Luigi Pirandello | Luigi Nono (composer) | Luigi Nono | Luigi Comencini | Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli | Luigi Cherubini | Luigi Chinetti | Luigi Dallapiccola | Luigi Tenco | Luigi Ambrosio | Pier Luigi Nervi | Luigi Galvani | Luigi's Mansion | Luigi Russolo | Luigi Pasinetti | Luigi Lucheni | Luigi Galleani | Luigi Schiavonetti | Luigi Pulci | Luigi Manini | Luigi Macaluso | Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza | Luigi Infantino | Luigi Fantappiè | Luigi Cozzi | Luigi Arditi | Luigi | Pier Luigi Farnese | Pier Luigi Bersani | Luigi Zingales |
He also studied Leonardo da Vinci, and produced excellent copies of some of his works ; in particular, that of the celebrated Last Supper is pronounced by Lanzi the best copy ever made of that miracle of art.
Cesari is stigmatized by Lanzi, as not less the corrupter of taste in painting than Marino was in poetry.