The type species, Chalicotherium goldfussi, from Miocene and Pliocene Europe, was described by Johann Jakob Kaup in 1833 and since then 7 other species have been confidently assigned to this genus.
This is the mastodon immortalized in Charles Willson Peale's painting of the 1801 excavation (painting executed between 1806 and 1808).
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Johann Strauss II | St. Johann in Tirol | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Johann Albert Fabricius | Johann Christian Bach | Johann Georg Wagler | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Johann Pachelbel | Johann Nepomuk Hummel | Johann Gottfried Herder | St. Jakob-Park | Johann Nestroy | Johann Joachim Winckelmann | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach | Johann Homann | Johann Friedrich Böttger | Jakob Böhme | Johann Kuhnau | Johann Heinrich Lambert | Johann Friedrich Blumenbach | Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar | Johann Wilhelm von Müller | Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine | Johann Mattheson | Johann Jakob Engel | Johann Gustav Droysen | Johann Gottfried Schadow |
The genus name has traditionally been treated as feminine (giving name endings such as cincta); however, this was not specified by the original genus author Johann Jakob Kaup, and under the ICZN the genus name must therefore be treated by default as masculine, giving name endings such as cinctus.