
unusual facts about Jegen Osman-pasha

Abbas II

Abbas II of Egypt (also known as Abbas Hilmi Pasha) (1874–1944), last Khedive of Egypt and Sudan 1892–1914

Abdi Pasha

Abdülkerim Nadir Pasha (1807–1883), Ottoman soldier, also known as Çırpanlı Abdi Pasha


Subsequent actions became one of the major irritants between Boujane's superior, the powerful Pasha of Marrakech T'hami El Glaoui, and the King of Morocco Mohammed V, which eventually led to the king's brief overthrow.

Ahmad Shuja Pasha

Gen. Pasha was involved in the Memogate controversy in 2011-2012 in which an American businessman, Mansoor Ijaz alleged that a senior Pakistani diplomat, former Amb. Husain Haqqani, had asked him to deliver an unsigned memorandum to Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time.

Ahmed Izzet Pasha

Ahmed Izzet Pasha spent much of his 25 days of premiership bedridden after catching the 1918 Spanish flu.

Ali of Hejaz

In 1906 Ali married Nafissa Khanum daughter of H.H. Emir Abdullah bin Muhammad Pasha Grand Sharif and Emir of Mecca at Yeniköy, Bosphorus.

Ali Pasha Sherif

In 1880 Ali Pasha Sherif made the acquaintance of Wilfred and Lady Anne Blunt.

Ambassador Morgenthau's Story

Guenter Lewy "checked some of these alleged differences and found them real", especially about the meetings between Morgenthau and Talat Pasha, so shares Heath Lowry's main conclusions about Ambassador Morgenthau's Story.

Anwar Pasha

On 3 November 2013, the International Crimes Tribunal - a special Bangladeshi court set up by the government - sentenced Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin and Ashrafuz Zaman Khan to death after the tribunal found them guilty in absentia of torture and murder of 18 intellectuals including Anwar Pasha during 1971 Liberation war of Bangladesh.

Arsenije III Čarnojević

The passing Ottoman armies plundered the local populace mercilessly; the worst of them all was the one under notorious Jegen Osman-pasha who for two years (1687-1689) robbed the area from Belgrade to Ohrid and from Sofia to Peć.

Asia Korps

In April, the 300th Flying Detachment ("Pasha") was stationed in Beersheba with 14 Rumpler C.I aircraft.

Battle of Peta

After the Souliotes defeated the forces of Khourshid Pasha in May and June 1822, they joined Prince Alexander Mavrocordatos who landed at Missolonghi with a contingent of Greek regulars.

Damat Ferid Pasha

Damat Ferid Pasha (1853 – 6 October 1923) (full name Damat Mehmed Adil Ferid Pasha Efendi) was an Ottoman statesman who held the office of Grand Vizier during two periods under the reign of the last Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI Vahdeddin, the first time between 4 March 1919 and 2 October 1919 and the second time between 5 April 1920 and 21 October 1920.

Douglas DC-5

The aircraft arrived at Haifa in May 1948, and from there went to Sde Dov, where its markings were removed and the name "Yankee Pasha - The Bagel Lancer" was crudely painted on the nose by hand.

Driss Temsamani

He is the grand son of General Driss Riffi Temsamani who was named Pasha of the Rif Republic in 1926 then Asila, Larache and Tetuan.

Esad Pasha

Mehmet Esat Bülkat or Mehmed Esad Pasha (1862–1952), Ottoman general

Fatima-Zahra Mansouri

Fatima Zahra Mansouri was born in 1976 into a family from Ocre, the daughter of Abderrahman Mansouri, who was pasha (deputy governor) of Marrakech for eight years.

Giulia Gonzaga

Pasha's plan was to add her to the sultan's harem and supplant Roxelana, the sultan's wife.

Hanmer Warrington

At a time when British influence on the Barbary Coast was overshadowed by that of France, Hanmer Warrington nevertheless succeeded in developing a close relationship with the local ruler, known as the bashaw, Yusuf Karamanli.

Ibrahim El-Orabi

He is the relative of Ali Zaki El-Orabi Pasha, Minister of Public Knowledge and Head of the Parliament of Egypt in the period (May 7, 1942 - Dec 19 1944) and (June 17, 1950 - Dec 10 1952) during the reign of King Farouk I of Egypt, and brother of Nabil El-Orabi, Egypt's Ambassador to the Russian Federation, and the relative of Mohamed Orabi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt.

Ibrahim Pasha of Berat

Ibrahim Pasha of Berat was the second and last ruler of the Pashalik of Berat, in office from 1787 to 1809.

Jalili dynasty

In 1743 Maslawi forces, raised, organized and led by Hussein Pasha al-Jalili defeated the invasion of the Persian army of Nadir Shah.

John Bagot Glubb

Benny Morris, The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews, ISBN 1-86064-812-6

Kara Mustafa Pasha

In the 2012 Polish and Italian fictional historical drama film September Eleven 1683 about the Battle of Vienna, Kara Mustafa Pasha is portrayed by Italian actor Enrico Lo Verso.

King Abdulaziz University

Established initially as a private university by a group of businessmen led by Sheikh Muhammad Abu Bakr Bakhashab Pasha and including the writer Hamza Bogary.

Koca Mehmed Pasha

Koca Dervish Mehmed Pasha (died 1655), Ottoman grand vizier (1652–1653) and Kapudan Pasha (1652)

Koca Hüsrev Mehmed Pasha (1769–1855), Ottoman grand vizier (1839–1841) and Kapudan Pasha (1823–1827)


Lucca Vaya, physician to Ali Pasha, afterwards to Prince Mavrocordato; educated in Vienna, he was among those treating Lord Byron at Missolonghi.

Mehmed Fuad Pasha

The term “Pasha” is a title given to a high-ranking member of the Ottoman government and could only be given by the Sultan as an honorary title.

Mesopotamian campaign

On 20 January, Enver Pasha replaced Nureddin Pasha with Colonel Halil Kut (Khalil Pasha).


The genome of Mnemiopsis leidyi appears to lack recognizable microRNAs, as well as the nuclear proteins Drosha and Pasha, which are critical to canonical microRNA biogenesis.

Musa Pasha

Kara Musa Pasha (died 1649), Ottoman Kapudan Pasha (grand admiral) and grand vizier

Koca Musa Pasha (died 1647), Ottoman Kapudan Pasha (grand admiral) and governor of Egypt

Ottoman Albania

After Ottoman forces under Skanderbeg's command suffered defeat in a battle near Niš in present-day Serbia in 1443, Skanderbeg rushed to Krujë and tricked a Turkish pasha into surrendering the Albanian fortress.

Piva Monastery

Its founder, the Serbian Metropolitan of Herzegovina, later the Serbian Patriarch, Savatije Sokolović, was a kinsman of the Grand Vizier, Mehmed Pasha Sokolović (also known as Sokollu Mehmed Pasha), who was kidnapped from his Serbian home as a boy and rose to become one of the most renowned statesmen to three sultans -- Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim I and Murad III.

Republic Monument

Built in two and half years with financial support from the population and unveiled by Dr. Hakkı Şinasi Pasha on August 8, 1928, it was designed by Italian sculptor Pietro Canonica.

Richard Guyon

Richard Debaufre Guyon (1813 – 12 October 1856), British soldier, general in the Hungarian revolutionary army and Turkish pasha (Kurshid Pasha), was born at Walcot, near Bath, Somerset.

Ridwan dynasty

The Ridwan dynasty was founded by Kara Shahin Mustafa (later known as "Mustafa Pasha"), a former kapikulu ("slave of the Porte") of Suleiman the Magnificent.

Romanian War of Independence

The Romanian Army won the battles of Grivitsa and Rahova, and on 28 November 1877 the Plevna citadel capitulated, and Osman Pasha surrendered the city, the garrison and his sword to the Romanian colonel Mihail Cerchez.

Şemsi Pasha

During Şemsi Pasha's tenure as the Governor-General of Rumelia, it was reported that he left the capital for Sofia in 1565 with such pomp that the people of Constantinople who watched the spectacle of his lavishly clad retinue had never seen a beylerbey (Governor-General) display such 'majesty and grandeur.

Şerif Pasha

Mohammed Serif Pasha (1865, Üsküdar, Istanbul - December 22, 1951; Catanzaro, Italy), was an Ottoman diplomat.

Sharad Purnima

Therefore, many people worship the Goddess at their homes and keep themselves awake by playing 'Pasha' (Dice) (especially in parts of southern Odisha) and other indoor games.

Syed Sabir Pasha

Syed Sabir Pasha is an international football player from Tamil Nadu, India.

Trabluslu Ali Pasha

After hearing about the overthrow of the governor Koca Hüsrev Mehmed Pasha in 1803, Ali Pasha asked to be made the governor of Egypt, even though it appeared as though the Albanian troops had taken control of the province from the Ottomans.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

At the insistence of Talat Pasha, the treaty declared that the territory Russia took from Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878), specifically Ardahan, Kars, and Batumi, were to be returned.

Turkish Military Academy

Originally located in the Harbiye neighborhood of Istanbul, the Academy was formed in 1834 by Marshal Ahmed Fevzi Pasha together with Mehmed Namık Pasha, as the Mekteb-i Harbiye (Ottoman Turkish: lit. "War School"), and the first class of officers graduated in 1841.


Zefta is well known in the modern Egyptian history during the 1919 uprising, lately called Egyptian Revolution of 1919, when the British occupation expelled Saad Zaghloul Pasha out of Egypt along other leaders of Wafd Party and were exiled to Malta, the people of Zefta, led by Youssef El Guindi, gathered and declared their independence of the crown and named it Zefta Republic.

see also