Later that year, the network connection lines, directly connecting Vilnius to Moscow, were shut down.
The origins of Norsk Data go back to the development of digital computers at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment at Kjeller, Norway, where several early computers had been designed, such as the SAM and the SAM 2, also known as the FLINK.
In the UK Telenor kept the Norsk Data name for several years, focusing in on Hardware support and maintenance contracts, mainly with HMCG and local governments.
Digital data | Norsk Hydro | Array data structure | Electronic Data Systems | Data General | Data East | data center | data | Control Data Corporation | Radio Data System | Automatic Data Processing | Protein Data Bank | data compression | Data | Norsk Tipping | Data storage device | Data (Star Trek) | data mining | Norsk Toppfotball | Nielsen Broadcast Data Systems | Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution | Data rate units | Data Protection Act 1998 | Data Encryption Standard | Data compression | Computer data storage | Word (data type) | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard | National Oceanographic Data Center | Microsoft Data Access Components |
Norsk Data also sold custom-made Tandberg Data TDV-2200 terminals as "NOTIS terminals" with special keys for text editing.