
unusual facts about Jew's House

Berechiah de Nicole

He was the chief rabbi of Lincoln (the Norman-French name of which was "Nicole"), and probably lived in the house now known as the Jew's House in that city; for this was in the possession of a certain Belaset of Wallington in 1287, and there is a deed which speaks of Belaset, daughter of the Rav Berechiah.

Archbishop of Hong Kong

The Bishop's House, located in Central, is the office and official residence of the Archbishop.

Arthur A. Cohen

Cohen wrote The Natural and the Supernatural Jew (1962), tracing the history of Jewish theology from the late 15th century, through the German Jewish renaissance, and into what he saw as a hopeful yet troubled American Jewish scene.

Big Momma's House

The film is one of very few titles to be released on EVD as well as DVD.

Boston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver Mining Company

Adolph and Leonard Lewisohn were German Jews whose father had established in 1858 an American subsidiary, Lewisohn Brothers, which bought and sold bristles, feathers, hair, metals, and wood.

Carlyle's House

Carlyle's House, in the district of Chelsea, in central London, England, was the home acquired by the historian and philosopher Thomas Carlyle and his wife Jane Welsh Carlyle, after having lived at Craigenputtock in Dumfriesshire, Scotland.

Child pornography laws in the United States

CBLDF leader Neil Gaiman remarked on how this could apply to his work The Doll's House, saying, "if you bought that comic, you could be arrested for it? That’s just deeply wrong. Nobody was hurt. The only thing that was hurt were ideas."

Christof Marselis

The exact extent of his contributions remain uncertain but he worked on such buildings as the Garrison Church (1703–06), the Stable Master's House (1703–05) and Frederiksberg Palace in Copenhagen.

Cromwell's House

Cromwell's Other House, one of the two chambers of the Parliaments that legislated for England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland


Mating outside of one's House is taboo among Dragaerans, and half-breeds are considered outcasts.

Ernst vom Rath

Ernst Eduard vom Rath (3 June 1909 – 9 November 1938) was a German diplomat, remembered for his assassination in Paris in 1938 by a Jewish young man, Herschel Grynszpan, which touched off Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass.

George Granville, 1st Baron Lansdowne

Granville also followed Dryden in adapting Shakespeare; The Jew of Venice (1701) was a successful updating of The Merchant of Venice.

Gerald Jacobs

It is the story of Miklos Hammer, a Hungarian Jew, and his fight to survive his conscription into the Hungarian Jewish forced labour Battalion in 1944, his life in a Jewish ghetto, and his eventual sufferings in Birkenau.

Government Houses of the British Empire and Commonwealth

Government House is a residence for a governor; so now many Commonwealth nations without the British monarch as Head of State name their presidential palaces State House or President's House.

Grant Golden

In 1953, Grant, who is Jewish, competed in the Maccabiah Games and captured three gold medals in the men's singles (over South African Sid Levy), the men's doubles with partner Pablo Eisenberg, and the mixed doubles with partner Anita Kanter.

Gregory Sierra

He also guest-starred as a Jewish radical in an unusually dramatic episode of All in the Family, working with the Hebrew Defense Association, an organization whose goal it was to stop antisemitism in the neighborhood.

Guy Bisaillon

A practical consequence of the bill was to withdraw the franchise from Jews, Muslims, and other non-Catholics and non-Protestants.

Har Brakha

Currently, over 170 families live in this Orthodox Jewish community which is within the municipal jurisdiction of the Shomron Regional Council.

Hugo Egon Balder

Gerda Balder was a Jew who, together with her mother and her son from her first marriage, survived the Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Isaac D'Israeli

Isaac was born in Enfield, Middlesex, England, the only child of Benjamin D'Israeli (1730–1816), a Jewish merchant who had emigrated from Cento in Italy in 1748, and his second wife, Sarah Syprut de Gabay Villa Real (1742/3–1825).

Isaac Dobrinsky

His father was a religiously observant Jew and he himself was brought up in a traditional way: he studied in a “Heder” (Jewish elementary school) and in a “Yeshiva” (Jewish high school).

Israel Isidor Elyashev

Dr. Israel Isidor Elyashev (1873–1924) was a Jewish neurologist and the first Yiddish literary critic.

Jew's harp

The bamboo jaw harp, known as kubing or kumbing is used by various Filipino peoples throughout the Philippine archipelago, and features in various neo-folk songs by artists like Joey Ayala and Grace Nono.


JInsider frequently interviews prominent members of the Jewish community such as Neal Shapiro, Malcolm Hoenlein and Joseph Telushkin and showcases them in a Top Jew series.

Jorge Sampaio

His maternal grandmother Sara Bensliman Bensaúde, who died in 1976, was a of Sephardi Jew from Morocco of Portuguese origin, and his maternal grandfather Fernando Branco (1880–1940) was a Naval Officer of the Portuguese Navy and later the Foreign Minister of Portugal; Sampaio himself is agnostic, and does not consider himself a Jew.

Joshua dei Cantori

Joshua dei Cantori was a converted Italian Jew who attacked the Talmud at Cremona in 1559.

Kfar Blum

The kibbutz was named in honor of Léon Blum, the Jewish socialist former Prime Minister of France who was the focus of a widely publicized, and ultimately unsuccessful, show trial in 1942 mounted by the collaborationist Vichy regime.

Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic

Immediately after the installment of Nazi German authority, a process of eliminating the Jewish and Gypsy population began, with many killings taking place in Rumbula.

Leslie's House

Leslie said she was saving an old newspaper because it had the "first rumblings of Iran-Contra", a reference to the scandal in which U.S. figures facilitated the sale of arms to Iran.

Liam Aiken

Aiken made his stage debut in the Broadway play A Doll's House at the age of seven and his film debut playing Parker Posey's son in Henry Fool in the same year.

Mahmoud al-Mashhadani

In July 2006 Mashhadani told Al-Sharqiyah television the killings and kidnappings were the fault of "Jews, Israelis and Zionists...using Iraqi money and oil to frustrate the Islamic movement in Iraq".

Making of a Godol

and of various other Jewish sages of the 19th and 20th centuries, who are revered by Orthodox (especially Haredi) Jews.

Medieval antisemitism

The Kingdom of Portugal followed suit and in December 1496, it was decreed that any Jew who did not convert to Christianity would be expelled from the country.

Michael Jary

Paul Graener, the new director of the Stern’sches Konservatorium denigrated his concert as "the cultural bolshevistic musical stammering of a Polish Jew".

New Atlantis

The minimal plot serves the gradual unfolding of the island, its customs, but most importantly, its state-sponsored scientific institution, Salomon's House, "which house or college ... is the very eye of this kingdom."

The plan and organisation of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Solomon's House), envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure sciences.

Occupation of the Baltic states by Nazi Germany

Immediately after the installation of German authority (the beginning of July 1941) a process of eliminating the Jewish and Gypsy population began, with many killings taking place in Rumbula.

Richard Glyn

Sir Richard Glyn, 1st Baronet, of Gaunt's House (1755–1838), British banker and MP, son of the above

Sefer Zadok

No copies of this text are extant today, except for quotes in the polemics of Rabbinic and Karaite Jewish scholars of that time period.

Simmons Family

Run's House, a reality television series featuring Joseph Simmons (co-founder of rap group Run-D.M.C.)


St Stephen's House, Oxford, an Anglican theological college nicknamed "Staggers"

Stefan Lux

Stefan Lux (November 11, 1888 Malacky – July 3, 1936 Geneva) was a Slovak Jewish journalist, and a Czechoslovak citizen, who committed suicide in the general assembly of the League of Nations during its session on July 3, 1936.

Stephen Greenblatt

Greenblatt self-identifies as an Eastern European Jew, an Ashkenazi, and a Litvak.


In 1825 the playwright, diplomat and journalist, Mordecai Manuel Noah - the first Jew born in the United States to reach national prominence - tried to found a Jewish "refuge" at Grand Island in the Niagara River, to be called "Ararat," after Mount Ararat, the Biblical resting place of Noah's Ark.

Thanks to My Mother

Two days after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, when Suzanne was eight years old, Germans occupied Vilnius and Suzanne’s father, Isak Weksler was arrested as a Jew and was eventually sent to his death at Paneriai - Ponary.

The War Against the Jews

She contents that similarities between Luther's anti-Jewish writings, especially On the Jews and Their Lies, and modern anti-Semitism are no coincidence, because they derived from a common history of Judenhass (Jew-hatred), which she traces back to the biblical Haman's advice to Ahasuerus.

The Yiddish King Lear

The husbands of the daughters among whom David Moishele divides his "kingdom" are, respectively a Hasid, an Orthodox Jewish businessman, and an apikoyres (a secular Jew: the word derives from Epicurean).

Tuvia Tenenbom

Tenenbom was named "founder of a new form of Jewish theatre" by the French Le Monde and a "New Jew" by the Israeli Maariv.

Vincent Forlenza

Vincent "The Jew" Forlenza is a fictional character in Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather and Mark Winegardner's sequel The Godfather Returns.

Yossele the Holy Miser

According to the general outline of the legend, the richest Jew in Kraków in the 17th century was Yossele the Miser.

see also