
unusual facts about Maria Montessori

Regio Centurion Private School

Dr. Calitz's studies in the work of Dr. Montessori, Piaget, Vygotsky, Gardner and Erikson strengthened her view that young children have incredible potential and the will and motivation to find answers for themselves and take control over the exploration of the world they live in.

Adolphe Ferrière

The congress of this league until the Second World War included a number of other teachers: Maria Montessori, Celestin Freinet, Gisèle de Failly and Roger Cousinet.

Arthur Morgan School

The educators who influenced Elizabeth Morgan in the formation of her own philosophy of education were: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, N. F. S. Grundtvig, Mahatma Gandhi, Maria Montessori, John Dewey and Arthur Ernest Morgan.

Bicycle City

The concept of Bicycle City has been influenced by the ideas of new urbanism, smart growth development and healthy, active communities, as well as the work of people such as Frank Lloyd Wright, John Naisbitt, Andreas Duany, Paolo Soleri, John Robbins, Scott Martin, Maria Montessori, Richard Register, and J.H. Crawford.

Hovhannes Hintliyan

He met with famous teachers and pedagogues such as Pestalozzi and Maria Montessori.

Opera Nazionale Montessori

In line with the original intentions of its founder, Maria Montessori, it has the task of preserving and disseminating her thought and work, of developing the historical and scientific heritage, and of guaranteeing the ideals and practice of her method.

Suzanne Bing

She participated in activities at the Children's School founded by Margaret Naumberg, Waldo Frank's wife, who put into practice many of the concepts of Maria Montessori.

see also