rest of his life.
In addition, Recon students learn insertion/extraction techniques in Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (CRRC) and Helicopter Rope Suspension Training (HRST).
Metropolitan Daniel accused Patrikeyev of unauthorized revision of the Kormchaya kniga; insertion of Hellenistic ideas; arbitrary removal of passages which had asserted the right of the monasteries to own patrimonies; revilement of miracle workers, e.g. Saint Makarius Kalyazinsky and Metropolitan Jonas; "heretic lines" in his translation of Simeon Metaphrastes' Life of St. Mary.
According to its website, WBQC was the first television station to be fully automated, as well as the first in Cincinnati to perform "digital spot insertion" and to air Spanish-language commercials.