
unusual facts about Maria Theresia

Apostolic Majesty

This title was renewed by Pope Clement XIII in 1758 in favor of the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresia, Queen of Hungary, and her descendants, the later Habsburg Emperors of Austria, bore the title of apostolic king of Hungary, used by the King himself, as also in the letters addressed to him by officials or private individuals.

English claims to the French throne

Maria Theresia, Princess of Modena and later Queen consort of Bavaria (20 November 1875 – 3 February 1919), his niece.

János Pálffy

After the death of Emperor Charles VI in 1740, he became protector of the young Empress Maria Theresia and her councilor, mainly in Hungarian affairs.


The struggle for power continued throughout the Counter-Reformation and eventually resulted in the rebuilding of the monastery under the supervision of Maria Theresia, the Habsburg Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary and Croatia.

see also

Apostolic Majesty

Maria Theresia used (the female version of) the title, "Apostolic Queen", for the first time in the letters patent granted to the imperial plenipotentiary sent to the College of Cardinals after the death of Pope Benedict XIV.

Balthasar Ferdinand Moll

The reliefs on the sides of the sarcophagus depict important scenes of their lives : the ceremonial entrance in Florence as archduke of Tuscany, his coronation in Frankfurt am Main, his coronation in Prague as King of Bohemia, and the coronation ceremony in Bratislava of Maria Theresia.

Bernardino Fernández de Velasco, 6th Duke of Frías

In spite of this, after a great deal of bloodshed, Habsburg Charles VI daughter was Maria Theresa (German: Maria Theresia Walburga Amalia Christina, 13 May 1717 – 29 November 1780), the only female sole ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg.

Franciscan Alliance, Inc.

Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel founded the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration in 1863 in Olpe, Germany.

Maria Theresia von Paradis

The attempt to cure Maria Theresia by Franz Anton Mesmer is fictionalised in a short story called "Harmony" by Julian Barnes, in his 2011 collection of short stories, Pulse.

Leopold in a letter from Vienna simply described it to Nannerl as a ‘glorious concerto’ and said it had been written for Maria Theresia von Paradis ‘for Paris.’ His description suggests that neither he nor Nannerl knew it already; if this is so, it must have been a later one than K.453, which seems to have been the newest they had in Salzburg at this date.

Ottone Enrico del Caretto, Marquis of Savona

He married on July 31, 1667 Maria Theresia von Herberstein (Graz 1641 - Brussels 1682), widow of Franz Adam Graf von Losenstein.

Princess Maria Theresia of Liechtenstein

In Vienna on 24 October 1713 Maria Theresia married Thomas Emmanuel, Count of Soissons and Governor of Antwerp (born on 8 December 1687), second son of Louis Thomas of Savoy-Carignano and his wife Uranie de La Cropte de Beauvais.