
unusual facts about Making Money

MONIAC Computer

The Terry Pratchett novel Making Money contains a similar device as a major plot point.

see also

A Happy Death

Mersault gets to know the rich invalid Roland Zagreus (Zagreus is a character of Greek mythology) who shows Mersault a way out: "Only it takes time to be happy. A lot of time. Happiness, too, is a long patience. And in almost every case, we use up our lives making money, when we should be using our money to gain time."

Active Value Investing

Active Value Investing: Making Money in Range-Bound Markets (Wiley, 2007) is a book written by Vitaliy Katsenelson, and describes a strategy for sideways stock market.

Joe Humeres

Quote: "As a long time skateboarder myself and also having helped spearhead the very first New York City Department of Parks and Recreation skatepark, I'm definitely proud of what happened, just to be making money for skateboarding is a gift."

Marie Ganz

The judge is very lenient, but she signs an autobiography in which she renounces anarchism and writes: "During all this time, Emma Goldman, the anarchist leader, was away on a lecture tour and out of harm's way. She paid no attention to appeals to come back and to take part in the meetings. She was making money and she was living comfortably at first-class hotels, and I became convinced that she had always been actuated by sordid motives."

Mark Victor Hansen

In this sales page, Anthony Morrison introduces his product in a video, where he takes us by the heart, taking his private jet to go "helping" 3 retired (or close-to-retire) men making money with ClickBank and CPA and PPC on Google.

Meddling Monk

The Monk liked to meddle in history and to change it for his own amusement and for what he considered to be the better: lending mechanical assistance to the builders of Stonehenge; giving Leonardo da Vinci tips on aircraft design; making money by using time travel to exploit compound interest; and, when the Doctor first encountered him, attempting to prevent the Norman Conquest as part of a plan to guide England into an early age of technological prosperity.