
unusual facts about Mussolini

Mussolini: The Untold Story

Promoting himself as Caesar reincarnate, Il Duce gains a national fervor that peaks after the Italian invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1935.

Angelo Cerica

Cerica organized Mussolini's arrest after his interview with King Victor Emmanuel III in Villa Savoia, at 25 July, and directed his forces to prevent riots in the capital.

Aryan race

In 1936, Mussolini decided to launch a racial program in Italy, and was interested in the racial studies being conducted by Giulio Cogni.

Augusto Genina

He won Venice Film Festival Mussolini's cup for Best Italian Film twice, in 1936 by Lo squadrone bianco and in 1940 by The Siege of the Alcazar, both Fascist propaganda films.

Bruno Mussolini

In September, before the Kingdom of Italy invaded the Ethiopian Empire, Air Sergeant Bruno Mussolini, 17, Air Second Lieutenant Vittorio Mussolini, 18, and Air Captain Count Nobile Galeazzo Ciano, 32, sailed from Naples to Africa aboard the MS Saturnia.

Cesare Mori

Mussolini’s drive against the Mafia, the story goes, followed an official visit to Sicily in May 1924 during which he felt insulted by the Mafioso Francesco Cuccia, who publicly proclaimed that Mussolini did not need a police escort because the mere presence of Cuccia would protect him.


Galeazzo Ciano (1903–1944), Italian foreign minister, and son-in-law of Mussolini.

Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Historian John A. Garraty said that the NIRA was similar to experiments in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau

Among the many notable scenes preserved by the newsreel are the Nazi point of view during the Battle of Normandy, the footage of Hitler and Mussolini right after the 20 July plot, and the last footage (No. 755) of Hitler awarding the Iron Cross to Hitler Youth volunteers in the garden of the Reich Chancellery shortly before the Battle of Berlin.

Diplomatic history of World War II

Mussolini was arrested and the King appointed General Pietro Badoglio as new Prime Minister.


The painting 'Il Duce' by Gerardo Dottori represents Mussolini, and the title 'Il Duce' has become associated with Fascism and is no longer in common use other than in reference to him.

Eddie Ward

In his reply, Ward was bitterly hostile to the Prime Minister, calling him "a posturing individual with the scowl of a Mussolini, the bombast of a Hitler and the physical proportions of a Göring".

Emidio Recchioni

The rumours that Recchioni was planning the death of Mussolini began in 1929, and were passed by Ovra, the Italian secret police, to Colonel Carter of the British Special Branch.

Emily Taft Douglas

While vacationing in Italy in 1935, the Douglases witnessed the aftermath of Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia.


Luigi Facta (1861–1930), Italian Prime Minister preceding Mussolini

Fasci Italiani di Combattimento

Mussolini sympathised with them, claiming he shared their war experiences, hence they joined the Fasci, eventually becoming the MVSN.

Fascist Italy

Italian Social Republic, a puppet state of Nazi Germany from 1943 to 1945, ruled by the Republican Fascist Party under Benito Mussolini

Giacomo Matteotti

On the other hand, other historians of the time, including Justin Pollard and Denis Mack Smith, thought Mussolini was probably aware of the assassination plot but that it was ordered and organized by someone else.

Gran Sasso raid

then taking off with Mussolini and Skorzeny (even though the weight of an extra passenger almost caused the tiny plane to crash) to the military airport of Pratica di Mare (near Rome) then embarked in an Heinkel He 111 on to Vienna, where Mussolini stayed overnight at the Hotel Imperial and was given a hero's welcome.

Grand Council

Grand Council of Fascism, the main body of Mussolini's Fascist government in Italy

Gustav Ritter von Kahr

That year, many reactionary groups wanted to emulate Mussolini's "March on Rome" with a "March on Berlin."

Hensley Henson

From 1935 onwards he was prominent too among those who protested against the British Government's acceptance of Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia.

Italian Tunisians

Tunisia administratively was added to Italy's Fourth Shore (in Italian Quarta Sponda) with Libya, in the last tentative attempt to realise Mussolini's project of Imperial Italy.

Jean Brodie

When Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, she changes her holiday destination to Berlin, believing Hitler's brownshirts to be more organised than Mussolini's blackshirts.

Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionarios

The LEAR members propagated revolutionary mindset in their writings and art works, and were engaged against the national political development, especially against government art censorship, as well against political violation of universal peace by war, by Hitler's and Mussolini's policy, by the Spanish Civil War and other similar reasons.

Luigi Romersa

On Mussolini's invitation, he went to Germany to be present for Nazi war experiments in October 1944 in Rügen Island, in the Baltic Sea: in fact Hitler wanted to show a new bomb to Mussolini.

Mary Sophia Allen

Allen met a number of fascist leaders abroad, including Eoin O'Duffy in Ireland, Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy, and Hitler and Göring in Germany.

Mauro Canali

He has also researched and published extensively on the totalitarian structure of Mussolini's regime, its repressive mechanisms and its system of informants.

Montenegrin Federalist Party

With the April War and the fall of Yugoslavia to Axis forces, the Montenegrin Federalist Party offered to collaborate with the Italian Fascists of Benito Mussolini, demanding a Greater Montenegro from the river of Neretva in Herzegovina to Mata in Albania; it would also include Metohija and Sandžak.

Museo Rosenbach

The band provoked controversy for their supposed right-wing inclinations stemming from the image of Mussolini found in the collage on the album cover, and the Nietzsche-inspired lyrics.

Owen Snedden

In mid-1943 (after the fall of Mussolini and the German occupation of Rome) such activities became much more hazardous under Gestapo surveillance and also risked compromising the neutrality of Vatican City.

Pietro Gaudenzi

He gained many prestigious appointments in the 1930s, including a professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, the Mussolini prize for arts (1936), and was nominated member of the Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, and to the Accademia di San Luca in Rome.

Pius XII and the German Resistance

Umberto asked Mussolini about the plan, and was told it was untrue, while Maria Jose advised her brother King Leopold of Belgium, and was in turn advised that the Belgian Ambassador that the idea was a piece of misinformation, spread by a German spy.

Rachele Mussolini

Donna Rachele Mussolini (11 April 1890 – 30 October 1979) was the mistress, wife, and widow of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

Red Panda Adventures

Dorothy Dynamite: Dorothea McCocoa, owner of "Dorothea Chocolate International", she is a lunatic with a penchant for dynamite and an unrequited love for Benito Mussolini.

Romano Mussolini

Mussolini's band toured internationally with artists including Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Ellington, Helen Merrill and Chet Baker.

Rome Urbe Airport

The airport was inaugurated in Benito Mussolini's presence in 1928, with the name "Lictor Airport" (the name was chosen by Mussolini himself).

Royal Italian Army

The Italian soldiers fighting in this army no longer fought for Benito Mussolini as their allegiance was to King Victor Emmanuel and to Marshal of Italy (Maresciallo d'Italia) Pietro Badoglio, the men had been called to replace Mussolini.

Soča, Bovec

The refurbishment was a political statement and he included a scene of Archangel Michael fighting the Devil, in which Hitler and Mussolini are shown as enemies, fighting on the side of the Devil.

Timeline of Muhammad Iqbal's life

1933: Iqbal met Mussolini in Rome after Mussolini expressed his interest to meet him.

Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin

A close friend of Chief Segun Olusola, the Nigerian Ambassador in Addis Ababa, who was a fellow poet, Tsegaye was present when the ambassador agreed to throw his diplomatic pressure behind the national demand for the return of the Aksum obelisk, which had been taken on Mussolini's personal orders in 1937.

see also