He advocated the election of Archduke John of Austria as vicar of the provisional national government (Reichsverweser), in which he himself was appointed minister of justice, and opposed the proposition to exclude Austria and erect a German empire with a Prussian king as hereditary emperor.
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Gustav Mahler | Johann Strauss II | Gustav Klimt | St. Johann in Tirol | Gustav Holst | Gustav III of Sweden | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Gustav I of Sweden | Johann Albert Fabricius | Gustav Meyrink | Johann Christian Bach | Johann Georg Wagler | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Johann Pachelbel | Johann Nepomuk Hummel | Johann Gottfried Herder | Johann Nestroy | Gustav Stresemann | Johann Joachim Winckelmann | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach | Gustav Noske | Johann Homann | Johann Friedrich Böttger | Gustav III | Gustav, Hereditary Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Gustav Fischer | August Heckscher |