
unusual facts about Invertebrate

River continuum concept

In the upper reaches of a river, shredders and collectors make up a large percentage of total macroinvertebrates due to the excess presence of coarse plant matter.

Anasterias rupicola

In the Prince Edward Islands, Anasterias rupicola is the dominant invertebrate predator but it is itself sometimes eaten by sea birds such as the lesser sheathbill (Chionis minor) and the kelp gull (Larus dominicanus).

Berlin Method

The theory is that aerobic bacteria covering the surface of the porous live rock and sand convert harmful ammonia (from fish and invertebrate waste) into nitrites, then nitrates, which are much less harmful to the tank's inhabitants.

Cairns Glacier

The feature was named by US-ACAN (2006) after Stephen Douglas Cairns, research zoologist, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 1985-2006; Board of Associated Editors, Antarctic Research Series, American Geophysical Union, 1990-95.

Carricknath Point to Porthbean Beach

Here the nationally scarce species of Babington's Leek (Allium ampeloprasum) and Hairy Bird's-foot Trefoil (Lotus subbiflorus) grows, and a variety of invertebrates can be found.

Charles Thomas Brues

He was appointed field agent of the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture 1904-05, curator of invertebrate zoology in the Milwaukee Public Museum 1905-09, and then became instructor in economic entomology at Harvard University.

Charles Walcott

Charles Doolittle Walcott (1850–1927), American invertebrate paleontologist

Cobscook Bay

An invertebrate of special concern is the mystery snail (Vertigo paradoxa), an air-breathing land snail.

Dacres Wood

An invertebrate survey in 1996 found the purple hairstreak butterfly, which frequents the tops of oak trees, and has been seen on only three sites in London.

Dana Point State Marine Conservation Area

It provides protection of intertidal invertebrate species such as Kellet's whelks, top shells, limpets and sea cucumbers and abalone while allowing lobster and urchin and finfish take.

Edward Oscar Ulrich

Edward Oscar Ulrich (1 February 1857, Covington, Kentucky – 22 February 1944, Washington, D.C.) was an invertebrate paleontologist specializing in the study of Paleozoic fossils.

ETS transcription factor family

In addition, Ets factors, e.g. the vertebrate Etv1 and the invertebrate Ast-1, have been shown to be important players in the specification and differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in both C. elegans and olfactory bulbs of mice.

Fauna Japonica

Wilhem de Haan, also at the Leyden museum wrote the invertebrate volumes assisted by the Japanese artist naturalists Keiga Kawahara Kurimoto Masayoshi and others.

Fredrick William Holiday

Though he maintained in the book that he still believed that the monster was an invertebrate animal, there was a paranormal aspect to it reminiscent of ancient Water Horse legends which he could not fully explain.

G. vulgaris

Golfingia vulgaris, the peanut worm, a marine invertebrate species

Great hammerhead

An active predator with a varied diet, known prey of the great hammerhead include invertebrates such as crabs, lobsters, squid, and octopus, bony fishes such as tarpon, sardines, sea catfishes, toadfish, porgies, grunts, jacks, croakers, groupers, flatfishes, boxfishes, and porcupine fishes, and smaller sharks such as smoothhounds.

Hilbrand Boschma

He is taxon author of (among other invertebrate organisms) different species of Fire coral.

Institute of Biosciences and Technology

Under Arntzen’s leadership, Centers for Animal Genetics, Advanced Invertebrate Molecular Sciences and Biotechnology Policy and Ethics were established and funding secured for additional endowed chairs from the Allen, John S. Dunn, and Neva and Wesley West (see Wesley West) Foundations.

Marcus R. Ross

He has also been interviewed by Christian radio stations, and was featured in DVD lectures arguing why he believes intelligent design is a better explanation than evolution for the Cambrian explosion, a 70 million to 80 million year diversification of invertebrate animal life about 530 MYA.

Mule Peninsula

Other fossil cetaceans have also been found in the area, as well as a fish, a diverse invertebrate fauna that includes molluscs, gastropods, marine diatoms, and Antarctica’s first Pliocene decapod crustacean.

New World Publications

In November 2010, after five years of extensive field photography in the Pacific, New World Publications published Reef Creature Identification - Tropical Pacific, the most comprehensive field guide ever published about the marine invertebrate community of the vast region stretching from Thailand to Tahiti.

Nosema ceranae

In: Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 91 (2006) (Elsevier).


Statoliths can be found in many invertebrate groups but are not contained in the structure of an inner ear.


Palolo worm, a species of invertebrate that lives in tropical coral reefs

Popina Island

The invertebrate fauna comprises rarities like the European black widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) and the giant myriapod (Scolopendra cingulata).

Rangkul Valley Important Bird Area

Both lakes freeze in winter and contain no fish, but support numerous invertebrates, including amphipods, beetles and mosquito larvae.

Robert Higgins

Robert P. Higgins (born 1932), systematic invertebrate zoologist and ecologist

Rushing Rivers Institute

Rushing Rivers Institute was approached by Nestlé Waters to investigate the ecological impacts of spring water withdrawals on fish and invertebrate habitat in adjacent streams, and to develop assessment and mitigation methodology applicable for site determination.

Tasman Island

A notable invertebrate, so far recorded only from Tasman Island, is the cricket Tasmanoplectron isolatum.

Thrislington Plantation

The area supports a diverse invertebrate fauna, which includes the nationally-rare least minor moth, Photedes captiuncula, the nationally-notable Durham argus butterfly, Aricia artaxerxes salmacis, and the common glow-worm, Lampyris noctiluca.

Trace fossil

Less ambiguous than the above ichnogenera, are the traces left behind by invertebrates such as Hibbertopterus, a giant "sea scorpion" or eurypterid of the early Paleozoic era.

Withymead Nature Reserve

The reserve also plays host to many invertebrate species, and is a particular haven for the Desmoulin's whorl snail.

see also