
unusual facts about Ludwig Anzengruber

Ludwig Anzengruber

Only one of his plays, on the subject of Berthold Schwarz, was produced, and probably only because of the spectacular explosion at the end; his other works gathered dust in the drawer of his desk.

Hansi Niese

Not only at the various stages of Vienna, but also on tour in Berlin Niese has starred in numerous plays by including Ludwig Anzengruber, Gerhart Hauptmann, Ferenc Molnár, Johann Nestroy, Ferdinand Raimund and Arthur Schnitzler.

Volkstheater, Vienna

The Volkstheater in Vienna (roughly translated as "People's Theatre") was founded in 1889 by request of the citizens of Vienna, amongst them the dramatist Ludwig Anzengruber and the furniture manufacturer Thonet, in order to offer a popular counter weight to the Hofburgtheater.

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