Jean-Noël Jeanneney, president of the National Library of France since 2002, and Jean-Michel Gaillard are part of the editorial board.
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle | Histoire du soldat | Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle | Une sale histoire | Histoire de ma vie | Société de l'histoire de France | Museum d'histoire naturelle | L'Histoire du soldat | Histoire littéraire de la France | Histoire de Melody Nelson | Victorine Meurent, ''Palm Sunday'', c. 1880s, is the only surviving example of her work (Musée Municipal d'Art et d'Histoire de Colombes | Revue d'Histoire Nordique | On s'est trompé d'histoire d'amour | Nouvelle histoire | Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle | Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle | Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Nice | Musée d'Art et d'Histoire (Geneva) | Musée d'Art et d'Histoire | L'histoire en 16/9 | L' Histoire du Soldat | Histoire de Pen | :fr:Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Grenoble | Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration | Afrique & Histoire | Académie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences |
À chacun son histoire is the second studio album and the first internationally released album by Natasha St-Pier on 2000 (see 2000 in music).
Nicolas Flamel, Histoire de l'Alchimie, Paris, Gutemberg reprint, 1981.
Nouveau dictionnaire historique, ou Histoire abrégée de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'à nos jours, avec des tables chronologiques, par Louis-Mayeul Chaudon et Antoine-François Delandine, (8e édition, 1808).
Moorcroftia Choisy, Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève 6: 431.
Louis Mexandeau, Histoire du Parti socialiste (1905-2005) (History of the Socialist Party (1905-2005)), Tallandier, 2005
Some specific publications by Belge in Turkey that were subjects of controversy include the poems of Mehdi Zana, Les Arméniens: histoire d'un génocide (The Armenians: history of a genocide) by Yves Ternon, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel, several books by İsmail Beşikçi, and the essays of Lissy Schmidt, a German journalist who had died while covering conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan.
See also JBH Capefigue, Histoire de la Reforme, de la ligue et du regne de Henri IV (8 vols., 1834–1835) and the literature dealing with the house of Guise.
After his death his friend Mary Clarke (afterwards Madame J. Möhl) published his Histoire de la littérature provençale (3 vols., 1846)--his lectures for 1831-1832.
The publication of Tanzaï et Neadarne, histoire japonaise (1734), which contained veiled attacks on the Papal bull Unigenitus, the cardinal de Rohan and others, landed him briefly in the prison at Vincennes.
Bernard Holtzmann and Alain Pasquier, Histoire de l'art antique : l'art grec, Documentation française, coll.
It was also covered in 2011 by Claire Keim, Yannick Noah and Maurane on their album 2011: Dans l'œil des Enfoirés.
He died in 1904 at Saint-Cyran-du-Jambot, bequeathing his herbarium to the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle.
The holotype (specimen number MNHN PM69) is now in the Musée d'histoire naturelle - Guimet in Lyon and includes an upper jaw (with approaches of the zygomatic bone and two maxillary branches, each of the two posterior premolars (P3 and 4) and three molars (M1-3)).
With Jean Baptist Édouard Verreaux (1810–1868), he wrote Histoire naturelle des punaises de France, (Natural History of the bugs of France) between 1865 to 1879.
This press release can also be read in La colonisation, la loi et l’histoire by Claude Liauzu and Gilles Manceron (dir.), Éditions Syllepse, 2006, Paris, 183 p.
Etudes de philosophie et d'histoire des sciences, by C. Bouligand, G. Canguilhem, P. Costabel, F. Courtes, François Dagognet, M. Daumas, Gilles Granger, J. Hyppolite, R. Martin, R. Poirier and R. Taton
His graphic novel Appunti per una Storia di Guerra (Notes pour une histoire de guerre, Notes for a War Story), published by Coconino Press, appeared in France and was published in the United States by First Second Books.
That same year, he published Mon opinion sur la méthode de traiter l'histoire générale dans cet établissement général. He translated the works of Ludwig Heinrich von Nicolai, Christoph Martin Wieland, Mikhail Kheraskov, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Marcus Aurelius, and François Fénelon's The Adventures of Telemachus.
2008 : Marie-Claude Blais, La Solidarité. Histoire d'une idée (Gallimard)
The Powers of Deputies in the Hungarian Feudal Diet, 1790-1848.(In: Liber memorialis Sir Maurice Powicke, Dublin, 1963. Louvain - Paris, 1965. Čtudes présentées ŕ la Commission internationale pour l' histoire des Assemblées d' états et duparlamentarisme 27. 87-307. oldal)
From 1931 he worked at the Musee d'histoire naturelle in Fribourg and restructured its entomological collections.
He has published numerous articles, papers and books on the sociology of art and communications, notably: Art and Marginal Communication (Balland, Paris, 1974), Théorie de l'art sociologique, Casterman, Paris, 1976; L'Histoire de l'art est terminée, Balland, 1981; Citoyens-sculpteurs, Segedo, 1981; L'Oiseau-chat (on the Quebec identity), La Presse, 1983; La Calle ¿ A dónde Ilega?
Befittingly, the hotel now sits steps away from where Honoré de Balzac wrote Les Chouans, Histoire des Treize, La Femme de trente ans and the start of his la Comédie humaine.
In 2002, she wrote, directed and co-produced her first film, the 23 minute Histoire de tresses (About Braids), which was voted best short film at the 2003 Zanzibar International Film Festival.
He was commissioned by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon to provide the quadruped illustrations for Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière (1749-1778, in 36 volumes) (François-Nicolas Martinet did the birds) and then Buffon's Receuil de Vingtquatre Plantes et Fleurs (1772).
Auguste Jal, Dictionnaire Critique de Biographie et d'Histoire, Paris, 1867
With Christiaan Hendrik Persoon, Benjamin Gaillon, Jean Baptiste Boisduval and Jean-Louis-Auguste Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, he made contributions to the multi-volume "Flore générale de France, ou Iconographie, description et histoire de toutes les plantes phanérogames, cryptogames et agames qui croissent dans ce royaume, disposées suivant les familles naturelles" (1828–29).
He closed his shop in 1847 when he gained the post of Conservateur at Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Grenoble :fr:Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Grenoble to the detriment of Albin Crépu (1799–1859).
(codir.), Philippe Muray, avec les contributions de Jean Clair, Benoit Duteurtre, Fabrice Luchini, (et al.), Paris, Editions du Cerf, "Les Cahiers d'histoire de la philosophie", 2011.
Michel Winock, La fièvre hexagonale: les grandes crises politiques 1871-1968 (Seuil, Points-Histoire, new edition 1999) ISBN 978-2-02-028516-2
Louis Duchesne, Le dossier du Donatisme, in: Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire 10, 1890, 628 f.
François Frédéric Steenackers, "Histoire des ordres de chevalerie et des distinctions honorifiques en France", Librairie Internationale, Paris, 1868, p.
The "Histoire de Paris" plaques (sometimes called Starck Oars because of their shape and their designer, Philippe Starck) are information plaques scattered throughout the City in front of various Parisian monuments.
Between 1728 and 1732, Nicolas Tindal's English translation of Paul de Rapin's L'Histoire d'Angleterre (The History of England) was issued by a London printer in monthly parts.
« La philosophie et l'histoire », (with Roger Arnaldez) in Jean-François Mattéi, Le Discours philosophique, volume IV of the Encyclopédie philosophique universelle, Paris, PUF, 1998.
Moïse Schwab, Répertoire des Articles d'Histoire et de Littérature Juive, part i, s.v.
See August Potthast, Bibliotheca historica (Berlin, 1896); and Auguste Molinier, Les Sources de l'histoire de France, tome iii.
Roissy is the location where the action of the two explicit sadomasochistic novels Story of O (Histoire d'O), and its sequel Retour à Roissy by Pauline Réage take place.
Bouché-Leclercq, Auguste, Histoire de la divination dans l'Antiquité, I-IV volumes, Paris, 1879-1882.
Simon Charles Miger (Nemours, 19 February 1736 - Paris, 28 February 1828) was a French engraver, most notable for the plates he produced for La Ménagerie du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle by Lacépède, Saint-Hilaire and Cuvier.
Philippe Contamine, "La Société de l'histoire de France et son programme de travail de 1834 à 1851", in ABSHF 1987, pp.
In the early years of his scholarly engagement, Novaković translated into Serbian Leopold von Ranke's monumental work Die Serbische Revolution, as well as its revised and updated edition (1864–1892) as well as the equally famous Histoire de Charles XII by Voltaire (1897) and Joseph Scherr, General History of Literature from German (1872–1874).
An example of a Suites à Buffon title is Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc, Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles,contenant leur description, les moeurs des animaux qui les habitant et leurs usages in 5 vols.
Delafosse, Maurice Haut-Sénégal-Niger: Le Pays, les Peuples, les Langues; l'Histoire; les Civilizations. vols.
While he was in Italy, Fauconberg translated and published the Histoire du gouvernement de Venise, by Abraham Nicolas Amelot de la Houssaye.
After rumours of the sale of the channel by AB Groupe at the beginning of 2006, it eventually became part of the group of channels exclusively shown on satellite via CanalSat.
L'histoire à la une : series of unedited interviews led by Michèle Cotta which aim to examine the news from a historical angle.
Une Sale Histoire (also known as A Dirty Story) is an unusual short 1977 French film of two halves, or two related short films tagged on to each other, by French director Jean Eustache.
See Delaborde's introduction, and Auguste Molinier, Les Sources de l'histoire de France, tome iii (Paris, 1903).
Alif, Tunis, 1990 ISBN 9-9737-1648-5
—Arabic translation works La Méditerranée. L'espace et l'histoire et La Méditerranée. Les hommes et l'héritage, both under the direction of Fernand Braudel
In 1847 he published L'Histoire des rois francs, and in 1861 a French version of the Nibelungenlied, but though he never lost his interest in literature and history, his most important work was in the domain of economics.
He collaborated with Montholon in the work entitled Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire de France sous Napoleon (Paris, 1822–1823), and with Belliard and others in the work entitled Bourrienne et ses erreurs (2 vols., Paris, 1830); but his most important work is the Journal inédit de Ste-Hélène (2 vols., Paris, 1899), which is a remarkably lifelike record of the life at Longwood.
Renan, in L'Histoire Littéraire de la France, xxvii.436.
Philippe Poirrier, Les enjeux de l'histoire culturelle (Paris, Seuil, 2004).
Among other books he published "Mémoire sur la langue et les moeurs des peuples slaves", "Fragments sur l'histoire et la littérature de la République de Raguse et sur la langue slave", translated Ivan Gundulić'es Osman (Osman, poéme illyrien en vingt chants) in 1838.
L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechal is the verse biography of William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke (d. 1219), written shortly after his death at the request of his son.
The second entrée, L'histoire ("History"), tells the story of the Hellenistic king of Syria Seleucus I Nicator, who gives up his fiancée Stratonice when he learns his son Antiochus I Soter is passionately in love with her (this tale was also the subject of a later 18th century French opera, Étienne Méhul's Stratonice).
He later defended his thesis at the Sorbonne with an award winning treatise on Turbellaria titled Contributions à l'histoire naturelle des turbellariés.
(With Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen) Le Dossier Freud. Enquête sur l'histoire de la psychanalyse (Paris: Les empêcheurs de penser en rond/Le Seuil, 2006).
Delafosse, Maurice, "Haut-Sénégal-Niger: Le Pays, les Peuples, les Langues"; "l'Histoire"; "les Civilizations".