
unusual facts about Olivetti-Underwood Factory

Olivetti-Underwood Factory

Joseph Rykwert, an architectural historian and critic, said that corporations don't usually hire famous architects to design their factory buildings, and those architects probably wouldn't be interested anyway because of the limited creative possibilities.

Adriano Olivetti

With the approval of father Camillo, he organized the production system at Olivetti on a quasi-Taylorian model and transformed the shop into a factory with departments and divisions.


In 1997, the company took over the administrative operations of Olivetti-Omnitel (Vodafone) Group.

Arrigo Benedetti

The original editor Benedetti left the magazine and launched a new weekly, L'espresso, in October 1955, with Eugenio Scalfari, and backed by the progressive industrialist Adriano Olivetti, manufacturer of Olivetti typewriters.

Avenida Santa Fe

It continues westward along the Retiro area, passing by the Brunetta ("Olivetti") Building (built in 1964, one the first in Buenos Aires designed in the International Style) and through the massive Avenida 9 de Julio, which was opened through the Retiro area in the early 1970s.

Camillo Olivetti

Camillo Olivetti (August 1868 in Ivrea, Piedmont, Italy– December 1943 in Biella, Italy) was an Italian electrical engineer and founder of Olivetti & Co., SpA., the Italian manufacturer of computers, printers and other business machines.

Eldon Group

Some of the company’s major customers worldwide are Ericsson, Siemens, Nokia, Alcatel, Olivetti, Honeywell, ABB, GE, SHELL, ESSO, Carrier, OTIS, Volvo and Ford.

Eugenio Scalfari

In October 1955, jointly with Arrigo Benedetti he co-founded one of Italy's foremost newsmagazines L'Espresso with capital from the progressive industrialist Adriano Olivetti, manufacturer of Olivetti typewriters.


During the 20th century its primary claim to fame was as the base of operations for Olivetti, a manufacturer of typewriters, mechanical calculators and, later, computers.

Karl Heeremans

From this time on, numerous awards and recognitions were presented to him, such as the 1964 - price of Namur, Belgium 1962–1967 Italian Olivetti, Knokke and Ronse, Belgium and Cannes, France.

Luigi Lucchini

In 1975 he was appointed Cavaliere del Lavoro, and in later years he entered the Board of Directors of the Banca Commerciale Italiana (of which he became chairman), Montedison (chairman), Compart (chairman), Assicurazioni Generali (of which he became a member of the Executive Committee), Olivetti, Mediobanca and Gemina.

National champions

The risk involved with such policies is exemplified by the unsuccessful challenges to IBM’s dominance of the computer market by UK’s ICL,  France’s Bull,  and  Italy’s Olivetti during the 1970s.

Nerio Nesi

Shortly after he created the office Credit and Insurance of PSI (of which he was chief from 1977 to 1978) and continued his climb unabated: it was actually president of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) in the Eighties and until the fall of Berlin Wall, he worked as a business journalist at the RAI in Turin and as an engineer at the Olivetti.

Olivetti Research Laboratory

The Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) was a research institute in the field of computing and telecommunications founded in 1986 by Hermann Hauser and Andy Hopper.

In 1986, Hauser co-founded the Olivetti Research Laboratory (ORL) in Cambridge, England, along with Professor Andy Hopper.

When Olivetti acquired Acorn Computers in 1985, Hauser, who was Acorn's co-founder, became vice-president for research at Olivetti where he was in charge of laboratories in the US and Europe.

Paolo Volponi

His career as a writer was profoundly influenced by his meeting with the enlightened social thinker and industrialist Adriano Olivetti in 1950, for whom he worked as an assistant and then as director of social services at the Olivetti factory at Ivrea.

Retiro, Buenos Aires

Other architecturally significant landmarks facing the plaza include the Paz Palace, the San Martín Palace, and the Olivetti and Pirelli skyscrapers, which were among the first in the city built in the International Style.

Silvia Baraldini

Her father was initially employed by Olivetti, but was subsequently employed as a civilian with the Italian embassy in Washington, D.C.

Spire Corp

Currently the company is mainly involved in OEM and ODM business for pc system manufacturers and system integrators such as Dixons Retail plc and Olivetti.


At Farbe Design in Stuttgart in 1983, they presented, in collaboration with Olivetti, one of the first examples of a computerised system for ceramic tiles linked with an automatic order-management system.

Tomás Maldonado

Between 1964 and 1967, in collaboration with his German colleague Gui Bonsiepe he created a system of codes for the design program of the Italian firm Olivetti and the department store La Rinascente.

Ugo Mulas

Mulas worked for a number of Italian magazines and did commercial work for advertising campaigns including clients such as Pirelli and Olivetti.

see also