
12 unusual facts about Paper

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Jim Rossignol of Rock, Paper, Shotgun noted in his review of A Machine for Pigs that it "is a marvellous, revolting, disturbing sequel to Dark Descent".

Crunchball 3000

Kieron Gillen of Rock, Paper, Shotgun described the game as a streamlined version of Speedball 2, unfavourably comparing Crunchball 3000 to both Speedball 2 and the browser football game Kickabout League.

Mark Dudzic

For 18 years, prior to becoming Labor Party Chairman, Dudzic was president of Local 8-149 OCAW (a branch of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union).

Paper-and-pencil game

Andrea Angiolino, Battaglia navale e altri giochi con carta e matita, Editoriale Scienza: Trieste, 2008

Andrea Angiolino, Giocare con carta e matita, Elle Di Ci: Leumann, 1994

Andrea Angiolino, 101 giochi con carta e matita - tradizionali e innovativi, per allenare la mente divertendosi, Edizioni Sonda, Casale Monferrato, 2008

Andrea Angiolino, Dizionario dei giochi, Zanichelli: Bologna, 2010

Paper, Scissors, Stone

Nemesis Game, a film directed and written by Jesse Warn called Paper, Scissors, Stone in Canada

Project Runway Korea

At last, surprisingly, the winner of this neck-and-neck competition is Park Myeong-su by the judges' Rock-paper-scissors decision.

Robert Florence

"Cardboard Children" is a regular feature on boardgames that Florence now contributes to UK-based PC gaming blog Rock, Paper, Shotgun.


- The in-game money, Bento Bucks (a pun on Bento Box), as well as Dojo Dollars (the currency to be bought with real-world money)


In this sophisticated and rhythmic form of Rock-paper-scissors, one would have to dance thoughtfully as to not step forward and inadvertently get one's head "sledge hammered".

A Lecture on Modern Poetry

A Lecture on Modern Poetry was a paper by T. E. Hulme which was read to the Poets' Club around the end of 1908.

Allan Jackson

Jackson was handed a slip of paper reading "JFK DEAD" and immediately went on air with the announcement, reporting Kennedy's death as a fact (which had not yet been confirmed, although it was true that Kennedy was already dead), and playing the U.S. national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner.

Back to School Mr. Bean

During his time at the open day he confuses a band of Army Cadets by coughing and causing them to respond by standing in unusual ceremonial stances, gets in other people's way, messes up a stamp album, distracts and frightens a calligrapher, and gets paper stuck to his body after using a Van de Graaff generator.

Berliner Börsen-Courier

The paper incorporated as a supplement the Berliner Wespen, a paper Julius Stettenheim had created for humor and satire.

Bowater Mersey Paper Company Limited

In 1956 the estate of Izaak Walton Killam sold the company to Bowater which renamed the company Bowater Mersey Paper Company Limited in 1959.

Chern–Simons form

The theory is named for Shiing-Shen Chern and James Harris Simons, co-authors of a 1974 paper entitled "Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants," from which the theory arose.


Scientific American recorded the throwing of paper confetti (plain shredded paper) at the 1885 New Year's Eve in Paris.

Daily Monitor

This happened soon after the paper had published a letter allegedly written by army General David Sejusa, threatening that those opposing Muhoozi Kainerugaba for presidency risk their lives.

Eaton's Corrasable Bond

The paper is mentioned in the Stephen King novel Misery, when Annie Wilkes buys it for Paul Sheldon, thinking that since it is the most expensive paper, it has to be the best.

Edward Irvin Scott

Around 1878, the paper commission failed, and the family lived in Camden, New Jersey,

Edward Tyas Cook

Launched with the help of Liberal publisher George Newnes and employing the core of the old political staff from the Pall Mall Gazette, the paper quickly established itself in the front rank of Liberal publications, earning the respect and admiration of the Liberal prime minister Lord Rosebery.

Cook's tenure as editor of the Pall Mall Gazette was cut short when he was obliged to resign along with the rest of the political staff after the paper was sold to W. W. Astor, who changed its politics to support Tory positions.

Electronic News

The paper eventually grew to have a staff of three dozen full time journalists, working out of headquarters staffed by full time journalists in New York and bureaus in Boston, Washington DC, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis and Tokyo.

Eric Hammond

He served his apprenticeship as an electrician with the Bowater paper company, and in 1950 was called up for national service, serving for two years with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers.

European Seal of e-Excellence

As such, it was an answer to the so-called "European paradox", a term coined in a European Commission Green Paper in 1995 and referring to the often encountered inability of Europe to bring (excellent) research and scientific results to the markets.

Fraser Papers

Fraser's 3,700 employees worked in several pulp and paper mills in North America, including in Madawaska, Maine and in New Hampshire in the US, and Thurso, Quebec, and Edmundston, New Brunswick in Canada.

Gakushuin University

According to Quacquarelli Symonds, Gakushuin is the 6th-best research university in Japan and the 9th-best in Asia in terms of citations per paper.

Gastón Guzmán

In 1958, he published his first paper on a blue-staining Psilocybe species and the first paper on the ecology of neurotropic fungi.

Georges Colomb

Under the pseudonym Christophe (playing on "Christophe Colomb", the French name for Columbus), Colomb created comics that were popular among the French intelligentsia, yet were published in Le Petit Français illustré, a children's paper.


In 2004 a GPROF paper appeared on the list of the 50 most influential PLDI papers of all time as one of four papers of 1982 year.

Hartmut Geerken

In the second paper, he states that he had discovered a tradition of recreational use of the Amanita muscaria use among the Parachi-speaking people of the Shutul Valley.

Hash function

Donald Knuth notes that Hans Peter Luhn of IBM appears to have been the first to use the concept, in a memo dated January 1953, and that Robert Morris used the term in a survey paper in CACM which elevated the term from technical jargon to formal terminology.


chamaensis from Desmatosuchus, but the name Heliocanthus remained a nomen nudum until 2007, where it was thoroughly rediscribed in a paper published by the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.

Heteropatric speciation

The importance of behavioral separation as a mechanism for promoting sympatric speciation in a heterogeneous or patchwork landscape is highlighted in John Maynard Smith's seminal paper on sympatric speciation.

Ignaz Kuranda

With the assistance of Minister Nothomb and the author Hendrik Conscience he founded in 1841 the periodical Die Grenzboten; but on account of the obstacles which the Prussian government placed in the way of its circulation in Germany, Kuranda removed the headquarters of the paper to Leipzig, where it soon became an important factor in Austrian politics.

Ingemar Cox

In 1999, he was awarded the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award (Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Area) for a paper he co-authored on watermarking.

Jefferson Smurfit

Smurfit-Stone Container, an American-based paperboard and paper-based packaging company

John Busby

In June 1825 Busby made an interesting report on the state of the water-supply of Sydney, and suggested that a supply could be drawn from "the large lagoon in the vicinity of the paper mill" to a reservoir in Hyde Park from which it would be distributed throughout the city by pipes.

Kara Lindsay

In 2009, Lindsay appeared as Laura in a musical-theatre production at the Paper Mill Playhouse of Little House on the Prairie with Melissa Gilbert as Ma.

Lloyd Loom

The Lloyd Loom process was invented in 1917 by the American Marshall B. Lloyd, who twisted kraft paper round a metal wire, placed the paper threads on a loom and wove them into what was to become the traditional Lloyd Loom fabric.

Middle-market newspaper

In the United Kingdom, since the demise of Today (1986–95), the only national middle-market papers are the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, distinguishable by their black-top masthead (both use the easy-to-carry tabloid paper size), as opposed to the red-top mastheads of down-market tabloids.


Alan Turing, better known for his work in wartime cryptography and the theory of computing, wrote a paper, The chemical basis of morphogenesis, correctly predicting a chemical mechanism for pattern formation.

Muhammed al-Ahari

During September 2005 he attended the First Alevi-Bektashi Conference in Isparta, Turkey, where he presented a paper on links between Freemasonry and the Bektashi community.

Murupara Branch

The Murupara Branch (incorporating the Kawerau Branch) was a branch railway line from the East Coast Main Trunk at Hawkens Junction near Edgecombe via Kawerau to Murupara; built to serve a new pulp and paper mill havesting the radiata pine trees of the Kaingaroa Forest on the Kaingaroa Plateau in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

National Business Review

Todd Scott has been the managing editor of the paper since 2012.


At its inception, the paper was owned by the Icelandic Baugur Group, with minority stakes held by a number of co-founders, including Morten Lund.

Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church

Paul Baumann of Washington Monthly states: "has earned a reputation for balanced, informed reporting. He does not simply reflect the leanings of the liberal weekly paper that is his primary outlet. Here, that reputation gives credence to much of what Opus Dei members tell him in defending the group's philosophy and practices. In that sense, Allen may be too liberal for his own good."

Panorama Developments Ltd v Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd

Bayne used the Fidelis' paper and represented that he wished to hire a number of Rolls-Royce's and Jaguars for the business while his managing director was away.

Paper cup

Dixie Cup is the brand name for a line of disposable paper cups that were first developed in the United States in 1907 by Lawrence Luellen, a lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts, who was concerned about germs being spread by people sharing glasses or dippers at public supplies of drinking water.

Peter Spier

Like other children's illustrators such as Beatrix Potter or Christopher Wormell, Peter Spier demonstrates his talent and skills as an artist/illustrator using pen, ink and watercolour on paper.

Polly Thayer Starr

Increasingly aware of the fragility of her vision, she concentrated on lavish pastels of gladiolas with their bees and an increasingly abstract sequence of cyclamen flowers drawn in chalk on black paper with touches of color, as well as delicate series of graphite drawings based on the life cycle of the thistle.

Ragnar Frisch

The Frisch Medal, so named in his honor, is given every two years for the best paper published in the aforementioned Econometrica in the previous five years.

San Francisco Herald

Kimberlye Gold has interviewed many prominent figures for the paper, including ex-Rolling Stone editor Ben Fong-Torres, actor/comedian Richard Lewis, comedian Margaret Cho, 1970s band Bad Company and 1980s band Berlin.

Simeon Ivanov

In February 2012, Ivanov was close to signing with A PFG club Vidima Rakovski, but eventually put pen to paper on a contract with second division side Akademik Sofia.

South County Newspapers

The South County paper covers South Kingstown (including the villages of Kingston, Peace Dale and Wakefield), Narragansett and Charlestown, Rhode Island.

Spin Aqua

The band debuted with the single Unchained, which was followed up with Spin Aqua's first concert was held in December at the Tokyo Bay NK Hall at the Devilock '02 concert. This single was followed up five months later with Mermaid and then three months after, the single PAPER MOON.

The Sarai Programme at CSDS

Partha Chatterjee et al., Published by the Social Science Research Council, New York, 2002 as part of the "SSRC Working paper series" on 'Building Intellectual Capacity for the 21st Century'.

The Saturday Night Armistice

Along with sketches, there were also a number of humorous set-ups, such as Armando tricking O. J. Simpson into autographing a folded piece of paper stating "I DID IT" or sending a bus of Princess Diana-lookalikes to take photographs of News International journalists leaving their office.

The Talking Animals

#"The Strange Case of Frank Cash and the Morning Paper" (Burnett, Tonio K) – 5:25

Viesturs Koziols

The paper had a strong connection with the ongoing Latvian independence movement; Viesturs Koziols actively joined it.