
unusual facts about Johann Adolf Scheibe

Johann Adolf Scheibe

In 1725, he began studying law and philosophy at Leipzig University, and in the course of his studies he encountered the professor of rhetoric and poetry Johann Christoph Gottsched, whose aesthetic theories deeply influenced Scheibe.

Passion cantata

Other examples of Passion Cantatas in the German-speaking world include such works as Gottfried August Homilius's Cantata "Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die Schuld" HoWV 12 (1775), the Passion Cantata "Vor Harpe er bleven til Sorrig" with text by Johannes Ewald and music by the Bach critic Johann Adolf Scheibe, and the Sørge-Cantata ved Christi Grav "Herrens Salvede, som var vor Næses Aand" by the same librettist and composer.

see also