Influenced by the Beaux-Arts style, his time with Coia and works of Pier Luigi Nervi and Kenzo Tange, the significance of Buchanan Campbell's Dollan Baths was recognised when Historic Scotland listed it as Category A in 2002.
The Good Hope Centre in Cape Town, South Africa (1976) by Pier Luigi Nervi, is an exhibition hall and conference centre, with the exhibition hall comprising an arch with tie-beam on each of the four vertical facades and two diagonal arches supporting two intersecting barrel-like roofs which in turn were constructed from pre-cast concrete triangular coffers with in-situ concrete beams on the edges.
The design of the World Heritage Centre was the combined work of three architects: Bernard Zehrfuss (United States), Marcel Breuer (France), and Pier Luigi Nervi (Italy).
Pier Paolo Pasolini | Luigi Pirandello | Luigi Nono (composer) | Luigi Nono | Luigi Comencini | Navy Pier | Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli | Luigi Cherubini | Luigi Chinetti | Pier 39 | Luigi Dallapiccola | Luigi Tenco | Luigi Ambrosio | West Pier | Steel Pier | Santa Monica Pier | Pier Luigi Nervi | pier | Luigi Galvani | Ryde Pier | Pier Michele Giagaraccio | Pier Ferdinando Casini | Pier Angeli | Pier Andrea Saccardo | Luigi's Mansion | Luigi Russolo | Luigi Pasinetti | Luigi Lucheni | Luigi Galleani | The Road to Wigan Pier |
On a field trip to attend a lecture being given by Pier Luigi Nervi at North Carolina State University, Strutt took a side trip to visit the Eduardo Catalano House in Raleigh, NC and was very impressed by Catalano's modern statement.
Designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and Antonio Nervi, the stadium was built in July 1957, on the site of the previous Stadio Nazionale PNF.