
6 unusual facts about Reggio

Carlo Raimondi

Raimondi moved to Reggio Emilia as an infant, and lived there for 27 years.

Domenico Pedrini

At the Palazzo Spalletti-Trivelli in Reggio, there are three works by Domenico Pedrini: St Sebastian; Blessing of Jacob; and Expulsion of Hagar.

Mordecai Mokiach

Italian kabbalists, among them Behr Perlhefter, the first Maggid in the study hall of Abraham Rovigo, and Benjamin ben Eliezer ha-Kohen, rabbi of Reggio, called him to Italy about 1678, where he was very popular for a time.

Pius Melia

He entered the Society of Jesus on 14 August 1815, taught literature at Reggio, and afterwards was engaged in preaching.

Reggio, Louisiana

After of settlement from Toca villages in 1779, called "El Primer Asentamiento" (First Settlement), a second Canarian group was established in the region (originally "El Segundo Establecimiento") which they named Benchijigua in honor to the village of Benchijigua on the island of La Gomera, place of origin of this second population.

Simhah ben Samuel of Vitry

Three manuscripts of the Vitry Machzor are extant, the oldest of which, according to Abraham Berliner in his additions to Hurwitz's introduction to the Vitry Machzor (p. 172), is that in Reggio.

Antiphonary of St. Benigne

His plan failed after the catastrophic defeat of his son Otto II near Reggio, but the role of Cluny as a centre for liturgical reforms had increased in Ottonic times.

Antonio Scopelliti

Two trials were held at the Court of Reggio Calabria against Mafia boss Salvatore Riina and thirteen of the so-called Sicilian Mafia Commission, and a second trial against Bernardo Provenzano and nine other bosses of the Commission, including Filippo and Giuseppe Graviano, Raffaele Ganci, Giuseppe Farinella, Antonino Giuffrè and Nitto Santapaola.

Battle of Seminara

The allied army marched from Reggio to Sant'Agata del Bianco, and from there to Seminara, a fortified place approximately 28 miles (40 kilometers) from Reggio.

Bernard Stewart, 4th Lord of Aubigny

On 24 May 1495 he arrived in the port of Messina in Sicily, only to find that Ferdinand had already crossed over into Calabria with an army and had reoccupied Reggio.

Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans

Arriving in Reggio on 20 June, she met her father-in-law, husband and brother-in-law for the first time.

Compagni, Cittadini, Fratelli, Partigiani

Its title comes from the first verse of the 1960 ballad "Per i Morti di Reggio Emilia" by Italian composer Fausto Amodei, which is dedicated to the demonstrators killed by the police during a protest against the Tambroni government.

David Lane

David A. Lane (born 1945), professor of statistics and economics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Delphine Galou

Her season 2011-2012 was highlighted by Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno at the Staatsoper Berlin under the baton of Marc Minkowski, Alcina (Bradamante) at the Lausanne Opera under the baton of Ottavio Dantone and Rinaldo (title role) in Reggio Emilia and Ferrara.

Duchy of Reggio

The Duchy of Reggio was one of the states that belonged to the Duchy of Modena and Reggio, ruled by the House of Este, in the north of Italy, in a territory now belonging to the Province of Reggio Emilia.


The movement spread across Northern Italy, up to 10,000 strong groups processing in Modena, Bologna, Reggio and Parma although certain city authorities refused the Flagellant processions entry.

Gasparo Pratoneri

Gasparo Pratoneri, nicknamed "Spirito da Reggio" (fl. 1556-9) was an Italian priest, and composer of the Renaissance based at San Prospero in Reggio Emilia.


Giffone, an Italian municipality of the Province of Reggio Calabria

Giro della Provincia di Reggio Calabria

The Giro della Provincia di Reggio Calabria is a road bicycle race held annually in Province of Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Giulio Belli

For the rest of his life he worked in a number of Italian cities in a similar capacity: in Carpi (1591), Venice, at Cà Grande (1594 or 1595), Montagnana (1595), Ferrara (1597), Osimo (1599), Ravenna (1600), Reggio (1603), Forlì (later in 1603).

La Santa

It was precisely on account of these innovations that the new institution was opposed by the more traditionalist bosses, such as Antonio Macrì from the Ionic town of Siderno, the 'Ndrangheta’s charismatic leader of the 1960s, and Domenico Tripodo, who was the dominant figure of the Reggio Calabria clans.


Laureana di Borrello, Italian municipality of the province of Reggio Calabria

Mantonico bianco

Ampelographers believe that this was the earliest mention of Mantonico bianco and that the grape is likely native to the Locri region in Reggio Calabria.

Maria Serraino

She belongs to a longstanding 'Ndrangheta family from the Reggio Calabria area, the Serraino 'ndrina, from Cardeto, about 10 km southeast of the city of Reggio Calabria.


Marola in the comune of Carpineti, in the province of Reggio Emilia, Emilia Romagna.


Oppido Mamertina, Italian municipality of the Province of Reggio Calabria, Calabria

Order of the Eagle of Este

The Order was instituted on 27 December 1855 by Francis V of Modena, Duke of Modena & Reggio, to reward the services and the merits of faithful civilians and officers.

Reggio Children Foundation

The Reggio Children Loris Malaguzzi Centre is an International Foundation for the promotion of quality education around the world based in Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Reggio Emilia railway station

Reggio Emilia railway station is situated at Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, at the eastern edge of the city centre.

Salimbene di Adam

He then led a life of wandering, avoiding his father who did not wish him to join the Order, and visited Pisa and other Italian towns; then in 1247 he was sent to Lyon, and visited Paris, Ferrara Cremona, Troyes, Florence, Ravenna, Genoa, Reggio and the friary of Montefalcone (near San Polo d'Enza in the region of Emilia-Romagna).

Tedald of Canossa

Tedald (died 1012), of the House of Canossa, was the count of Brescia from 980, Modena, Ferrara, and Reggio from 981, and Mantua from 1006.


Gaetano Ungaro (born 1987, Reggio Calabria), an Italian professional football player

Villa San Giovanni railway station

As time went on, the importance of Villa San Giovanni gradually increased, to the detriment of Reggio Calabria, as the Tyrrhenian rail route to central and northern Italy was shorter than the alternative route via the Jonica railway.

Young Engineers' Satellite 2

The centres were: Samara State Aerospace University, Russia (mission analysis, GPS); University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy (re-entry capsule); Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld, Germany (tether); University of Patras, Greece (mechanical and thermal).

see also