With the aim of illustrating and documenting his findings, the Baron hired painters Hércules Florence, Johann Moritz Rugendas and Adrien Taunay.
The majority of drawings of palms for the second volume, dedicated to Brazilian palms, were credited to Martius, with just a few landscapes, representing areas not travelled by Martius, taken from works by Frans Post and Johann Moritz Rugendas.
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | St. Moritz | Johann Strauss II | St. Johann in Tirol | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Johann Albert Fabricius | Johann Christian Bach | Johann Georg Wagler | Johann Pachelbel | Johann Nepomuk Hummel | Johann Gottfried Herder | Johann Nestroy | Johann Joachim Winckelmann | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach | Johann Homann | Johann Friedrich Böttger | Johann Kuhnau | Johann Heinrich Lambert | Johann Friedrich Blumenbach | Ernst Moritz Arndt | Moritz von Rohr | Johann Wilhelm von Müller | Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine | Johann Mattheson | Johann Jakob Engel | Johann Gustav Droysen | Johann Gottfried Schadow | Johann Georg Faust |
The latter was more varied and rich, ranging from portraits of famous people by artists such as José Gil de Castro and Raymond Monvoisin to the representation of folkloric scenes of independence by the Chilean Manuel Antonio Caro and the German Mauricio Rugendas, C1 to scientific and bibliographic representation of plants, animals and cities by Claudio Gay, Charles Thorold Wood and the scientist Charles Darwin.