
2 unusual facts about Padang

1797 Sumatra earthquake

It caused a damaging tsunami that was particularly severe near Padang, where a 150-200 ton English ship was driven 1 km inland up the Arau River.

Padang, Singapore

During the 1820s, there were four houses that faced the Padang, what is now the Old Supreme Court Building were two houses built in 1823 houses of Edward Boustead, and the site of the City Hall formerly the houses of Resident Councillor Thomas Church and William Montgomerie who is Residency Surgeon.

Alahan Panjang

Alahan Panjang, along with Padang, Pariaman, Silungkang, Sawah Lunto, Sijinjung and Suliki, has been cited as an area which had particularly active communists in local politics.

Ayod County

In 2004 there were clashes between the Padang and Ciendool of Cienthoony from the Gawaar Nuer section in Ayod County.

Batang Padang

Batang Padang is an administrative district in Perak, Malaysia.

Christiaan Eijkman

In 1883, Eijkman left the Netherlands for The Indies, where he was made medical officer of health, first in Semarang, then later at Tjilatjap, a small village on the south coast of Java, and at Padang Sidempoean in Western Sumatra.

Communism in Sumatra

Padang, Pariaman, Silungkang, Sawah Lunto, Alahan Panjang, and Suliki of West Sumatra have been cited as an area which was particular active in communism.

Gunung Leuser National Park

In November 1995, the Langkat Regency government proposed a road to connect an old enclave, known as Sapo Padang, inside the park.

Kuala Kangsar

Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz - Member of Parliament for the constituency of Padang Rengas and Minister of Prime Minister Department.

Kuala Muda

Apart from Sungai Petani, other major towns in the district include Tikam Batu, Padang Tembusu, Sungai Lalang, Bedong, Bukit Selambau, Sidam, Gurun, Semeling, Merbok, Kota Kuala Muda and Tanjung Dawai.

Nepenthes naga

The herbarium specimen A.Primaldhi & M.Hambali DivNep052 is the designated holotype, and is deposited at the herbarium of Andalas University (ANDA), near Pandang, West Sumatra.

Nepenthes sumatrana

Both are deposited at the Herbarium of Andalas University in Padang, West Sumatra and appear to represent N. sumatrana.

Nh. Dini

Two children were born of their marriage; Marie-Claire Lintang and Pierre Louis Padang (commonly recognized as Pierre Coffin).

Padang Aro

Padang Aro is a town or Sub-district in South Solok Regency, of West Sumatra province of Indonesia and it is the seat (capital) of South Solok Regency.

Padang Roco Inscription

The Padang Roco Inscription, in Indonesian Prasasti Padang Roco, is an inscription dated 1286 CE, discovered near the source of Batanghari river, Padangroco temple complex, Nagari Siguntur, Sitiung, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve

Padang-Sugihan Wildlife Reserve is a Wildlife Sanctuary in Sumatra, Indonesia.

Padang Terap

Padang Terap is a district and also a parliamentary constituency in Kedah, Malaysia.

Parit Malintang

Parit Malintang is a town or Sub-district in Padang Pariaman Regency, of West Sumatra province of Indonesia and it is the seat (capital) of Padang Pariaman Regency.


Since Julia Roberts came for the film Eat Pray Love, the name of Padang-Padang Beach was the one who started the fore.

PT Kereta Api

The separate systems in Sumatra has their shops in Lahat (South Sumatra), Padang (West Sumatra) and Pulubrayan (North Sumatra).

Singapore Recreation Club

After a painstaking journey of determination and courage, the Clubhouse stands proudly on the Padang as part of the historical Civic District, which is also part of Singapore Grand Prix route.

South Tapanuli Regency

In the village of Padang Bujur in the same district, one can also find megalithic remains and what seems to be the base for a padmasana.

Thomas Karsten

He was a town planning consultant for Semarang (1916–20, 1936), Buitenzorg (now 'Bogor') (1920–23), Madiun (1929), Malang (1930–35), Batavia (Jakarta) (1936–37), Magelang (1937–38), Bandung (1941), as well as Cirebon, Meester Cornelis (part of Jakarta which is known as Jatinegara), Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Purwokerto, Padang, Medan and Banjarmasin.

Zahidi Zainul Abidin

He is the Member of Parliament for Padang Besar, Perlis (elected in 2013) and the head of the Padang Besar division of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

see also