
unusual facts about Pear

European Pear

10% Beurré Bosc (France, also known as Kaiser Alexander, a winter pear commonly called just Bosc or Kaiser)

Aaron's beard

Opuntia leucotricha (Arborescent Prickly Pear, Aaron's Beard Cactus)

Acklins ground iguana

Like all Cyclura species the Acklins ground iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as seaside rock shrub (Rachicallis americana), and erect prickly pear (Opuntia stricta).

Barnards Green

The centre of Barnard's Green is marked by the Twelve Apostles Island, a pear-shaped traffic roundabout in the central shopping area with its Art Deco style memorial bus shelter, and the nearby Hand of Peace sculpture in Portland stone by artist Rose Garrard.

Charles Mason Hovey

Hovey collected cultivars of pear, apple, plum and grape, also cultivating florist and ornamental plants, with a particular fondness for Camellia and Chrysanthemum.

Cyclura rileyi cristata

Like all Cyclura species the White Cay iguana is primarily herbivorous, 95% of which from consuming leaves, flowers and fruits from 7 different plant species such as Seaside Rock Shrub (Rachicallis americana), and Erect Prickly Pear (Opuntia stricta).

Emory Peak

High-desert flora and fauna including alligator juniper (Juniperus deppeana), pinyon pine (Pinus cembroides), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), prickly pear cacti (Opuntia spp.), Mexican Jay (Aphelocoma wollweberi), sotol (Dasylirion leiophyllum), and Texas madrone (Arbutus xalapensis) may be seen along the trail.

Five Men of the Pear Chamber

The Five Men of the Pear Chamber (梨壺の五人 Nashitsubo no gonin) are a group of Heian period Japanese poets and scholars who cooperated in the compilation of the Gosen Wakashū.

John Thomas Dunlop

Dunlop was born in the northern California town of Placerville, 45 miles east of Sacramento, where his family owned a pear ranch.

Largo David Alves

Camilo met with intellectuals and people with social notability, such as the father of Eça de Queirós, José Maria d'Almeida Teixeira de Queirós, judge and pear of the kingdom, Alexandre Herculano, António Feliciano de Castilho, the Povoan playwright and poet Francisco Gomes de Amorim and his personal friend Almeida Garrett, and other notable people.

Leucoptera malifoliella

The Pear Leaf Blister Moth, Ribbed Apple Leaf Miner or Apple Leaf Miner (Leucoptera malifoliella) is a moth of the Lyonetiidae family that can be found in all of Europe.

Lotus effect

Superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties can also easily be demonstrated in many other plants, for example Tropaeolum (nasturtium), Opuntia (prickly pear), Alchemilla, cane, and on the wings of certain insects.

Mary Roscoe

In 2000 she formed Roscoe Productions - their inaugural production Hell Is Other People premiered that year at the Red Pear Theatre in Antibes.


Chayote or mirliton (French Creole - also mirleton), a pear-shaped vegetable or its vine


Pyrus pyrifolia (Nashi pear), a fruit that grows largely in East Asia

Ngome Forest

Trees here grow up to 30m tall and include Yellowwoods (Afrocarpus falcatus and Podocarpus latifolius), Natal Hard Pear (Olinia radiata), Forest Waterberry (Syzygium gerrardii), Bastard Stinkwood (Ocotea kenyensis), Terblanz Beech (Faurea macnaughtonii) and Green Hazel (Trichocladus grandifloris).

O. fragilis

Opuntia fragilis, the brittle prickly pear or little prickly pear, a cactus species native to much of North America

Opuntia fragilis

Opuntia fragilis, known by the common names brittle prickly pear and little prickly pear, is a prickly pear cactus native to much of North America.

Pear language

"Pear" is a pejorative term for the historical slave caste of the Khmer, but nonetheless is the usual term in the literature.

Pear tomato

In 1944 the Sun Journal featured a piece called named "Dwarf Tomatoes" written by Dean Halliday, which discussed pear tomatoes.

Pineapple gall adelgid

The Adelgid (genus Adelges) are pear-shaped, soft-bodied green insects with long antennae, closely related to the aphid.

Potter Valley, California

Potter Valley is a rich agricultural region, with excellent soils, planted mostly in irrigated pasture, wine grapes, and pears, but supporting a wide variety of farms and ranches.

Prickly pear

Opuntia, a genus of cacti producing a fruit known as the prickly pear

Pyrus pyrifolia

In the South Korean city of Naju, there is a museum called The Naju Pear Museum and Pear Orchard for Tourists (나주 배 박물관 및 배밭 관광체험).

Red-capped Parrot

Marri seeds are the preferred diet, but birds also extract seeds from Karri (Eucalyptus marginata), woody pear (Xylomelum), Grevillea, Hakea, and She-oak (Casuarina), as well as insects such as psyllids, and even orchard fruit such as apples and pears.

Robots and Avatars

The project includes contributions by a diverse range of experts, professionals and specialists working with robots and avatars including Professor Noel Sharkey (Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and Professor of Public Engagement University of Sheffield), Pear Urishima (Apple), Ghislaine Boddington from body>data>space and Derek Richards from Hi8us South.

Roger D. Nelson

Until his retirement in 2002, he served as the coordinator of experimental work in the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR), directed by Robert Jahn in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering/Applied Science, Princeton University.

Rotherham Real Ale and Music Festival

The event was hosted at the Magna Centre, Rotherham and featured a selection of 230 different varieties of Real Ale as well as 80 different types of Cider, Wine, Perry (Pear Cider) and Lager.

San Jose scale

By 1890 it had spread over the greater part of California, but was not recognized east of the Rocky Mountains until August, 1893, when it was found by Howard on a pear received from Charlottesville, Virginia.


The hybrid, known as the Bollwiller Pear, first arose at Bollwiller in Alsace, France, before 1619, and has mostly been propagated by grafting since then; it is nearly sterile, only rarely producing any viable seeds.


Economy for this town is based on agricultural activities and the main crops are (Apple, Cherry, Pear, Peach and Apricot).


Sporocysts are 2 broad pear-shaped bodies with a Stieda body and a prominent substeidal body at the narrow pole.

Strychnos ignatia

The fruit of Strychnos ignatii is the size and shape of a pear, and has almond-like seeds known as Saint Ignatius' beans.

Syneta albida

It feeds on the leaves of various deciduous trees: Quince (Cydonia), plum (Prunus), pear (Pyrus) and currant (Ribes).


The Nahuatl symbols of his name are found in the Mexican flag: Tetl, the rock, and Nochtli, the prickly pear cactus.


The Tequesta gathered many plant foods, including saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) berries, cocoplums (Chrysobalanus icaco), sea grapes (Coccoloba uvifera), prickly pear (nopal) fruits (Opuntia spp.), gopher apples (Licania micbauxii), pigeon plums (Cocoloba diversifolia), palm nuts, false mastic seeds, cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), and hog plum (Ximenia americana).

The Maul and the Pear Tree

The Maul and the Pear Tree: The Ratcliffe Highway Murders, 1811 is a true crime book by British historian T. A. Critchley and mystery writer P. D. James about the Ratcliff Highway murders, published in 1971.

Usedom Botanical Gardens, Mellenthin

Kitchen Garden - fruit trees and bushes including apple (Malus), pear (Pyrus), cherry (Prunus cerasus), and peach (Prunus persica), as well as a small vineyard with a variety of grapes (Vitis) and hedges of Lonicera xylosteum and Humulus lupulus.


World Apple and Pear Association, an industry body representing major apple and pear producing countries globally


The zapisi (plural) are chosen from large trees, primarily oaks, but also elms, ashes, beeches, pear trees, and hazels.

Zophodia analamprella

In the early summer, the larvae attack the flower buds, flowers, young fruit, and young growth of Opuntia species, while in the late summer and autumn they are predacious on cochineal mealy bugs of the Dactylopius genus, which feed on prickly pear.

see also