
unusual facts about Isaac Luria

Al-Insān al-Kāmil

The concept of al-Insān al-Kāmil is somewhat comparable to the Purusha of Samkhya Hinduism and the Adam Kadmon of Lurianic Kabbalah.


In the 16th century the kabbalist Hayim Vital, recording the opinions of Isaac Luria, ruled that both paragraphs should be included in all services, and should end with the verse "on that day the Lord shall be one and His Name one".

Alrashed Sahoubah

Bani Sahoubah was well known as skilled in the arts, crafts and cosmetics and as influential mystics of Lurianic Kabbalah.


On one occasion, as recorded by Chaim Vital, Isaac Luria convened his students in the traditional location of the Idra Rabba Assembly near Meron, placing each one in the designated location of their former incarnations as the students of RASHB"I.


Further, the father of the Lurianic School of Kabbalah, Isaac Luria (known as the Ari HaKadosh, or the "Holy Lion"), was not yet 40 years old when he passed away.


Isaac Luria reinterpreted and recast the whole scheme of Kabbalah in the 16th century, essentially making the second of two different versions of the Kabbalah: the Medieval (the initial, direct understandings of the Zohar, later synthesised by Moshe Cordovero) and the Lurianic.

see also


Wide discussion of the Partsufim is found in the Medieval Kabbalah of the Zohar, before Isaac Luria.

To this reformed state, Isaac Luria attributed the former Kabbalistic concepts of Yosher (harmonised "Upright" arrangement of the sephirot), and the many Zoharic passages expounding the Partzufim (Divine "Personas/Configurations"-particular Divine manifestations).