
unusual facts about Netherlands Indies

Gerard Pieter Adolfs

He had studios in Florence, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Prag and - together with his Japanese friend Léonard Tsuguharu Fujita - in Paris and exhibited his works of art internationally (Netherlands Indies, Japan, Singapore, USA, England, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, France, Switzerland…).

Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha

After gaining some formal education in engineering at Polytechnical School of Delft, in 1887 came out to Netherlands Indies and stayed with his uncle while working at Sinagar Estate near Cibadak (West Java) that his uncle owned.

see also

Carl Schwaner

Historische, geografische en statistieke aanteekeningen betreffende Tanah Boemboe : aangetroffen onder de bij het Gouvernement van Nederlandsch-Indie¨ berustende papieren van C.A.L.M. Schwaner (edited by Elisa Netscher), 1851 - Historical, geographical and statistical notes made on Tanah Boemboe: found among the documents held by the Government of the Netherlands Indies, papers of C.A.L.M. Schwaner.

Iwaichi Fujiwara

Knowing of the long struggle of the Dutch to subdue Aceh province in northern Sumatra, and the ongoing resistance of the Acehnese period against Dutch rule, Fujiwara was ordered to make contact with the Aceh independence movements preparatory to the Japanese invasion of the Netherlands Indies.

Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo

While attending NIAS (Nederlands-Indische Artsen School/ Netherlands Indies Medical College) in Surabaya, Kartosuwirjo boarded at the house of Islamist leader Tjokroaminoto and became actively involved in Tjokrominoto's PSII (Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia/ Indonesian Islamic Union Party).