
unusual facts about Marx-Engels Institute

Abstract labour and concrete labour

In his book Crack Capitalism, John Holloway (sociologist) considers abstract labour as the most radical foundational category of Marx's theory, and therefore he recommends the struggle against abstract labour as the centrepiece of the political struggle against capitalism.

Alexandru Nicolschi

Adrian Cioroianu, Pe umerii lui Marx. O introducere în istoria comunismului românesc ("On the Shoulders of Marx. An Incursion into the History of Romanian Communism"), Editura Curtea Veche, Bucharest, 2005

Asif Masood

He used to begin his run-up with a backward step before a loping approach to the wicket which John Arlott likened to "Groucho Marx chasing a pretty waitress".

Australian Communist Party v Commonwealth

"(b) summarised the case against the Communist Party by reference to its objectives and activities: it was said to engage in activities designed, in accordance with 'the basic theory of communism, as expounded by Marx and Lenin', to create a 'revolutionary situation' enabling it 'to seize power and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.'

Birthe Neumann

At the Royal Danish Theatre she has appeared in a number of productions, among them Marx and Coca Cola, Molière's The Learned Ladies, Henrik Hertz's Sparekassen (The Savings Bank), Jess Ørnsbo's Majonæse (Mayonnaise), Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, and David Hare's A Breath of Life.


He stated the night prior to June 21 involved mostly planning, including food arrangements, how to get his guitar to the apartment ("one of the old Communist towers on Karl Marx Allee"), and how he would be "going down and up five flights of stairs on the hour" to bring guests up to their room.

Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre

The program included such events as an adaptation of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, starring Jason Robards (from the novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn); The Seven Little Foys, starring Mickey Rooney, Eddie Foy Jr. and the Osmond Brothers; Think Pretty, a musical starring Fred Astaire and Barrie Chase and Groucho Marx in "Time for Elizabeth", a televised adaptation of a play that Marx and Norman Krasna wrote in 1948.

Cimetière parisien de Bagneux

Located to the southwest of the city of Paris, France, the main entrance to the Cimetière de Bagneux is located at 43-45, Avenue Marx-Dormoy, in Bagneux, Hauts-de-Seine.

Classical economics

Some classical ideas are represented in various schools of heterodox economics, notably Marxian economics – Marx being a contemporary of the classical economists and their immediate successors – and Austrian economics, which split from neoclassical economics in the late 19th century.

Dagobert D. Runes

Runes published an English translation of Marx's On the Jewish Question under the title A World without Jews.

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

Not published by Marx during his lifetime, they were first released in 1927 by researchers in the Soviet Union.

Entre Marx y una Mujer Desnuda

Entre Marx y una Mujer Desnuda (Between Marx and a Nude Woman) is a 1976 novel written by the Ecuadorian poet Jorge Enrique Adoum.

Friedrich Sorge

According to Edward Aveling, Sorge was "one who was, perhaps, of all men the closest intimate in the later years of both Marx and Engels." Susan Perlman called him the father of modern socialism in America.

Geert Reuten

Reuten also teaches economics at the University of Amsterdam and is internationally recognized as an expert on Marx and Hegel.

Gummo Marx

His grandsons are actors Gregg Marx, Chris Marx, and actor/producer Brett Marx, who as a child actor appeared as 'Jimmy Feldman' in 1976's comedy film The Bad News Bears.

Helmut Reichelt

Zur logischen Analyse der politischen Ökonomie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Adornos und der Forschungsergebnisse von Rubin, Backhaus, Reichelt, Uno und Sekine, in: Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung.


In The Open Society and Its Enemies, Popper attacks "historicism" and its proponents, among whom (as well as Hegel) he identifies and singles out Plato and Marx — calling them all "enemies of the open society".

Ian Steedman

Steedman has been recognised as one of the leading Neo-Ricardian economic theorists with work in the areas overlapping with those of Marx, Sraffa, Marshall, Jevons and Wicksteed.

İsmet Özel

In Three Problems: Technology, Civilization and Alienation and in To Speak in Difficult Times and also It Is Prohibited to Eat the Stones, Özel argues that mankind is from an acute alienation which is a result of destructive technology, artificial division of man and nature, and the enlightened principles of Islam which emphasize the synthesis of the sacred and the profane is the only medicine available for this disease.

Jack Marx

It was during his time as a music journalist that Marx went in search of his childhood rock and roll idol, Stevie Wright, of legendary Australian '60s band, The Easybeats. He found Wright allegedly living as a drug-addicted recluse in a small coastal town in southern New South Wales and Wright's life story, along with Marx's near-disastrous attempts to extract it from him, was documented in Sorry: The Wretched Tale of Little Stevie Wright (1999).

Jenny von Westphalen

Jenny von Westphalen's brother Edgar Gerhard Julius Oscar Ludwig von Westphalen (1819–1890), was a schoolmate and friend of Karl Marx.

Karl Schapper

However, in 1850, a bitter quarrel led to a split, with Marx and Engels on one side and Karl Schapper and August Willich on the other.

Kemal Tahir

After studying Marx and Engels' opinions about eastern societies, Kemal Tahir worked on historical theories of historians and sociologists like Ömer Lütfi Barkan, Mustafa Akdağ, Halil İnalcık, Niyazi Berkes and Şerif Mardin.

Kozo Uno

Zur logischen Analyse der politischen Ökonomie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Adornos und der Forschungsergebnisse von Rubin, Backhaus, Reichelt, Uno und Sekine, in: Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung.

Louis Kugelmann

Louis Kugelmann, or Ludwig Kugelmann (February 19, 1828, Lemförde - January 9, 1902 Hannover) was a German gynecologist, social democratic thinker and activist, and confidant of Marx and Engels.

Luboš Blaha

"Back to Marx?" is currently translated into English and there are some plans to translate the book into Russian.

Marxist aesthetics

For instance Nikolay Chernyshevsky, who greatly influenced the art of the early Soviet Union, was not following Marx's statements on the subject so much as the humanist Ludwig Feuerbach.

On Being a Pagan

He traces the thinking of both Marx and Freud to their Judeo-Christian origins, and theorizes that racial intolerance, among other things, might have its roots in monotheistic thinking.

Patchen Markell

Recently he has written and taught on subjects such as action and responsibility, agency, theories of democracy, gender and sexuality, and the role of affect in politics, as well as on figures such as Hegel, Marx, Hannah Arendt, Habermas, and Aristotle.

Peter L. Berger

Zijderveld expands and discusses even further Berger's handling on such issues in relationship to classical figures such as Marx, Weber, Pareto, and Gehlen.

Renzo Novatore

And so he is critical of thinkers such as "Darwin, Comte, Spencer and Marx" which he sees as sociologists who will tend to not being "able to understand the varied, the particular,... sacrifices the one or the other on the altar of the universal."

Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany

Early in 1851 Charles Dana, then an editor of the New York Daily Tribune, suggested to Karl Marx that he should contribute topical and historical writings to the newspaper.

Saxon XIV HT

Two locomotives have been preserved: number 75 501 by the German Steam Locomotive Museum at Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg, which was loaned to the Schwarzenberg railway museum in 2002 and number 75 515 by the Saxon Railway Museum in Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf, which was badly damaged in a shunting accident on 14 June 1983 at Karl-Marx-Stadt Hauptbahnhof.

Small College

The course of the Small College mainly consists of the so-called classics; Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Nietzsche, Marx, Arendt, Dostoyevsky, and so forth.

Social alienation

Stirner would take the analysis further in The Ego and Its Own (1844), declaring that even 'humanity' is an alienating ideal for the individual, to which Marx and Engels responded in The German Ideology (1845).

Sophia N. Antonopoulou

The Critique of K. Marx’s Capital (Papazissis, Athens, 1989) (in Greek), where she exposed the critique of Luxemburg to Karl Marx’s Capital, Volume I, going further to show that the ‘solution’ that Luxemburg gave to the problem of the expanded reproduction of capital was in its turn problematic.

Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai

In 1912, he published Vrithantha Pathra Pravarthanam, the famous book on Journalism and his biography books on Karl Marx and Benjamin Franklin.

Teatro Ulises

The scenarios based mainly on translations of scripts of notable international writers, like Jean Cocteau, Eugene O'Neill, Lord Dunsany, Claude Roger-Marx, Luigi Pirandello, Jean Giraudoux, Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, Charles Vildrac, Henri-René Lenormand and others.

The German Ideology

However, the work was later retrieved and published for the first time in 1932 by David Riazanov through the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow.

The Singles Collection: 1959 to 1966

#"What Does a Woman Do?"  (Allie Wrubel/Maxwell Anderson)  (with Bill Marx's orchestra)    (Recorded January 7, 1960)

The Sublime Object of Ideology

The first chapter begins with an analysis of "How did Marx Invent the Symptom?" Žižek compares the notion of symptom that works in both Marx as well as Freud in this section.

Travis Marx

Marx faced Brandon Bender in the semifinal match of Bellator season nine bantamweight tournament on September 20, 2013 at Bellator 100.


It was manufactured by VEB Mikroelektronik "Karl Marx" Erfurt (MME) in NMOS technology and encased in a CQFP-68 package.

Urban the Ninth

A Catholic comic thriller - In 1990, Urban the Ninth takes over the papacy after Pope Marx I (successor of Leo XIV and Pius XIII) dies in an air crash.

Vladimir Bazarov

Bazarov also became interested in philosophy during the first decade of the 20th Century, coming to reject Marx's formulaic dialectical materialism in favor of the use of the scientific method to observe and theorize about human behavior, as espoused by the Austrian Ernst Mach and the German-Swiss philosopher Richard Avenarius.

see also